St. Nicholas (1904–1905)
edited by Mary Mapes Dodge
Volume 32
3859606St. Nicholas — Volume 32Mary Mapes Dodge



Illustrated Magazine

For Young Folks.

conducted by



Part I—November, 1904, TO April, 1905.



Copyright 1905, by The Century Co.

The De Vinne Press.




Six Months—November, 1904, to April, 1905.


Acrobat’s Lament, An. Verse. (Illustrated by Albertine Randall Wheelan) Carolyn Wells 436
Adventure with a Giant Catfish, An. (Illustrated by J. Carter Beard) C. F. Holder 529
Alaskan Journey with Reindeer, An. (Illustrated by W. K. Stone and
Cornelia Hickman 353
All Right, Rover! Picture, drawn by Victor Perard 437
Always Happy. Verse. (Illustrated by F. W. Read) John Kendrick Bangs 257
Barry. Verse. (Illustrated by W. Benda) Mary Rowles Jarvis 291
Bear Cubs, The. Verse. (Illustrated hy the Author). G. A. Newcomb, Jr. 221
Beau, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 59
Better Part of Valor, The. Verse. (Illustrated by John R. Shaver) Carolyn Wells 41
Between the Acts at the Christmas Pantomime. Picture drawn by Rose Mueller Sprague 190
Bit of Gossip, A. Picture, drawn by E. Warde Blaisdell 326
“Blue Ribbon Girl,” A. Picture, drawn by C. M. Relyea 10
Borrowed Trouble. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 237
Boy’s Room, Fitting Up a. (Illustrated by the Author) Joseph H. Adams 155
California Burglar, An Old-Time. (Illustrated by John R. Bacon) Joaquin Miller 137
Candy Land, In. Verse. (Illustrated by G. B. Fox) Emilie Poulsson 550
Capitalist, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 513
Carpentry. (Illustrated by the Author) Joseph H. Adams 42
Carrier Pigeon; Little Pete, A. (Illustrated) Ross B. Franklin 120
Catfish, An Adventure with a Giant. (Illustrated by J. Carter Beard) C. F. Holder 529
Cecily’s Easter Hat. (Illustrated) Temple Bailey 520
Chancellor’s Last Cigar, The. (Illustrated by W. Benda) Frank E. Channon 134
Charades. Verse C. W. 441
Childhood Reasoning. 295
Child in the Glass, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Mary Sigsbee Kerr 70
Child Life in China and Japan. (Illustrated) Bertha Runkle 228
Christmas at Lonesome Ranch. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Anna E. S. Droke 258
Christmas Eve—Santa Claus’s Rival. Picture, drawn by C. M. Relyea 165
Circus-time. Pictures, drawn by Georg Stoopendaal 524
Circus-time Thoughts. Pictures 453
Comfort. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 429
Composition on an Apple, A. (Illustrated by Willard Bonte) H. B. M. Tasker 54
Critic, The. Verse, (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 236
Day After Thanksgiving, The. Picture, drawn by John Richards 71
Début of “Dan’l, Webster,” The. (Illustrated by George Varian) Isabel Gordon Curtis 63
Diplomacy. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 57
Elephant’s Stocking, The. Picture, drawn by Dan Beard 238
Elephant-training by a Girl. (Illustrated from photographs) John Z. Rogers 499
Eleven Promising Candidates. Picture, drawn by S. B. Pearse 16
Fandango, A Little. Picture. 528
First Reader, In the. Verse, (Illustrated by Alice Sargent) Malcolm Douglas 71
Fitting Up a Boy’s Room. (Illustrated by the Author) Joseph H. Adams 155
Foot-ball Candidates. Picture, drawn by S. B. Pearse 16
Foot-ball Scrimmage, A. Picture, drawn by Gertrude Farrington. 94
Founding of the B. A., The. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Anna Parmly Paret 309
Fox who Knew all about Traps, The. (Illustrated by Bruce Horsfall) Dane Coolidge 111
Frolic on the Ice, A. Picture, drawn by John Bolles 344
Girl Who Trains Elephants, A. (Illustrated from photographs) John Z. Rogers 499
Goal, From the Field, A. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Leslie W. Quirk 11
Great Horned Owl, The. (Illustrated from photographs by the Author) Silas A. Lottridge 531
Half-yearly Call, The Usual, Picture, drawn by H. C. Wall 119
Hetty Macdonald’s Birthday Party. (Illustrated by C. D. Williams). Elizabeth Elliot 339
Hominy Hot! (Illustrated by C. T. Hill) Jessie C. Glasier 437
Hoople-time, Picture 528
Household Conveniences. (Illustrated by the Author). Joseph H. Adams 334
How Ernest Saves the Herd. (Illustrated by I. W. Taber) Wilder Grahame 483
How the King Chose his Wife. Verse. (Illustrated by Margaret E. Webb) Adele Barney Wilson 317
How To Study Pictures. (Illustrated) Charles H. Caffin
Introduction. 23
Cimabue and Giotto 24
Botticelli and Memling 28
Da Vinci and Dürer 128
Raphael and Wohlgemuth 129
Titian and Holbein 210
Correggio and Michelangelo 210
Rubens and Velasquez 321
Van Dyck and Frans Hals 405
Rembrandt and Murillo 514
Hush, Everybody! Picture, drawn by G. Shorey. 455
Ice-boats, Snow-shoes, etc. (Illustrated by the Author) Joseph H. Adams 249
Ichthvosaunus, The. Verse. (Illustrated) 528
Industrious Poet, An. Verse. (Illustrated. by R. B. Birch) 528
Italy’s Royal Family. (Illustrated from photographs) Felicia Buttz Clark 401
“I Wonder who the Forty-seventh Person will be!” Picture drawn by Ethel A. Jackson 9
Jemima. Verse. (Illustrated by George A. Harker). Carolyn S. Bailey 164
Jingles 57, 58, 59, 70, 140, 153, 221, 235, 236, 237,
296, 427, 428, 429, 488, 512, 513, 528, 549
Judgement of Ali, The. (Illustrated) Edward W. Very 502
Kalista Wisefellow. Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Mary C. Dillon 449, 545
Kibun Daizen. (Illustrated by George Varian) Gensai Murai 60
Kitty with a Hole in her Stocking. Picture, drawn by M. Downing 454
Last Little Bird, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Olive Rush) Ella S. Sargent 22
Lateness Of Prudence, The. (Illustrated by George Varian) Carroll Watson Rankin 221
Little Bird, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Olive Rush) Stella George Stern 549
Little Brother of Loo-lee Loo, The. (Illustrated by Jessie McD. Walcott) Margaret Johnson 17
Little Coquette and the Emperor, The. (Illustrated by W. Benda) Albert Morris Baghy 440
Little Old Story, The. (Illustrated by George Varian). Grace Macgowan Cooke 526
Little Pete. (Illustrated by George Varian and from photograph) Ross B. Franklin 120
Little X. (Illustrated by Ida Dougherty) Winifred Kirkland 32
Locking-in Of Lisbeth, The. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Temple Bailey. 105
Loo-lee Loo, The Little Brother of. (Illustrated by Jessie McD. Walcott) Margaret Johnson 17
Lost Baby, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Olive Rush) A. B. Crandell 550
Lucy’s Shopping. (Illustrated by Martin Justice) Frances Bent Dillingham 204
Message to Mother Goose, A. Verse. (Illustrated by George Varian) Ellen Manly 122
Metal Work. (IIlustrated by the Author) Joseph H. Adams 442
Miracle, A. Verse, (Illustrated by Caroline C. Peddle) J. H. M. 296
Misery in Company. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 58
Misfit Spectacles. Verse. Alwin West 295
Miss Polly. Verse. (Illustrated by A. L. Learned) Stella George Stern 488
Money-jug, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Katharine Pyle 238
Mrs. Tubbs’s Telegram. A Play. Katharine McDowell Rice 344
Nature-Study. Verse, (Illustrated by the Author) Margaret Johnson 153
Officer of the School, An. (Illustrated by Wm. L. Jacobs) Elliott Flower 240
Old-time California Burglar, An. (Illustrated by John R. Bacon) Joaquin Miller 137
Order of the Smiling Face, The. Verse. (Illustrated) Lucy Foster 53
Owl, The Great Horned. (Illustrated from photographs by the Author) Silas A. Lottridge 531
Pair of Gloves, A. (Illustrated by Albertine Randall Wheelan) H. G. Duryée 116
Papa’s Way of Spelling. Verse. Ida L. McIntosh 53
Penny a Day, A. Verse. John Bennett 454
Pictures 9, 10, 16, 56, 71, 94, 119, 165, 166, 167, 190,
220, 238, 326, 344, 352, 382, 426, 437,
453, 454, 455, 519, 524, 528, 530, 545
Pinkey Perkins. (Illustrated by George Varian) Captain Harold Hammond, U.S.A.
How Pinkey Achieved his Heart’s Desire 327
How Pinkey Got Even 410
How Pinkey was Beaten at his Own Game 505
Plaster Cat, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Valentine Adams 542
Pocket-book, A Strange. (Illustrated by J. Cassel) Mary Caldwell Laurens 226
Polly's Presence of Mind. (Illustrated) Annabel Lee 431
Practical Boy, The. (Illustrated by the Author and others) Joseph H. Adams
Carpentry. (Illustrated by the Author) 42
Fitting Up a Boy’s Room. (Illustrated by the Author) 155
Ice-boats, Snow-shoes, Skate-sails,and Sleds. (Illustrated by the Author) 249
Household Conveniences. (Illustrated by the Author). 334
Metal Work. (Illustrated by the Author) 442
Windmills and Weather-vanes 536
Queen Zixi of Ix. (Illustrated by Frederick Richardson) L. Frank Baum 1, 97,
193, 297, 387, 483
Question, A. Verse, (Illustrated by A. E. Learned) Ellen Manly 248
Question of “Heighth," A. Grace Fraser 528
Real Cause of the Coal Strike, The. Mattie Griffith Satterie 544
Reindeer, An Alaskan Journey with. (Illustrated by W. K. Stone and
Cornelia Hickman 353
Reserve Fund, The. (Illustrated by C. D. Williams and others) Belle Moses 420
Riddle, A. Verse. M. M. D. 110
Road, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 236
Roller-skate Time in Kittenville. Picture, drawn by David Ericson 545
Roman Boy’s Birthday, A. (Illustrated by George Varian) Bertha E. Bush 38
Royal Family of Italy. (Illustrated from photographs) Felicia Buttz Clark 401
Sailing. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 512
Salamander, A. (Illustrated) Frank E. Channon 430
Santa Claus’s Rival. Picture, drawn by C. M. Relyea 165
Scott’s Best Compliment, Sir Walter. (Illustrated) Sally Campbell 497
Seeing Fairyland. Picture, drawn by Albertine Randall Wheelan 220
Shearing, The. Verse. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Nancy Byrd Turner 486
Shut-eye Town. Pictures, drawn by S. B. Pearse 166
Squareness of Neil Morris, The. (Illustrated by C. D. Williams) Henry Gardener Hunting 141
Strange Pocket-book, A. (Illustrated by J. Cassel) Mary Caldwell Laurens 226
Swedie. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) N. de Bertrand Lugrin 422
Teacher Taught, The. Edwin J. Prindle 295
Thankgiving, The Day After. Picture, drawn by John Richards 71
Three Guardsmen, The. Picture 519
Thrilling Fact, A. Verse. (Illustrated by Georg Stoopendaal) Jane Ellis Joy 219
Tiny Burglar, A. Picture, drawn by John Richards 426
Triumph of “Dutchy,” The. (Illustrated by Howard Giles). J. Sherman Potter 201
Trouble in the Doll’s House. Verse. (Illustrated by Margaret Ely Webb). Ellen Manly 153
Twins. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 427
Two Knights, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 428
Two Sides of the Hedge. Pictures, drawn by Fred Richardson 352
Typewriter Family, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Nanita MacDonell) L. H. Hammond 419
Washington Letter, A. (See “The Founding of the B. A.”) Anna Parmly Paret 309
“What Ho, There!” Picture, drawn by Lester Ralph 56
What is Worth Doing at All is Worth Doing Well. Picture, drawn by Anne Goldthwaite 530
What Walter Saw in the Fire. (Illustrated by Olive Rush) Henry Holcomb Bennett 358
When Mother Reads Aloud. Verse. (Illustrated by Urquhart Wilcox) Hannah G. Fernald 52
When the Ice Came Down. (Illustrated by George Varian) Agnes Louise Provost 387
Wild-animal Farm, A. (Illustrated from photographs) Francis Arnold Collins 432
Windmills and Weather-vanes. (Illustrated by the Author) Joseph H. Adams 536
Winter Queen, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 140
Woodchuck, The. (Illustrated from photographs by the Author) Silas A. Lottridge 305
Yankee Doodle and Miss Columbia. (Illustrated from Photographs) Com. Robert E. Peary 148


“Weaving the Magic Cloak,” by Frederick Richardson, facing page 1“Over the Youth’s Arm Lay Folded the Magic Cloak,” by Frederick Richardson, facing page 97”“Then Let the Lord High Executioner Step Forward,” by Frederick Richardson, facing page 193“Skating with Teacher,” by H. C. Wall, facing page 290“The Ice-jam at the Bridge,” by George Varian, 538—“Desperate Men They Were, and Only Desperate Riding Could Save Them,” by I. W. Taber, 660.

Mrs. Tubbs’s Telegram. Katharine McDowell Rice 344


St. Nicholas League. (Illustrated) 80, 176, 272, 368, 464, 560
Nature and Science. (Illustrated) 72, 168, 264, 360, 456, 552
Books and Reading. (Illustrated) 92, 188, 284, 382, 476, 572
The Letter box. (Illustrated) 286, 478 , 574
The Riddle Box. (Illustrated) 95, 191, 287, 383, 479, 575
Editorial Notes. 94, 190, 286, 382



Illustrated Magazine

For Young Folks.

conducted by



Part II—May, 1905, TO OCTOBER, 1905.



Copyright 1905, by The Century Co.

The De Vinne Press.




Six Months—May, 1905, to October, 1905.


After Burgoyne’s Surrender. (Illustrated) Klyda Richardson Steege 1122
Ambidextrous Artist, The. Picture, drawn by E. W. Kemble 795
“Among Those Present.” Pictures 832
Animal Pets on Shipboard. (Illustrated) E. W. Sturdy 816
Apples and Aches. Verse Charles Love Benjamin 967
Architecture, A Little Talk about. (Illustrated) Lucia Ames Mead 985
August Morning, An. Picture. drawn by John Bolles 878
Autumn—and Springtime. Picture, drawn by Charles C. Curran 1072
Baby Moon, The. Verse Anna H. Branch 1093
Bat, The. (Illustrated) H. P. 604
Bears, Two Funny French. (Illustrated by the Author) Meredith Nugent 602
Bedtime Picture-book, The. Picture, from a painting by Madame Elisa Koch 870
Bees as Despatch-bearers. (Illustrated by the Author) James C. Beard 929
Birthday of Virginia, The. (Illustrated by W. L. Jacobs) Empeigh Merwin 583
“Bismarck”: A Great Dane (Illustrated from photographs) A. W. Dimock 740
Bluebird, The. (Illustrated from photographs by the Author) Silas A. Lottridge 610
Bobby is Going to a Party. Picture, drawn by H. G. Wall 993
Boy that Blows the Bugle, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Katharine N. Richardson) Joseph B. Gilder 879
Brooklyn Bridge, A June Evening on the. Picture, drawn by A. B. Doggett 739
Burgoyne’s Surrender, After. (Illustrated) Klyda Richardson Steege 1122
Buttons and Button-holes. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Ruth Kimball Gardiner 1110
By the Sea in August Weather. Verse. (Illustrated by H. R. Cort and A. G. Learned) Margaret Hamilton 906
Caddy, A. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Bess Goe Willis 680
Candy Pull at Sea, A. (Illustrated) C. W. K. 620
Candy Store, The. Picture, drawn by Anna B. Craig 1029
Change of Crafts, A. (Illustrated by George Varian) Richard W. Child 961
Children’s Celebration of Hallowe’en, A. (Illustrated from photographs) Isabel Gordon Curtis 1124
Chimney-swift’s Nest, A. (Illustrated from a photograph by the Author) Russell M. Coryell 1019
Chuckie Wuckie Stories. (Illustrated by Albertine Randall Wheelan) Isabel Gordon Curtis 838, 934, 1030
Commodore’s Cup, The. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) William B. McCormick 865
Corner Cupboard, The. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Margaret Johnson 777
Costume-party, A. Pictures 832
Court News. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 893
Cow Account, A. Verse. (Illustrated) Charles Love Benjamin 967
Daisy-field, A Fourth of July Morning in the. Photograph 775
Difference, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Bess Goe Willis) Caroline McCormick 1028
Difficult Subject, A. Picture, drawn by E. Warde Blaisdell 929
Dodge, Mary Mapes, In Memory of. (Illustrated) William Fayal Clarke 1059
Edgar’s “Sissy” Job that Paid. (Illustrated) Louise J. Strong 894
Elephant and his School, The. Verse. (Illustrated by David Ericson) Ellen V. Talbot 1020
Elf’s Electric Fan, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Peter Newell 1027
Fairyland Bellman, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Margaret Ely Webb 624
Feeding The, Chickens. (IIlustrated) Stella George Stern 933
First Aid to the Injured Dr. Emma E. Walker
Burns 634
Fractures 697
Drowning 830
Sunstroke 927
Poisons 1021
Wounds and Hemorrhages 1103
First Voyage of “The Brotherly Love,” The. (Illustrated by W. L. Jacobs) Elizabeth Hill 675
Fisher-boy of the Euphrates, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Jessie McDermott Walcott) Margaret Johnson 717
Flicker Family, Photographing A. (Illustrated from photographs by Herman Bohlman) William Levelt Finley 802
Flower Names. (“How Some Flowers Got their Names”) E. R. H. 725
Foolish Elizabethans, The. Verse. (Illustrated by R. B. Birch) Carolyn Wells 700
Fourth of July Morning in the Daisy-field, A. Photograph 776
Friend with Brass Buttons, The. (Illustrated by Albertine Randall Wheelan) Gordon Curtis 1030
Frolicsome Playfellow, A. Poem. George Bancroft Griffith 739
Good Samaritan, The Little. (Illustrated by the Author) Meredith Nugent 1081
Goose Girl, The. Verse, (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 810
Great White Horse, The Story of the. Julian Ralph 898
Gunda. (Illustrated from photographs) Helen D. van Eaton 1090
Gunners, The. Verse, (Illustrated by C. M. Rogers) 1083
Hallowe’en, A Children’s Celebration of. (Illustrated from photographs) Isabel Gordon Curtis 1124
Hallowe’en Procession, A. Picture, drawn by S. B. Pearse 1127
Handsome is as Handsome Does. Verse. (illustrated by A. G. Learned) 613
Her-Very Own. (Illustrated from a photograph) Florence A. Pardee 820
His Caddy. Verse, (Illustrated by the Author) Bess Goe Willis 680
Hole in the Canna-bed, The. (Illustrated by Albertine Randall Wheelan) Gordon Curtis 934
Home Sketches. Pictures, drawn by Rose Mueller Sprague 1012
Honey-bee. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 811
How Some Flowers Got Their Names. (Illustrated) E. B. H. 725
How Teddy Saw the King. (Illustrated by George Varian) Dorothy Brooks 771
How They Celebrated. Verse. (Illustrated) Edwin L. Sabin 837
How to Study Pictures. (Illustrated) Charles H. Caffin.
Hobbema and Claude Lorrain. 614
Reynolds and Gainsborough. 683
Constable and Turner. 806
Breton and Millet. 902
Fortuny and Von Piloty. 998
Whistler and Sargent. 1094
If I Were Queen. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 1099
“I Know a Very Ancient Game.” Verse. (Illustrated by Geo. R. Halm) E. E. Sterns 601
“I Love You” Story, The. (Illustrated by Albertine Randall Wheelan) Isabel Gordon Curtis 838
Impudent Guinea-pig, The. Charles F. Lummis 908
In 1905. Picture, drawn by C. T. Hill 636
Indian Stories, (“Stories Told by Indians”) Julian Ralph 898
In Merry England. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 618
In the World Without a Sun. (Illustrated by I. W. Taber) H. S. Canfield 588
Jeremy and Josephine. Verse. Laura B. Richards 1121
Jingles. 601, 613, 617, 618, 619, 637, 696,
743, 810, 811, 820, 879, 892, 893,
910, 920, 925, 967, 1002, 1027
Johnny and the Parrot. (Illustrated) S. G. S. 945
June Evening on the Brooklyn Bridge, A. Picture, drawn by A. B. Doggett 739
Katista Wisefellow. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Mary Dillon 644
Little Good Samaritan, The. (Illustrated by the Author) Meredith Nugent 1081
M. M. D. Verse. R. W. Gilder 1071
M. M. D. Verse. Josephine Daskam Bacon 1071
Maiden and the Crab, The. Verse. (Illustrated by L. Heustis) Stephen Blair 925
Maids and the Motto, The. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Margaret Johnson 968
Mary and her Garden. Verse. (Illustrated by Katharine Gassaway) 920
Mary Mapes Dodge, In Memory of. (Illustrated) William Fayal Clarke 1059
May-day Party, A. Picture, drawn by C. M. Relyea 600
Messenger, A. Verse. L. S. 909
Mother’s Burdens, A. Picture 1098
Mud-pies. Verse. (Illustrated by Florence E. Storer) Carolyn Wells 785
Nan-ab-beju, The Story of. (Illustrated) Julian Ralph 900
Narrow Escape, A. (Illustrated) H. A. Johnson 931
Nature-lesson, A. Verse. (Illustrated) Carolyn Wells 1102
New Doll, The. Verse. (Illustrated) M. M. D. 820
New Man, The. Picture, drawn by E. Warde Blaisdell 975
Nile-green Collar, The Quest of a. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Carroll Watson Rankin 889
Nocturnal Sailor, A. (Illustrated) Meredith Nugent 932
Nonsense Rhyme. (Illustrated) 910
Old Widow and her Cat, The. (Illustrated) H. Maria George 911
One Day in the Country. Picture, drawn by Florence E. Storer 696
On the Hillside. Picture, drawn by Bessie Collins Pease 881
On the Hillside. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) F. S. Gardiner 880
Optical Illusion, An. (Illustrated by James Carter Beard) B. J. C. 926
Our Friends, the Trees. (Illustrated from photographs) Edwin W. Foster. 577, 703, 812
Owl and the Pussy-cat, The. Picture, drawn by C. T. Hill 1002
Panama Canal, A Little Talk About the. (Illustrated) Walter Renyon 1100
Paper-dolls. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Ruth Ingraham 637
Paying the Doctor’s Bill. Picture, drawn by Albert B. Blashfield 989
Pencil Bewitched, The. (Illustrated) Benjamin Webster 702
Photographing a Flicker Family. (Illustrated from photographs by Herman T. Bohlman) William Levelt Finley 802
Photographing a Wild Fox. (Illustrated from photographs by the Author). Silas A. Lottridge 721
Pictures 600, 636, 696, 702, 732, 739, 776, 795, 827,
829, 832, 833, 870, 876, 877, 878, 929, 975,
989, 993, 1002, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013,
1029, 1072, 1098, 1103, 1121, 1127
Pinkey Perkins: Just a Boy. (Illustrated by George Varian)
Captain Harold Hammond

U. S. A.

How Pinkey Delivered an Address 605
How Pinkey Closed the School Term 733
How Pinkey Celebrated the Glorious Fourth 796
How Pinkey Settled an Old Score 871
How Pinkey Triumphed by Diplomacy 1022
How Pinkey Treated the Public 1084
Plymouth Rock, A Visit to. (Illustrated from photographs) Cornelia Hickman 994
Polly Porter. (Illustrated by C. H. Stevens) Mary Rice Miller 742
Practical Boy, The. (Illustrated) Joseph H. Adams
Boats 639
Tents and Water-wheels 709
Tree-huts 822
Pets’ Shelters 921
Home-made Gymnasium 1014
Electrical Apparatus 1113
Queen Anne Makes her Lace. Picture, drawn by Margaret Ely Webb 829
Queen Zixi of Ix. (Illustrated by Frederick Richardson) L. Frank Baum 593,
688, 786, 882, 975, 1073
Queer Carriers. (Illustrated) Gerrish Eldredge 628
Quest of a Nile-green Collar, The. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Carroll Watson Rankin 889
Ridge’s Triple Play. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Marjorie Allison 681
Silhouettes of the States and Territories. Drawn by H. Bridwell 1010
Sisters, The. Verse. (Illustrated) Stella George Stern 1029
Small Musician, A. Verse. (Illustrated by Penrhyn Stanlaws) Norman W. Gray 925
Solid Old Man of Business, The. Verse. (Illustrated by C. T. Hill) Walter Camp 828
States and Territories in Silhouette. Drawn by H. Bridwell 1010
Stories Told by Indians. (Illustrated) Julian Ralph 898
Sums, Some Simple. Verse. (Illustrated) Charles Love Benjamin 967
Susie and Winnie and the Balloon. (Illustrated by Olive Rush) Alice H. Lovie 625
Swallow’s Revenge, The. (Illustrated) Margaret Watson 793
Tacks on Tea. Verse. (Illustrated) Charles Love Benjamin 967
“The Horseman, the Parson.” Verse. (Illustrated by George R. Halm) E. E. Sterns 601
Thoughts in Church. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 629
Timmie Toole and Willie Wise. Verse Louisa Fletcher Tarkington 1019
Tin-peddler, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 1003
Totsi and the Cherry-bough. Verse. (Illustrated by Jessie McDermott Wolcott) Margaret Johnson 1105
Towser and the Rat. Picture, drawn by L. Hopkins 702
Trees, Our Friends the. (Illustrated from photographs) Edwin W. Foster 577, 703, 812
Twins, The. Verse. (Illustrated by George R. Halm) E. E. Sterns 743
Two Boys and Ten Million Mosquitoes. (Heading by Phillips Ward) Frank J. Stillman 1004
Two Funny French Bears. (Illustrated by the Author) Meredith Nugent 602
Two Little Girls, A Little Story of. Stella George Stern 732
Unfair Advantage, An. Picture, drawn by E. Warde Blaisdell 1103
Vacation in Fairyland. Pictures, drawn by Elise Bohm 702
Valor. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Lucy Fitch Perkins 892
Vandals, The. Verse. (Illustrated by A. G. Learned) Lucy L. Cable 705
Venice. (Illustrated) John Mott 622
Virginia Creeper, A Genuine. Picture, drawn by E. W. Kemble 732
Warbler Ways. (Illustrated from photographs by Herman T. Bohlman) William Lovell Finley 916
Well-taught Lesson, A. Verse. (Illustrated by Katharine N. Richardson) Clara Odell Lyon 879
What Uncle Tom Did. (Illustrated) Elizabeth Price 990
Wheat-fields of California, Scenes from the Great. From photographs 876
When Dick Went to the Race. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Elsie Carmichael 834
When to Cry Mary Elizabeth Stone 878
Where the Revolution was Fought. Picture, drawn by H. L. Bridwell 817
Which Shall be May-queen? Verse. (Illustrated by Isabella M. Davis) 617
White Horse, The Story of the Great. (Illustrated) Julian Ralph 898
Who is It? Verse. (Illustrated by Isabelle M. Davis) Will P. Snyder 699
Wilful Kangaroo, The. Verse. (Illustrated by R. B. Birch) Ellen F. Talbot 632


“Queen Zixi rode out at the head of her army,” by Frederick Richardson, 22—“She ushered Margaret into the room,” by W. L. Jacobs, 144—“How Teddy saw the king,” by George Varian, 266—“Queen Zixi greeted Bud and his sister,” by Frederick Richardson, 386—“We have lost a beautiful cloak,” by Frederick Richardson, 506—Mary Mapes Dodge, from a photograph, page 1058.


St. Nicholas League. (Illustrated) 656, 752, 848, 944, 1040, 1136
Nature and Science. (Illustrated) 648, 744, 840, 936, 1032, 1128
Books and Reading. (Illustrated) 668, 764, 860, 956, 1052, 1148
The Letter box. (Illustrated) 670, 766, 862, 958, 1054, 1150
The Riddle Box. (Illustrated) 671, 767, 863, 959, 1055, 1151
Editorial Notes. 862, 958, 1054, 1150

Numbers month

Number 11904 November
Number 21904 December
Number 31905 January
Number 41905 February
Number 51905 March
Number 61905 April
Number 71905 May
Number 81905 June
Number 91905 July
Number 101905 August
Number 111905 September
Number 121905 October


Title issue