The Blue Bird (Custance)/'I am Weary, Let me Sleep'

For other versions of this work, see 'I am Weary, Let me Sleep' (Custance).
4505004The Blue Bird — 'I am Weary, Let me Sleep'Olive Custance


I am weary, let me sleep
In some great embroidered bed,
With soft pillows for my head.
I am weary, let me sleep . . .
Petals of sweet roses shed
All around a perfumed heap
White as pearls, and ruby red;
Curtains closely drawn to keep
Wings of darkness o'er me spread . . .
I am weary, let me sleep
In some great embroidered bed.
Let me dream that I am dead,
Nevermore to wake and weep
In the future that I dread . . .
For the ways of life are steep . . .
I am weary, let me sleep . . .