The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Grechaninov, Alexander Tikhonovich

The Encyclopedia Americana
Grechaninov, Alexander Tikhonovich

Edition of 1920. See also Alexander Gretchaninov on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1523805The Encyclopedia Americana — Grechaninov, Alexander Tikhonovich

GRECHANINOV, grĕ-chạ-nĭ'-nȯf, Alexander Tikhonovich, Russian composer: b. Moscow 1864. He studied under Safanov at the Moscow Conservatory and at Petrograd under Rimsky-Korsakov. He is well known for his sacred compositions in his own country; although his lyric and instrumental works have attracted wider notice elsewhere. His works include two symphonies, two string quartets and the music to Ostrovsky's ‘Snegowruchka’; Tolstoy's ‘Tsar Feodor’ and ‘Tsar Boris,’ besides numerous songs and studies for the pianoforte. Of special dramatic merit are his two operas ‘Dobrinya Nikitich’ (1903) and ‘Soeur Beatrice’ (1912).