Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead & Other Songs of the Street/Sorehead Sonnet Sixteen

Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead & Other Songs of the Street
by James Percival Haverson
Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead
1632934Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead & Other Songs of the Street — Sour Sonnets of a SoreheadJames Percival Haverson

Sorehead Sonnet Sixteen

I've switched that dippy dope I smoked before,
That pipe I used to puff gives me a pain;
The storm is off, it isn't goin' to rain—
The girl an' me is swappin' smiles once more.
It ain't no wonder she was feelin' sore,
An' that she had me labelled, "Bugs, insane."
I'm mighty glad she's spoke to me again,
An' you can bet me hardluck flag is tore—
If I take back that doleful dope I've wrote,
She says, the scrap is off an' peace is patched;
She's ruled me grouch ain't old enough to vote,
That chickens doesn't count till they is hatched—
I'm wise me pen was bent, I was the goat,
An' after this that Sorehead plug is scratched.