Aden, 729
Afghanistan, 653-662, 737
Africa, East, 861-876; cable connection with, 264
Africa, South. See South Africa
Africa, West, 835-860; cable connection with, 265; liquor traffic, 555; slavery in, 849-854; taxation, 855
Akbar, 624, 688
Alaska boundary dispute, 342
Alfred the Great, 232
Alliance, Anglo-Japanese, 198, 665, 749
Alliances, Dual and Triple, 18
America, South, trade with, 102
America, United States of, 17; education, 64; exports, value of, 77-80; National Debt, 74; naval power, 189, 198; population, 72, 73, 109; trade, 80, 102
Anglo-Japanese alliance, 198, 665, 749
Appeal Court, 48-50
Argentina, 83, 104
Army, 229
Arnold-Forster, Mr., 186, 188, 244
Aubry. Dr. Pierre, 138
Aurungzebe, 628
Australia, 424, 446; cable connection with, 269; defence, 231; federation, 427 et seq., 449, 553; military system, 233-240, 243; progressive legislation, 455; public debt, 453; trade, value of, 54 et seq.; wheat exports, 460
Australia, relations with New Zealand, 475
Baghdad Railway, 733
Balfour, Mr. Arthur, 222, 225
Balfour of Burleigh, Lord, 253
Barnes, Sir Hugh, 725
Barton, Sir Edmund, 240. 427, 429, 431
Beaconsfield, Earl of, 153
Belgium, 231
Board of Trade classification of markets, 86
Bolingbroke, Viscount, 32
Bourassa, Mr. H., 383
Bradley, Mr. A. G., 378
Brazil, 104
Brentano, Ligo, 90
British cotton-growing Association, 123, 879
British Empire, the, 19-28, 215, 817 defence of, 174-196; maintenance, 22 military forces and expenditure, 247 population, 72, 109, 298; trade, 54, 77, 297
British South Africa Company, 573
Browne, Sir J. Crichton, 882
Bryce, Mr. James, 384
Burma, 716-727
Burt, Mr. Thomas, 511
Bussy, 627
Cable codes, 281
Cable finance, 282
Cables, British, 249 et seq.; Canadian, 412
Cairns, Earl, 48
Calwer, Herr Richard, 98
Canada, 35, 351-884, 409; agriculture, 385-402; cable connection with, 250, 412; defence, 187, 230; education. 361; federation, 405, 556; French-Canadians in, 35, 340, 375, 381, 420; imports, 118; interests in the Pacific, 416-418; military system, 240, 371; population, 359; preferential tariff, 105, 379, 405; revenue, 358; trade, value of, 54 et seq.
Canadian Pacific Railway, 856, 405, 410, 416
Canning, Lord, 647
Cape Colony, 563, 577, 587; trade returns, 590
Cape to Cairo Railway, 865
Cape wine, 150
Cudwell, Lord, 282
Caye, Mr., 164
Ceylon, 706-715; 831; Legislature, 718; population, 708; products, 711; trade, 714, 830;
Chamberlain, Mr. Joseph, 49, 96, 123-148, 226, 313, 335, 497, 498, 595, 646 850, 880, 885
Chamber of Commerce Congress, 415
Charlemagne, 8, 288
Charles I., 31, 290
Charles II., 291, 627
Chicago Reciprocity Congress, 90
China, 99, 740 et seq., 832; British settlements in, 744-746
Chinese labour, 505
Christianity in Uganda, 865
Church, the, and the Empire, 166-173
Clarke, Sir G. S., 66, 205, 208
Clive, Lord, 628, 647
Coast defence, 207
Cobden, Richard, 84, 179
Codes, cable, 281
Coffee trade, effects of Preference, 148
Colonial Conference, 339; education, 162; federation, 68; preference, 145 et seq.; table of duties, 151; tariffs, table of, 117
Connaught, Duke of, 694
Coote, Eyre, 647
Cornwallis, Lord, 629
Coronation durbar, 694
Cotton growing, 573
Courtney, Mr. Leonard. 75
Cowley, Mr. R. H., 396
Cromer, Lord, 257, 760-772
Cromwell, Oliver, 320
Cromwell, Thomas, 289
Crown Colonies administration, 883
Crown, Imperial importance of the, 34, 37, 42, 47, 696
Cuba and the United States, 103
Curzon, Lord, 604, 636, 639, 692, 702, 730
Dalhousie, Lord, 630, 647
Daly, Sir Henry, 691
Dante, 9
Davidson, Professor, quoted, 152
Deakin, Mr. Alfred, 333, 347, 429. 431, 445, 469
Defence Committee, 41, 47
Delagoa Bay, trade returns, 590
De Lanessan, M., 202
Delhi durbar, 29
De Mist's ordinanoe, 575
Devonshire, Duke of, 131
De Wet. General, 501
Dingley Tariff, the, 90, 408
Dockwra, 291
Dockyards, value of, 210
Domville, Sir Compton, 211
Dreadnought, H.M.S., 200, 209
Drummond, Sir George, 368
Dufferin, Marquis of, 376, 377, 621, 634, 639, 691
Dundonald, Lord, 449
Dupleiz, 627
Dyananda, Swami, 615
East See also Far East
Eastern Telegraph Company, 256
East India Company, 624 et seq., 827
Education, 64, 160; in Canada, 361; in India, 696-706
Edward VIII., 29; as 'British Emperor,' 30, 692
Egypt, 760; system of administration, 770
Elphinstone, Sir Mountstuart, 599, 647
Empire, definition, 6. See under British, Roman, etc.
Far East. 740 et seq., 831; cable connection with, 274
Federation. See Imperial, Colonial, and under Colonies
Fitch, Ralph, 624
Fitzpatrick, Sir Percy, 512
Foreign Tariffs, table of, 117
Formosa, 101
Foster, Mr., 404
France, exports value of, 77, 80, 91; National Debt, 74; navy of, 202, 211; trade, value of, 78
France in Asia, 833
Frederick II. of Germany, 9
Free Trade, generally examined, 106-143; generally supported, 144-169
French-Canadians, 86, 381, 420; and the South African War, 340, 376
French in India, 627
Fuchs, Professor, 75
Germany, commercial methods of, 62; education, 64; exports, 77, 80, 91, 96, 112, 118; external energy, 15; National Debt, 74, 137; navy, 201, 211; population, 72, 73, 109; trade, value of, 78; unification of, 15
Germany in Asia, 733, 833
Goldie, Sir G., 843
Gordon, General C. G., 762
Goschen, Viscount, 499
Gould, Mr. Jay. 253
Great Britain, defence of, 188; exports, 77-80, 86 et seq.; imports from Germany, 91; from United States. 91; from France, 91; merchant shipping, 202; military forces, 248; National Debt, 74, 137; navy. 185, 197-226; the Imperial banker, 59; trade, value of, 54, 78
Grey, Sir George, 476, 576
Gurlitt, Dr. Ladwig, 160
Haldane, Mr. R. B., 41, 42
Harrison, Mr. Frederic, 484
Hastings, Warren. 628, 647
Henry the Navigator, 14
Henry VIII., 28
Hicks-Beaoh, Sir M., 75, 80, 109, 121, 264
Hill, John, 291
Hill, Rowland, 292
Hofmeyr, Mr., 128, 199
Holy Roman Empire, the, 8
Hong Kong, 789. 880
Hudson Bay Company, 819
Hutton, Sir Edward. 480. 449
Imperial Cabinet Committee and Commission, 44
Imperial Federation, 89, 42
Imperial Federation (Defence) Committee,225
Imperialism, definition of, 16; British and Roman, 25
India, 20, 621-650, 728; army of, 666-681; cable connection with, 254; Civil Service, 648; defence of, 185, 230, 662; divisions of people, 621; education, 696-706, irrigation, 641; Native States, 682; population, 621, 644; Post-Office, 642; trade, value of, 54, 56, 649
Indian Universities Act, 705
Indo-European Telegraph Company, 255
Inter-Departmental Committee on Cable Communications, 253
Italy, unification of, 15
Jamaica, 879
Jameson, Dr., 505
Japan, 17, 88, 98, 165. 743, 760 et seq., 832; army of, 176, 652; revenue, 753; trade, 752
Keshub Chunder Sen, 606, 615
Kitchener, Lord, 499, 673, 680, 764
Kruger, Paul, 483, 485, 494, 496, 529
Labour, Australian, 434-445
Labour, efficiency of, 80
Labourdonnais, 627
Lamb, Charles, 305
Lansdowne, Marquis of; 244, 684, 786
Laurier, Sir W., 82, 228, 341, 381, 406, 418
Law of the Empire, 37-51
Lawrence, Henry, 647
Lawrence, John, 647
Lawrence, Stringer, 647
Leggo, Mr.; 815
Letters, statistics of, 314
Lords, House of, 48
Louis XIV., 25
Louis XVI., 279
Lowe, Robert, 148, 159
Lyall, Sir Alfred, 626
Lytton, Lord. 693
MacDougall, Sir Patrick, 240
McGill University. 162
McKinley Tariff, 406
Mahdi, the, 801
Mahmud Ali Khan, Mir, 685
Malay Peninsula. 738, 831
Malcolm, Sir John. 599, 610, 647
Medieval Empire, the, 9
Menelik. 802
Mercantile marine. See Shipping
Militia, the, 282, 240, 241, 371
Miller, Dr., 848
Milner, Viscount, 479, 492-520, 522
Mining in South Africa, 587-598; value of output, 589
Macdonald, Sir W. C, 390, 394-402
Monarch, power of, 29-82
Morley, Mr. John, 484
Morning Post on Australian labour, 484
Morocco, trade with, 98
Morris, Sir Daniel, 881
Napier, Sir Charles, 647
Napoleon, 10, 25, 27, 76
Natal, 560, 585, 587; trade returns. 590
National Debt of England, 74; of Germany, 74; of France, 74; of United States. 74
National Militia Army, 243
Nationality, rise of, 18; cause of strength. 140
Native Affairs Commission, 548
Natives, future of, 821
Navigation Laws, the, 107, 320
Navy, 185, 197-226; and Colonies' expenditure on. 72, 191
Nelson, Lord, 197, 204; his Great Order, 205
Neutral markets, 98
Newcastle, Duke of, 153
New Zealand, 462; cable connection with, 273, 478; population, 464; progressive laws, 465; sport, 470; trade, value of, 54 et seq., 472
New Zealand and the Australian Commonwealth, 475
Nigeria, 848-849, 857
Nile, the, described, 778-799. 809-816
O'Connor, Mr. R. E., 429
Okuma, Count, 100
Orange River Colony, 567, 577 582
Otto the Great, 9
Pacific Cable Committee, 250
Palmer, John, 291
Palmerston, Viscount, 602
Parkes, Sir Harry, 751
Parliament, Imperial, 38
Parliaments, Australian, 429, 431
Pearson, Professor C. H., 457
Pender, Sir John, 265
Persian Gulf, 729
Pertab Singh, Sir, 619, 686
Philip II. of Spain, 10, 25
Pitt, William, 292, 517, 628, 647
Pollock, Sir Frederick, 41, 46, 38
Postal services, early. 288-294; rates, 294, 303, 368; speeds, 295, 305, 306
Postal Union, 309
'Postmaster for Foreign Posts,' 298
Preference, 68
Premiers, conference of, 44
Prime Minister, his responsibility, 29
Raffles, Stamford, 827
Ram Mohan Roy, 615
Reciprocity, Canadian, 405
Reciprocity Congress at Chicago, 90
Reeves, Mr. H. P., 43
Reformation, political effects of, 10
Reid, Mr., 240, 431
Reid, Mr. Whitelaw, 317
Rhodes, Cecil, 479, 482-492, 545
Rhodes scholarships, 164
Rhodesia, 569, 585, 589, 592
Rimington, General, 449
Ripon, Marquis of, 180
Roberts, Earl, 618, 647
Roe, Sir Thomas, 625
Roman Empire, the, 6, 17
Roosevelt, President. 189
Rosebery, Earl of, 130, 518, 751
Rosmead, Lord, 483, 492
Russell, Lord John, 293
Russia, 19; navy of, 211; population, 657
Russian designs on Asia, 833
Russian designs on India, 655-662, 782
St Hyacinths Dairy School, 889
Salar Jung, Sir, 685
Salisbury, Marquis of, 153, 245, 313
Sayad Ahmed Khan, Sir, 601
Scandinavia, British trade with, 96
Schreiner, Mr., 504
Seddon, Mr. Richard. 476
Selborne, Earl, 448
Shaw, Mr., and the Dingley Tariff, 90
Shipbuilding, British, 323
Ship-Letter Act, 302
Shipping. British, 318; growth of, 321; foreign restrictions on, 326
Shipping, foreign, 328
Shishadri Ayer, Sir, 686
Siam, 787
Singapore, 738, 831
'Six Hatters,' the, 441
Slavery, 849-854
Smith, Adam, 83, 107
Smuts, Mr. J. C, 501
Socialism in Australia, 439, 454; in New Zealand, 466
Solano, Mr. E. John, 380
South Africa, 521; cable connection with, 268; education in, 528, 575-586; land settlement of, 560; mining industry, 587-598; natives, 539-556; population, 596; railways, 528; trade, value of, 54, 56 et seq.; war in, 194
South African Federation Act, 41
Spain, Empire of, 10
Stanley, Lord, 868
Stout, Sir Robert, 476
Strachey, Sir John, 611, 640
Straits Settlements, 827 et seq.
Subsidies, 68, 307, 308
Sudan, the, 800 et seq.; products of, 806
Sugar trade, effects of preference on, 147
Swettenham, Sir Frank, 739
Tariff Reform League, proposals of, 96, 123-143
Tariffs, table of, 117, 125; examined, 126
Tasmania, cable connection with, 273
Taylor, Sir Henry, 153
Tibet Expedition, 609
Timber trade, effects of preference, 146
Todd, Sir Charles, 269
Trade, Imperial, 52 et seq.
Transvaal, 565, 577, 585, 589, 888
Tuke, Sir Brian, 289
Turkey, trade with, 97
Uganda, 778, 862-876
Undesirable Immigrant Act, 441
United Kingdom. See Great Britain
United States. See America
Universal Empire, the theory of, 9
Victoria, Queen, 32, 493, 605, 624, 693
'Vidi,' quoted, 168
Vivekenanda, Swami, 612
Vogel, Sir Julius, 476
Waghorn, Lieatenant, 302
Wagner, Professor A., 189 note
Walpole, Sir Spencer, 154
Warren. Sir Charles, 483
Watson, Lord, 48
Watson, Mr., 240, 432, 444
Webster, Daniel, quoted, 134
West Indies, 64, 147, 877-882; cable connection with, 261
Wheat, British imports of, 105, 122, 460
Willcocks, Sir William, 735
William II., Kaiser, 735
Witherings, 290, 298
Wood, Major William, 367
'Yellow Peril,' the 607
Yeomanry, the, 244