The Biographical Dictionary of America/Baker, George Augustus

4124439The Biographical Dictionary of America, Volume 1 — Baker, George Augustus1906

BAKER, George Augustus, painter, was born in New York city in 1821. The son of an artist, bred in an atmosphere of art, his talent soon became manifest, and when quite a young man he gained favor as a successful painter of miniatures on ivory. From 1844 to 1846 he studied in Europe with good results, and devoted his time after his return almost wholly to the painting of life-size portraits. His best results were in painting portraits of women and children, in which line he was unexcelled by contemporary artists, and his pictures commanded large prices. Among his works, outside of portraits, may be mentioned, "The May Queen," "Wild Flowers" and "Love at First Sight." He was a member of the National academy of design, elected in 1851. He died April 2, 1880.