The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Newport (England)

Edition of 1879. See also Newport, Wales and Newport, Isle of Wight on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1947955The American Cyclopædia — Newport (England)

NEWPORT. I. A municipal and parliamentary borough and market town of Monmouthshire, England, on the right bank of the river Usk, about 5 m. from its mouth, and 20 m. S. W. of Monmouth; pop. in 1871, 27,069. It is largely engaged in ship building, and has several iron founderies, nail works, and manufactories of anchors, chain cables, &c. There is a dock capable of admitting large vessels. In 1872 there entered the port 2,573 British vessels, tonnage 279,159, and 363 foreign vessels, tonnage 91,429; cleared, 8,110 British vessels, tonnage 718,063, and 566 foreign vessels, tonnage 179,868. The imports of foreign and colonial merchandise were valued at £362,245, the exports at £2,233,770; the gross amount of customs duties was £51,374. The town is connected with Gloucester and Cardiff by railway, and with Pontypool by railway and the Monmouthshire canal. Of the castle of Newport, which is supposed to have been built by the earl of Gloucester, a son of Henry I., only a square tower and a part of the great hall remain. In 1839 it was the scene of the chartist insurrection for which John Frost and others were found guilty of high treason and transported for life. II. A municipal and parliamentary borough of Hampshire, England, in the isle of Wight, on the left bank of the river Medina, which is navigable for small vessels, 18 m. S. S. E. of Southampton; pop. in 1871, 8,522. Lace and agricultural implements are manufactured.