3389150The Cottagers of Glenburnie — Chapter XVII.Elizabeth Hamilton (1756-1816)


Receipt for making a thorough Servant.
Thoughts on Methodism.

Mrs Mason having, with difficulty, at length prevailed on Mr Stewart to consent to her departure, and having heard from the Morisons, that every thing was ready for her reception, took the opportunity of the first fine day to set out on her return to Glenburnie.

It was hard frost; but though the air in the shade was keen and piercing, its keenness was unfelt when in the kindly rays of the soul-enlivening sun. Mrs Mason, though she had not the eye of a painter, or connoisseur, enjoyed in perfection the pleasures of taste, in as far as they arise from feeling and observation; and as she considered all the beauties of nature as proofs of the divine beneficence, the contemplation of them always served to increase her confidence in the protection of the Almighty, of whose immediate presence they were to her a sacred pledge. To a person thus disposed, every change of season has some peculiar charm, and every object appears placed in a point of view, in which all that is lovely is seen to most advantage. She had no doubt that the air of cheerfulness which the bright sky diffused over the face of nature, imparted a sensible delight to all the animal creation; and saw with pleasure, as she passed through the farm of Gowan-brae, the out-lying cattle, roused from their cold beds, and dressing their shaggy sides, by rubbing them against the silver stems of the weeping birch, whose pendant branches shivered over the frozen stream. The little birds, who, during the late storms, seemed to have been annihilated, were now heard chirruping in every sheltered nook, or seen in flocks lightly flitting from field to field. As the day advanced, the plants on the sunny side of the road, glittering with dew drops, exhibited a fine contrast to the part that was still in shade, where every bushy brier and scrambling bramble were clothed in feathery frost-work.

"Yes," said Mrs Mason, as she cast her eyes over the dazzling prospect, "Yes, all the works of God are good and beautiful: all the designs of Providence must terminate in producing happiness and joy. The piercing cold of winter prepares the earth for the production of its summer fruits; and when the sorrows of life pierce the heart, is it not for the same benevolent purpose? When they are never felt, how many are the noxious weeds that over-run the soil! Let me then be thankful for the wholesome correctives that have been sent in mercy. Neither winter, nor poverty, are without their days of sunshine, their moments of enjoyment. See that group of children upon the ice! Heaven bless the merry elves! how joyously they laugh, and sport, and scamper, little caring how keen the cold wind may blow, so that it brings them the pleasure of a slide. Mrs Mason pursued the train of her reflections, till she arrived at Morison's cottage; where she was received with a cordial welcome, to the comforts of "a blazing ingle, and a clean hearth-stane." On examining her own apartment, she was delighted to find that every thing was arranged to her wish, and far beyond her expectations; nor could she persuade herself, that her room had not undergone some very material and expensive alteration. This striking improvement was, however, merely the result of a little labour and attention; but so great was the effect thus produced, that though the furniture was not nearly so costly as the furniture of her room at Mrs MacClarty's, it appeared in all respects superior.

Mrs Morison was highly gratified by the approbation bestowed upon her labours; and pointing to her two little girls, told Mrs Mason how much they had done to forward the work, and that they were proud to find her pleased with it. Mrs Mason thanked them, and presented each with a ribbon as an encouragement for good behaviour; assuring them at the same time, that they would through life find happiness the reward of usefulness. "Alas," said Mrs Morison, "they must be obliged to work: poor things, they have nothing else to depend on!"

"And on what can they depend so well as on their own exertions?" replied Mrs Mason; "let them learn to excel in what they do, and look to the blessing of God upon their labours, and they may then pity the idle and the useless."

"If you could but get my poor gudeman to think in that way," said Peggy, "your coming to us would indeed be a blessing to our family."

"Fear not," said Mrs Mason; "as his health amends, his spirits will return, and in the good providence of God he will find some useful opening for his industry. Who ever saw the righteous man forsaken, or the righteous man's children either, so long as they walked in their father's steps? But now I must give some directions to my two little handmaids, whose attendance I shall take week about. I see they are willing, and they will soon be able to do all that I require,"

"I'll answer for their being willing," cried their mother, looking fondly at the girls, "but ye winna tak it ill, if they should no just fa' at ance into your ways."

"If they are willing," said Mrs Mason, "they will soon learn to do every thing in the best way possible. All I want of them is to save themselves trouble, by getting into the habit of minding what they have to do. Any one who is willing may soon become a useful servant, by attending to three simple rules."—"To three rules!" cried Peggy, interrupting her; "that's odd, indeed. But my gudeman maun hear this. Come, William, and hear Mrs Mason tell our lassies a' the duties of a servant."

"I fear the kail will be cauld before she gets through them all," said William, smiling; "but I'm ready to listen to her, though it should."

"Your patience wont be long tried," said Mrs Mason; "for I have already told your girls, that, in order to make good servants, they have only to attend to three simple rules."—" Well, what are they?" said the husband and wife, speaking both at once.

"They are," returned Mrs Mason, "To do every thing in its proper time; to keep every thing to its proper use; and to put every thing in its proper place."

"Well said!" cried William; "and as I live, these same rules would mak a weel ordered house! my lassies shall get them by heart, and repeat them ilka morning after they say their prayers."

William kept his word; and Mrs Mason finding that she would be supported by the parents, did not despair of being truly useful to the children, by conveying to them the fruits of her experience. Mrs Morison was a neat orderly person, and liked to see her house and children what she called well red up: But her notions of what was necessary to comfort, fell far short of Mrs Mason's; neither had she been accustomed to that thorough-going cleanliness, which is rather the fruit of habitual attention, than of periodical labour; and which, like the pure religion, that permits not the accumulation of unrepented sins upon the conscience, makes holiday of every day in the week. Mrs Morison was a stranger to the pride which scorns instruction. She did not refuse to adopt methods that were better than her own, merely because they were new; nor, though she loved her children as fondly and as dearly as any mother in the world, did she ever defend their faults. But as her children were early inspired with a desire to please, they did not often stand in need of correction; and stood more in awe of their father's frown, than those who have been nurtured in self-will, stand in awe of a severe beating.

Mrs Mason had not been many weeks a resident in the family, till the peculiar neatness of William's cottage attracted the notice of the neighbours. The proud sneered, at what they called the pride of the broken merchant; the idle wondered how folk could find time for sic useless wark; and the lazy, while they acknowledged that they would like to live in the same comfort, drew in their chairs to the fire, and said, they cou'd na be fashed.

The air of cheerfulness which was diffused around him, had a happy effect upon William's spirits; but the severity of the winter was adverse to the recovery of his health. The rheumatism, which had settled in his left arm, had now rendered it entirely useless, and thus defeated all his schemes of getting into employment. The last sale of his effects had been so productive, that his creditors were paid 17s. in the pound; but the remainder of what was due to them lay heavy on his heart; and notwithstanding his efforts at resignation, the thoughts of what his wife and children must suffer from the pressure of poverty, drew from his bosom many a deep-drawn sigh.

The more Mrs Mason saw of William, the more deeply did she become interested in his situation; and as no scheme occurred to her that was likely to improve it, she resolved to consult her good friend the minister, whose mind she knew to be no less active than benevolent. An invitation to dine at the manse was therefore gladly accepted of; and scarcely had she taken her seat, until the subject was introduced, and William's affairs became the topic of conversation. Miss Gourlay expressed great concern; but recollecting that she had forgot to give directions for making sauce for the pudding, left the room in the middle of Mrs Mason's speech. Her uncle, though he listened with great attention, made no other reply, than by saying, that he should be better able to speak upon the subject after dinner; adding, with a smile, that "he never talked well with a hungry stomach."

The nice roast fowl and boiled beef and greens being at that moment placed upon the table, prevented all reply; but when the cloth was removed, and grace said, and the glasses filled, Mr Gourlay, looking significantly after the sturdy lass who had attended, said, "Well, madam, now the hurly-burly's done, we may, without fear of interruption, enter on the business of poor Morison, whom I from my heart wish to serve. I have thought of a plan for him; which, if he has no objections to it, will keep him above want. What would you think of his becoming schoolmaster?" "I should think well of it," replied Mrs Mason, "if nothing more were to be required of him than teaching writing, arithmetic, and reading English."

"Nothing more shall be required of him," replied Mr Gourlay. "We have suffered enough from the pedantry of a blockhead, who piqued himself upon hic, hæc, hoc, and who, though he has no more pretensions to being a scholar than my horse, is as proud as he is stupid. Until he came into the office, the school of Glenburnie had always maintained a respectable character; and the instruction which our youth received at it, was, so far as it went, solid and useful. But in the twelve years that it has been kept by Brown, it has, I verily believe, done more harm than good. It could not, indeed, be otherwise; for it was an everlasting scene of noise, riot, and confusion."

"I should have thought, sir, that your authority would have been sufficient to introduce better regulations. Is not the parish school in some measure under your controul?"

"No," replied Mr Gourlay, "controul is, in this country, out of the question; nor do I believe that, if it were permitted, it would answer any good purpose; for who would embroil themselves, by opposing the pride and perverseness of an obstinate blockhead, unless when zeal was whetted by personal animosity? and under such malign influence, controul would soon be converted into an engine of oppression."

"But might not your advice, sir,"—

"Advice! Surely, my good madam, you must know too much of the world to imagine, that a self-sufficient pedant will ever be advised. No pope of Rome, in the days of papal power, was ever more jealous of his title to infallibility, than the schoolmaster of Glenburnie. I once, and only once, endeavoured to persuade him how much he would abridge his own labour, and facilitate the improvement of his scholars, by adopting a regular method of teaching, and introducing certain rules into his school. But if I had attempted to take from him his bread, he could not have been more indignant, nor considered himself as more deeply injured. He never forgave me; and I really believe, that the grudge he entertained against me, was the primary motive of his leaving the kirk, and running after these enthusiasts, among whom he has now commenced preacher."

"I have no doubt of it whatever," returned Mrs Mason; "for, as far as my knowledge extends, I have observed pride to be the ruling principle with all those pretenders to extraordinary sanctity."

"Ah, madam," said Mr Gourlay, "pride is a powerful adversary; it never fails to find out the weak part, and is often in possession of the fortress, while we are employing all our care to guard the outworks. If these enthusiasts do some mischief, by leading weak people into error, they likewise are, I doubt not, in some instances, the means of doing good. If they are the means of exciting us, who are the regular shepherds of the flock, to greater vigilance, they will do much good."

"Pardon me, sir," said Mrs Mason, "if I have the boldness to differ from you: but indeed I have seen so much malignity, so much self conceit, and presumption, among these professors of evangelical righteousness, that I should suppose their doctrines were at war with the pure morality of the Gospel."

"The spirit of party must be ever adverse to the spirit of the Gospel," replied Mr Gourlay; "and in as far as sects arc particularly liable to be infected by party spirit, in so far are they injurious to the Christian cause. But, to confess the truth, the church, as by law established, is too often defended on the same narrow principles; nor, when the defence of it is made a party question, do I perceive any difference in the fruits. In both instances they equally taste of pride, the parent tree."

"But is it not proper to expose the errors into which these visionaries betray weak minds?" returned Mrs Mason.

"Very proper," said Mr Gourlay, "so that it be done in the spirit of charity. Calmly and wisely to point out the source of bigotry and enthusiasm, were an employment worthy of superior talents; but men of superior talents feel too much contempt for weakness, to undertake the task, or at least to execute it in such a manner as to answer any good purpose. Men of talents pour upon these enthusiasts the shafts of ridicule, and attack their doctrines with all the severity of censure; but they forget that all enthusiasts glory in persecution. It is in the storm that men most firmly grasp the cloak that wraps them, whatever be its shape. Would we induce them to let go their hold, we must take other methods; we must shew them we can approve as well as censure; and that it is not because we envy the eclat of their superior zeal, or are jealous of their success in making converts, but because we honestly think they have taken an erroneous view of the subjects in question, that we venture to oppose them. Difficult, I confess, it is to gain access to minds that are embued with a high opinion of their own superior sanctity, and wrapped in the panoply of self-conceit; but I am convinced, that much might have been done to stop the progress of methodism, by setting forth, in strong and lively terms, the sin and danger of exalting any one point of the Christian doctrine doctrine, so as to make it pre-eminent, to the disparagement of the other Gospel truths, and to the exclusion of the Gospel virtues. We are too rash in accusing such persons of hypocrisy. Hypocrites may in all sects find shelter; but I believe in my conscience, that few, if any, of their founders, or most zealous friends, have been actuated by any other principle than honest, though misguided zeal;—a zeal, the natural effect of having fixed the attention exclusively on one point, until its importance is exaggerated beyond all bounds. We know, that whatever occupies the imagination will enflame it; but so wisely has the divine Giver of light and life adapted the light of revelation to our present condition, that, against this weakness of our nature, an ample provision is made, in the equal importance given to ail the various truths revealed as objects of faith, and by accepting, as the only test of our sincerity, such a degree of moral purity as it requires our utmost vigilance to preserve. But this bears hard on human pride, and human pride is fruitful in resources. By picking out particular passages, and giving to them such explanation as may afford a basis for peculiar tenets, pride is gratified; and when it can thus form a party, and obtain distinction, the gratification is complete. Whether in religion or in politics, all the individuals who compose a party become, in their own minds, identified with the party they have espoused. Pride, in this way, operates without alarming the conscience; hence the zeal of methodists in making converts. Nor, when we preach against them in the same spirit, are we one whit better than they. It is not for the safety of our church establishments, nor for their honour, that we ought to sound the alarm, but for the integrity of the whole Gospel truths, which are torn and disfigured by being partially set forth, to the great danger of weak minds, the subversion of sound faith, and the detriment of pure morality."

The conversation was here interrupted by the entrance of one of Mr Gourlay's parishioners; a circumstance which affords us a favourable opportunity of concluding the present Chapter.