The Biographical Dictionary of America/Baker, Harriet Newell Woods

BAKER, Harriet Newell Woods, author, was born at Andover, Mass., Aug. 19, 1815; daughter of the Rev. Leonard and Abigail (Wheeler) Woods. Her father was president of Andover theological seminary. She was educated at the Abbott female academy, Andover. In 1835 she was married to the Rev. Abijah R. Baker. She began to write juvenile stories about 1850, under the pen names of Mrs. Madeline Leslie and "Aunt Hattie." Her books, which comprise nearly two hundred volumes, include the following: "The Courtesies of Wedded Life" (1855); "Tim the Scissors Grinder" (1861); "The Leslie Stories" (3 vols., 1861); "Worth and Wealth" (1865); "The Sisters at Service" (1879); "True and False Pride" (1879); "The Sunshine Series" (6 vols.); "Fashion and Folly" (1880); "Happy Home Series" (6 vols.); "The Governor's Pardon"; and, with Abijah R. Baker, "Theology in Romance" {2 vols.). She died in Brooklyn, N.Y., April 27, 1893.