Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth/Act 5 Scene 4

Scena Quarta.

Enter Hostesse Quickly, Dol Teare-sheete,and Beadles.
Hostesse. No, thou arrant knaue: I would I might dy,that I might haue thee hang'd: Thou hast drawne myshoulder out of ioynt.
Off. The Constables haue deliuer'd her ouer to mee:and shee shall haue Whipping cheere enough, I warranther. There hath beene a man or two (lately) kill'd abouther.
Dol. Nut-hooke, nut-hooke, you Lye: Come on, Iletell thee what, thou damn'd Tripe-visag'd Rascall, if theChilde I now go with, do miscarrie, thou had'st betterthou had'st strooke thy Mother, thou Paper-fac'd Villaine.
Host. O that Sir Iohn were come, hee would makethis a bloody day to some body. But I would the Fruiteof her Wombe might miscarry.
Officer. If it do, you shall haue a dozen of Cushionsagaine, you haue but eleuen now. Come, I charge youboth go with me: for the man is dead, that you and Pi-stoll beate among you.
Dol. Ile tell thee what, thou thin man in a Censor; Iwill haue you as soundly swindg'd for this, you blew-Bottel'dRogue: you filthy famish'd Correctioner, if yoube not swing'd, Ile forsweare halfe Kirtles.
Off. Come, come, you shee-Knight-arrant, come.
Host. O, that right should thus o'recome might. Welof sufferance, comes ease.
Dol. Come you Rogue, come:Bring me to a Iustice.
Host. Yes, come you staru'd Blood-hound.
Dol. Goodman death, goodman Bones.
Host. Thou Anatomy, thou.
Dol. Come you thinne Thing:Come you Rascall.
Exeunt.Off. Very well.