St. Nicholas/Volume 32/Number 5/Typewriter Family

St. Nicholas, Volume 32, Number 5 (1905)
edited by Mary Mapes Dodge
The Typewriter Family
by L. H. Hammond, illustrated by Nanita MacDonell
4154521St. Nicholas, Volume 32, Number 5 — The Typewriter FamilyL. H. Hammond

The Typewriter Family

(With illustrations made on a typewriter by Nanita MacDonell.)

“Miss Molly”

By L. H. Hammond.


“The Baby”

Miss Molly Typewriter sits at her desk
From morning till afternoon,
While her baby sister remains at home
And plays with her spools and spoon.

Papa adds figures in dizzy rows
Beneath an electric light,
And mama darns stockings at heels and toes—
A truly appalling sight!

For the Typewriter boys are athletes both,
And famous with bat and ball;
And a fellow can't always think of his clothes,
Or wrestle and never fall.


“The Boys.”

These Typewriter people, one and all,
Are cheerful and busy too;
For they work and they play as hard as they can—
As I hope that you also do!