Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/The Two Gentlemen of Verona/Act 5 Scene 3
Scena Tertia.
Siluia, Out-lawes.
1.Out. Come, come be patient: We must bring you to our Captaine.
Sil. A thousand more mischances then this oneHaue learn'd me how to brooke this patiently.
2 Out. Come, bring her away.
1 Out. Where is the Gentleman that was with her?
3 Out. Being nimble footed, he hath out-run vs.But Moyses and Valerius follow him:Goe thou with her to the West end of the wood,There is our Captaine: Wee'll follow him that's fled,The Thicket is beset, he cannot scape.
1 Out. Come, I must bring you to our Captains caue.Feare not: he beares an honourable minde,And will not vse a woman lawlesly.
Sil. O Valentine: this I endure for thee.Exeunt.