The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Flügge, Karl

Edition of 1920. See also Carl Flügge on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1479763The Encyclopedia Americana — Flügge, Karl

FLÜGGE, flü'ge, Karl, German sanitation expert: b. Hanover, 1847. He studied at the universities of Göttingen, Bonn, Leipzig and Munich. In 1878-83 he was lecturer at the University of Berlin and in 1883 became professor of hygiene at the Göttingen Hygienic Institute. He removed to Breslau in a similar capacity in 1887 and in 1909 was appointed professor of hygiene at the University of Berlin. He has made important investigations in experimental hygiene and bacteriology. His works include ‘Beiträge zur Hygiene’ (1872); ‘Die Mikroorganismen’ (3d ed., 1896); ‘Grundriss der Hygiene’ (new ed., 1902); ‘Ueber das Absolute in den ästhetischen urteilen Langensalza’ (1901). With Koch, he was joint editor of Zeitschrift für Hygiene after 1886.