The Army and Navy Hymnal/Catholic/To Jesus' Heart All Burning

Albany James ChristieHenry Augustine SmithAloysius SchlörThe Army and Navy Hymnal — To Jesus' Heart All Burning1726462Anonymous

16 Jesus' Heart All Burning
Rev. A. J. Christe, S. J. Traditional Air
  1. To Jesus' Heart all burning With fervent love for men,
    My heart, with fondest yearning, Shall raise its joyful strain.
    While ages course along, Blest be with loudest song,
    The Sacred Heart of Jesus, By every heart and tongue;
    The Sacred Heart of Jesus, By every heart and tongue.
  2. O Heart, for me on fire With love no tongue can speak,
    My yet untold desire God gives me for thy sake.
    While ages course along, &c.
  3. Too true, I have forsaken Thy love by willful sin;
    Yet now let me be taken Back by thy grace again.
    While ages course along, &c.
  4. As thou art meek and lowly, And ever pure of Heart,
    So may my heart be wholly Of thine the counterpart.
    While ages course along, &c.
  5. Oh! that to me were given The pinions of a dove,
    I'd speed aloft to heaven, My Jesus' love to prove.
    While ages course along, &c.
  6. When life away is flying, And earth's false glare is done;
    Still Sacred Heart, in dying I'll say I'm all thine own.
    While ages course along, &c.
To Jesus' Heart All Burning