The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Amalie, Marie Friederike Auguste

The American Cyclopædia
Amalie, Marie Friederike Auguste

Edition of 1879. See also the disclaimer.

1540195The American Cyclopædia — Amalie, Marie Friederike Auguste

AMALIE, Marie Friederike Auguste, duchess, a German dramatist, eldest sister of King John of Saxony, born in Dresden, Aug. 10, 1794, died in the palace of Pillnitz, Sept. 18, 1870. She wrote two dramas under the name of Amalie Herter (Dresden, 1829-'30). Among her subsequent productions, which are noted for a love of humanity and virtue, her comedies Der Onkel and Die Fürstenbraut became very popular. The latter was performed in Paris under the title Une femme charmante (1840). Others of her plays were also adapted to the French stage. A complete edition of her dramatic works was published in Dresden, for the benefit of the women's association, under the title of Originalbeiträge zur deutschen Schaubühne (6 vols., 1837-'42). A 3d edition of the 1st volume appeared in 1858, and a French version of it (Comédies) at Paris in 1841. Six of her dramas were translated into English by Jameson (London, 1846), and six others anonymously (1848). She composed operas and sacred music.