
  • link Article name, as it appears in the text
  • volume
  • number
  • direct_link, dl Can be used when the article name is different from the name in the page title
  • author
  • coauthor
  • authorlink If set to "no", author and coauthor are not linked, and so a different link can be provided (e. g. using the {{al}} template)
  • month
  • p Page (or start page)
  • pp End page (only used if "p" given)
  • section Section of the journal (e.g. "Current Topics")


{{CR link|link=Story of a Czechoslovak Private|volume=2|number=11–12|author=Dimitrij Chaloupka|p=206|pp=213}}
{{CR link|Story of a Czechoslovak Private|2|11–12|Dimitrij Chaloupka|p=206|pp=213}}

both give

{{CR link|Masaryk in America|2|5|Josef Tvrzický|p=65|pp=67}}
{{CR link|What the Sokols Stand For|1|5|Dimitrij Chaloupka|p=1|pp=4}}

For volume=2 up to no. 10 and for volume=1 you get The Bohemian Review as the name of the journal.

{{CR link|Czech Women Real Patriots|2|11–12|[[Author:Olga Garrigue Masaryková-Revilliodová|Olga Masaryk]]|authorlink=no|p=200|pp=203}}

If the journal gives a different name of the author than the author page (for example because the author later changed the name), authorlink can be used to enable to change the link to the author page.

* {{CR link||dl="[[The Czechoslovak Review/Volume 3/Prague Celebrations#President Masaryk arrives in Prague|President Masaryk arrives in Prague, December 22, 1918]]"|3|6}}

If the article’s name is different from the name used in the page title, direct_link or dl can be used. The first parameter (link) has to be left empty.

See also
