The Booke of Thenseygnementes and Techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his Doughters/Instructions to the Binder


The Plates are to be inserted in the following manner:

I was in a gardyn under a shadowe as it were in thyssue of Aprylle.

To face page 36.
How yonge maydens ought not to torne their heedes lyghtely here ne there.

To face page 64.
Of the suster of Seynt Bernard whiche cam to see hym in grete araye.

To face page 92.
Of the good knyght that had thre wyues, & of their lyues.

To face page 152.
Of the good knyght whiche fought ageynst the fals knyghte for the pyte of a mayde.

To face page 184.
The thre enseygnementes or lerninges whiche Cathon gaf to his sone.

Ballantyne Press
London & Edinburgh