Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead & Other Songs of the Street/Appreciation

Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead & Other Songs of the Street
by James Percival Haverson
Some More Sonnets
1632935Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead & Other Songs of the Street — Some More SonnetsJames Percival Haverson


I heard a piker grouchin' yesterday
'Cause they was shy on beauty in this town.
I guess he's never watched the sun go down
Strikin' some high white buildin' on its way
Just like a reg'lar spotlight in a play,
An' leavin' all the rest a deep, dark brown
With big black shadows hangin' all aroun',
Just servin' notice Night had come to stay.
That rummy owns a bang-up auto car,
His house is like a mansion in the skies,
An' he was puffin' at a big cigar;
You'd think a guy like him could use his eyes
An' kind of frame things up the way they are;
He shouldn't need a kid to put him wise.