The Booke of Thenseygnementes and Techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his Doughters/Glossary


  • A: one.
  • Abasshed: astonished, cast down, crestfallen.
  • Accesse: fever.
  • Accorded: agreed.
  • Acustommaunce: habit, custom.
  • Acompte: account; relate.
  • Acquere: acquire.
  • Adaunte: subdue.
  • Admerueyled: astonished.
  • Aduenture: chance, peril, jeopardy.
  • Aduertyse: admonish, advise.
  • Aduys: opinion, judgment; consider.
  • Aduysement: advice.
  • Aduysion: dream, vision.
  • Aferd: afraid.
  • Affayted: bedecked.
  • Affeblysshed: enfeebled.
  • Affectuelly: affectionately.
  • Afferme: to confirm.
  • After: according as, according to.
  • Agast: terrified.
  • Aker: acre, field.
  • Al: although.
  • Al be: though.
  • Almesse: alms.
  • Amodere: moderate, restrain.
  • Amolysshyth: softens.
  • Amorettes: lady-loves.
  • Ancylle: handmaid.
  • And: if.
  • Anon: immediately.
  • Aourned: adorned.
  • Aperte: bold, pert.
  • Apertely: openly, manifestly.
  • Apperceive: perceive.
  • Approued: proved.
  • Araye: order, dress, situation.
  • Arayed: dressed, prepared, arrayed.
  • Araysoned: reasoned with, took to task.
  • Ar: before.
  • Arede: guess.
  • Aresonned: see araysoned.
  • Armed: harmed.
  • Arn: are.
  • Arrettid: charged.
  • Arrached: tore out.
  • As: when.
  • Aspyed: spied.
  • Assautes: assaults.
  • Astate: estate, condition.
  • At: to.
  • Atours: attire, ornaments.
  • Attemperate: temperate.
  • Attempreth: tempers.
  • Attempryd: calmed down.
  • Attorued: attired, decked.
  • Auaunced: advanced.
  • Auauntage: advantage.
  • Auaylles: emoluments.
  • Auctor: author.
  • Auctorite: authority.
  • Auctorytee: authoritative writing.
  • Auncetours: ancestors.
  • Auncyent: ancient.
  • Awaked: watched.
  • Ayenst: against.
  • Balaunces: jeopardy.
  • Ballys: balls.
  • Beholding: regard.
  • Beholdynge: beholden.
  • Ben: be, been.
  • Bere me on hond, ye myght: ye might assert, maintain.
  • Besene: clad, adorned.
  • Bestourned: overthrew.
  • Besy: busy.
  • Beyng: condition.
  • Bienfaytte: benefit, benefaction.
  • Blandysshynge: flattering.
  • Blanked: whitened.
  • Bobaunce: luxury, pomp.
  • Bounte: goodness, virtue.
  • Bourde: jest, mock; a jest, mockery.
  • Bourdour: mocker.
  • Breed: bread.
  • Breke: to break.
  • Brenne: burn.
  • Brent: burnt.
  • Broder: brother.
  • Bronde, brounde: brand.
  • Broudred: embroidered.
  • Burell: a coarse woollen cloth.
  • Buscage: woods.
  • Byhauen: behave
  • Caas: case.
  • Calabre: fur, perhaps of a kind of squirrel.
  • Carayn, careyn: carrion, flesh, body.
  • Cele: conceal.
  • Chaas: choose.
  • Chamberere: handmaid.
  • Champ: field.
  • Chartres: prisons.
  • Chauffe: excite, inflame.
  • Chaytyf: miserable, wretched.
  • Chere: hospitality, entertainment, appearance, behaviour.
  • Chese: choose.
  • Cheuaunce: goods, possessions.
  • Chide: wrangle, brawl.
  • Chidars: wranglers, brawlers.
  • Chorle: churl.
  • Chorlysshe: churlish.
  • Christen: Christian.
  • Clamour: outcry.
  • Clerenes: glory.
  • Clergye: knowledge, learning.
  • Clerk: scholar.
  • Clout: a cloth.
  • Clowes: claws.
  • Cok: coal.
  • Cole: coal.
  • Compassid: formed.
  • Complaire: humour, please. Comune common people, commonalty.

Conbusced; burnt. Condicion disposition, characteristic. Confyte, confyted: made into a sweetmeat. Cone know, can. Conne are able to do. Conne her thanke: acknowledge thanks due to her. Connyng knowledge, power; knowing, having knowledge. Contenaunce: sec Countenance. Contrary harmful. Contrefaytted: disguised. Conuertysed: converted, turned. Coot hardye: a close fitting dress with sleeves, for man or woman. Copspyn spider. Couenable convenient, proper, desirable. Couetyse covetousness. Coulpe, culpe: fault, blame. Counceylle secret. Counterfeted disguised. Countenance behaviour, mien, deportment. Countrefayts disguises. Countrefeture, coutrefaiture: transformation. Coupe : cup. Courage temper, spirits, passion. Coursettys a laced bodice worn as an outer garment. Couth knew, could. Coynt: fine, gay. Coynted made fine. Coyntyses finery. Crucifixed crucified. Crucyfyxe the image of Christ on the Cross. Cruel: sharp. Culewed coloured. 209 Cure: : care. Curtois courteous. Curtoisly courteously. Curtosye courtesy. Curyous careful, attentive. Custumably customarily, Dammage hurt, damage. Damoyselle damsel. Dampnen condemn. Debate strife. Debonaire gentle, gracious. Deceyuable deceitful. Deceyued led or beguiled into sin. Dede did. Deduyte pleasure. Deed dead. Defaute, defaulte defect, shortcoming. Defended deffended, forbade, forbidden. Deffaited disfigured. Defouled defiled. Delicates delicacies. Demaunded questioned. Demened behaved. Demenynge showing by his mien. Demonstraunce: demonstration. Departe separate, divide, distribute. Deported withdrawn. Derworthe precious. Derworthely carefully, honourably. Desguysed bedecked, dressed up. Desguysyng disguise, dressing up, decking out. Despite anger, spite. 210 漢 Despytous very angry. Deuoyr duty. Deuynal riddle. Deyed: died. Dide off: doffed. Diffame bad reputation. Diffamed disgraced. Disaraye disorder. Discouere reveal. Dishonest dishonourable, dishonouring. Disordynately: disorderly. Dispended spent. Disporte amuse, amusement. Distourble disturb. Distourne turn aside. Diuerse, dyuerse cruel, wicked. Do, done cause, caused to be. Ye hane do reuestid prestes, & done said masses for them. Ye have caused priests to be clothed and masses to be said for them. Doo on to don. Dolour grief, pain. Dommage hurt, damage. Domme dumb. Doubte doubt, fear. Doubted feared. Dowaye dowry. Dradde fear. Drawe probably a misprint for dradde, dreaded. Drawe, lete me: let my teeth be drawn. Dredefull fearful, timid. Dresse: address; prepare. Dressyd prepared. Dysgarnysshed: devoid. 211 Dynersytees evils. Dyuyse direct, order. Effraye fear; affray. Effrayed afraid, startled. Ellys ells. Embusshed: ambushed. Eme: uncle. Empecheth hindereth. Empetre obtain by intreaty. Emprysed undertook, undertaken. Enchartred imprisoned. Enclawed locked fast. Endoctryne taught. Endowe, dyde her to perhaps a misprint for dyde her to endue, caused her to put on. Endurate hardened. Endeuoured, endeuoyryd endeavoured. Enfrayned violated, infringed. Enhaunced enhanced, raised. Enlusted delighted. Ennoye annoyance. Enoynte anoint, flatter, deceive Enpeched accused. Enquest inquiry. Ensample example. Enseygnement: instruction, precept. Ensure assure. Entatched sullied, spotted. Entende intend, attend. Entente meaning, intention, attention. Enterprise venture, undertake. Enuy (p. 92) perhaps a misprint for enemy. 212 Enuye hatred, spite. Enuyous spiteful, malignant. Er ere, before. Errour turning aside or out of the way. Escryed cried out. Eslargysshe to extend, widen, enlarge on a subject. Esmerueyled astonished. Espouse bridegroom, spouse. Esprysed taken. Essayed tried, put to the test. Estate state, condition. Estyncted extinguished. Ete: ate. Euangely gospel. Euerychone everyone Eurous lucky. Examplayre, exemplaire: example, pattern. Exemplary example, pattern. Eyen: eyes. Fader father. Fait, faite, fayt, fayte, faytte: deed, fact, matter, instance. business. Fallaces; deceits, frauds. Falshede : falseliood. Faons fawns. Fardels bundles. Faute, fawte fault, mistake. Feblyssheth enfeebles. Felauship company. Felle fierce. Felon wicked, cruel, fierce. Feloun a wicked or cruel person. 2d 243 Fende fiend. Fer far. Ferdful: fearful. Ferforthe far on. Ferre far. Fette fetched. Feures fevers. Flateresse female flatterer. Flees: flies, Flourynge decoration, trimming. Flyteth: flieth. Fonde found. Forbere Formest forbear, abstain. foremost. Fornays furnace. Forthynke repent. Foustred fostered, nourished. Forueyeth erreth. Foyson plenty, abundance; number (of people). Fraunchyse generosity. Fre free, liberal, noble. Frenesye frenzy. Frere friar. Fresshe fine, beautiful. Fro, froo from. Fryandyses delicacies. Fryse frieze. Fundament: foundation. Fyaunced affianced. Fyers fierce, haughty. Fyghten fight. Fylle: fell. 214 Gader: gather. Gaf, gafe gave. Gage pledge, challenge to battle. Galhows gallows. Garderobe wardrobe. Garnementes: garments. Garnysshed provided. Gente: pretty. Germyne germinate. Gestes, gestys tales, exploits, stories of great deeds. Glaue glaive, sword. Glose gloss, commentary. Glotouns gluttons. Godsep gossip, crony. Good: goods. Goodhede goodness. Gouernance, gouernaunce: conduct, behaviour. Gounes: gowns. Graces thanks.

Gree, to receyue in to take in good part, approve of. Greuable grievous. Grys a costly grey fur. Guerdome guerdon, to recompense, reward. Guerdon, guerdone: reward. Gwerdoned recompensed. Gwerysshe to heal, cure. Guyses manners, guises, fashions. Gyse: guise. Hardyly boldly, confidently. Hastlyest quickest. Haultayn haughty. Haultesse: loftiness. 215 Hayer hayr, hayre: hair shirt, garment of goat's hair, worn as penance. He he, she, it. Heded beheaded. Heed head. Heerys: hairs. Hem him, them. Her; her, their. Herberowe to harbour, shelter. Here: hair, Heremyte hermit. Heres hair, hairs, eyelashes. Herte heart. Heures, houres: certain sets of prayers, eg, Hours of the Blessed Trinity, Hours of the Blessed Virgin, etc. Heyres heirs. Hit: it. Hodes: hoods, Hole, hool well, whole, Honnestly honourably. Hoote: hot. Hoses, hosen : hose. Hou how. Houdes hounds. Houres see Heures. How wel: notwithstanding, Humblesse humility. Hyded; hid. Hydoure dread, fear, Hydous hideous, dreadful. Hyed hastened. Hyghe, hyhe high, loud. Hym him, it, them, 216

I : yes.

Impetre see Empetre. Incontynent at once. Jangle chatter. Jape: jest. Joly, jolye gay, fine, Jolyf gay, fine. Jougleurs jugglers. Joyen: enjoy. Justes: jousts. Karoyn see Carayn. Keuerchyefs kerchiefs, Kirtell, kyrtell a kind of gown or petticoat. Knowe hymself, and his beyng to have self-assurance. Knowen acknowledged. Knowleche acknowledge. Kokered indulged, spoilt. Kymbed combed. Kyt, kytte cut. Langage: language. Langageurs tattlers, chatterboxes. Lasse less. Lassed brought down. Latchesse: slothfulness. Layners straps. Lecherous gluttonous. Lefte lifted. Lene lend. Lenger longer. Lengest longest. 217 Lepre leper. Lerne teach. Lernynges precepts. Lese: lose, Lesyng, lesynge : lie. Lette, letted: hindered. Letteth hinders. Letuce a grey fur. Leuer ratlier. Leyser leisure. Light: weak. Loke look. Loo look. Loos praise, honour. Loste destroyed, lost. Louynges praises. Lumynary light. Lust desire, liking, Lycorous, lychorous: nice, dainty. Lycorousnes love of dainty food. Lyghter weaker. Lyghtly, lyghtely: easily. Lygnees lineages. Macule spot, stain. Made to telle the paynyms: caused the paynyms to be told. Malepertnes boldness, sauciness. Manoyr manor. Marches borders. Martyre torment. Mastyns mastiffs. Matyns prayers to be said at daybreak. 218 Mavis the song-thrush. May, mighte, myght, myzt: from mowen, to be able, Maydenhede: maidenhood. Mayntene behaviour; to behave. Mayntenying, mayntenyng: behaviour, demeanour, conduct. Me men, man, one. Mede reward. Meke to make meek. Menage household, establishment. Merle blackbird. Meruaylled astonished. Merueyle, merueylle: marvel, wonder. Mes a dish, course at table. Meschyef mischief, misfortune. Mesease distress. Meseased distressed. Messager messenger. Meue move. Meuyd: moved. Mewe: prison. Mewred immured. Meyny retinue, household, family. Mighte see May, Misericorde, mysericorde, myserycorde mercy, compassion. Mo, moo more. Moder mother. Moyen mean, middle. Mured immured. Musardes triflers, loungers. Muse to wait, linger. Myddes midst. Myght, myzt see May, Mysauenture misadventure. 219 Myspryse to despise, slight. Mystier necessity, want. Ne not, nor. Nerre nigher. Noblesse nobility, dignity, splendour. + No force no matter. Noiously so as to annoy. Nonne nun. Noreture: nourishment. Nose, tooke them self by the acknowledged their fault. Notables noteworthy examples. Nouellyte newness. Nouzt nought. Noultee novelty. Nyce : foolish. Nycely foolishly. Obeisaunce, obeyssaunce: obedience, under her obeisance. obedient to her. Obeysaunt: obedient. Obeysshe obey. Obeysshynge obedient. Obsequye: obsequies. Occisyons slaughter. Of: of, off. Oke: ached. On: on, if. On lyue alive. Or: or, either, before. Ordeyne set in order, appoint.

Orguyllous proud. Oryent the east. 220 Otherwhyle sometimes. Queral, ouerall: everywhere. Querthwert: across. Ougt: ought. Oultrages outrages. Owe am obliged to. Palysshed made pale. Parauenture, perauenture: perchance. Parente, parentes: kinsfolk, parents. Parfite perfect. Parfyghtely perfectly. Parisshens parishioners. Park enclosure. Parlement discussion, parley, a meeting for talk. Parte share; in a parte, in a measure. Participant sharing. Parylle peril. Payne labour, difficulty. Paynyms pagans. Peert lively, brisk. Peramours with love. Peramours paramour (not in modern sense); ladylove. Perceth pierceth. Perdurable eternal. Peyne your self: take pains. Piteous compassionate. Place house. Placebo, make the please or pacify. Plaisaunce, playsaunce, pleasaunce, plesaunce pleasure. Plaisaunt pleasing. Plaisire pleasure. Playe game. 20 221 Plee pleading, dispute. Pletynge: pleading. Pleynt lament. Plumed plucked the feathers from. painted. Popped Porte state; of great porte, stately.

Poure power, poor. Pourfyls trimmings. Pourfylled trimmed, embroidered. Pourueye to look to, to provide. Poynt condition, difficulty. Poyntes laces, strings. Praty pretty. Predicacion sermon, preaching. Predicatours preachers. Propre own. Propyce convenient, suited. Proye: prey. Pryme 6 a.m., or prayers for that hour. Pugnicion punishment. Puissant, puyssant: powerful. Punycion punishment. Purueaunce provision. Purueye to provide. Puterye wantonness. Pye magpie. Pylled bald, bare. Pynned bedecked, or combed. Pype: cask. Quenteries finery. Quentises finery. Queynt fine, gay. 222 Queyntely finely, gaily. Quyck alive. Quyte acquit. Ramage: wild. TC Rampynge rampant, raging. Rapynous given to rapine. Rassasyed satisfied, Rauynours robbers. Rayson right, reason. Reame realm. Refection repast. Refrayne, refreyne: restrain. Regard sight, look, notice. Regle order. Remenaunt: remnant. Rendre return, render. Renne run, Renomme, renommee: renown, good repute. Renommed Repayre renowned. repair, restore. Repreef reproof. Repreue reprove. Reprysed rebuked. Resemblaunt: appearance. Reson right, reason. Resowned resounded. Retche reach, reck. Reteyne remember. Reuested vested. Roan Rouen. Ronned whispered. Roode rough, raw. 223 Rought recked, cared. Roundel rondeau, roundelay. Rowe row, rank. Royamme kingdom. Rubryshes titles, headings, rubrics. Rukemadoure: Rochemadour. Sadly discreetly, seriously, Salewe salute. Sauacion salvation. Sauement safety, protection. Sauf save, except. Sauuage wild. Scant hardly, scarcely. Se say. Secrete, at his privately, among his intimate friends. Seurte (p. 98). Caxton appears to have intended to print either secrete (q. v.) or seute, company, friends. seems the more probable, taken with the context. Scars: sparing. Scathe harm, hurt. Scof payment. Seche seek. Semblable resembling, like. Semblant, semblaunt: appearance, behaviour. Semblaunce likeness. Sempiternally: eternally. Sengle: single. Separed separated. Sergeans, sergeaunts officers, servants. Seruage bondage. Sherte shirt, shirt of mail. Shete shoot. 224 The former Shrewed: accursed. Sith, sithe since, then. Sight glance, glances. Slee: slay. Smale small. Smeton smitten. Solas recreation. Sorowfulle to the seruyce of God: slothful or lukewarm in God's service. Souper supper. Sowen sowed. Sowke suck. Sowne sound. Sowpes: soups. Sparkleth scattereth, spreadeth. Spektakel spy-glass? Sperhauk sparrow-hawk. Sprynge dawn. Spurge purge away. Stole an ecclesiastical vestment. Straitly strictly. Styll quietly. Stylle quietness. Stylle always, continually. Styward steward, one who attended to the provisions. Subget, subgette: subject. Sudaryes napkins in which the faces of the dead were wrapped. Suerd sword.

Suffisaunt sufficient. Suffisaunce, suffysaunce: sufficiency. Surmount surpass. Surquedrye arrogance, presumption. Surquydous arrogant, presumptuous. 225 Suster sister. Susteyne assert, maintain, Syege: seat. Syn: since. Syth, sythe since. Syther strong drink. Tables: backgammon. Tatche spot, stain, characteristic. Tatched dispositioned. Tasted touched, felt. Techen teach. Tendeth takes heed or care. Tenebres darkness. Tenioye to rejoice. Than then. Ther: there, where. Theues thieves. Tho: those. Thought sorrow, sadness, Thoux though. Thout thought. Threde thread. Thrested thrust. Thrustell thrush. Thurgh through, Thyder thither. Thyssue the yssue, the end. Tierce, tyerce: 9 a.m., or prayers for that hour. To: too. To fore before. To gyder together. Torned turned. 226 Tornoyeng tourneying, jousting at a tournament. Tortuse tortoise. Towre, men of the. The men of the La Tour family, to which the writer belonged. Trauaylle labour. Trauaylled harried, vexed, troubled. Tresoure treasure. Tristesse, trystesse: sorrow, sadness. Tromperye deceit, fraud. Trompeur deceiver, betrayer. Tronke a place for keeping fish. Trowe believe. Tyerce see Tierce. Valour value, worth. Ventillous turning this way and that. Venymed envenomed. Vergoyne shame, ignominy, reproach. Vergoynous ashamed, abashed. Very true. Varcuested: divested of canonicals. Vouchedsauf: vouchsafed. Vpso doune upside down. Vyage voyage, journey. Vylayne base. Vylonye villainy, baseness. Vyrelaye a sort of rondeau. Waloped galloped. Waked; watched. Wanne won. Wardrobbe private room. Wast waste. Wedowhede: widowhood. 227 Welwyllynge goodwill. Wende thought, supposed. Wene think, suppose. Werre war. Wete know. Wexed waxed, grew. Whan, whanne: when. Wher as, where. Withold to remember, retain. Witholde to restrain. Withsaye to deny. Wolde willed. Wonde wrapped in winding sheets. Woned accustomed, wont. World: social circle, society. World in hand, to have the; to have the world to know the world, to be a man of the world. Worship honour. Wote know. Wulle wool. Wyde evacuate, leave. Wydowhede widowhood. Wynne to go. Gladly men ne wynne but lytel to hold strife, men seldom gladly hold strife. Wyspe of straw a token of great reproach or disgrace to a woman for scolding or other reprehensible conduct. Wysshed desired. Wyste: knew. Wythsaye deny. Wytynge knowledge. Yaf: gave. Yate: gate. 228

  • Ye: yea.
  • ye: contraction of the.
  • Yeft, yefte: gift.
  • Yelde: yield.
  • Yet: moreover.
  • Yeue: to give.
  • Ynke: ink.
  • Ynowe: enough.
  • Yrous: passionate, angry.
  • Yongthe: youth.
  • Yow: dat. and acc. of you.
  • Yssue: end.
  • yͭ: contraction of that.
  • Ziele: zeal.