The First Part of the True and Honorable Historie of the Life of Sir John Oldcastle/Act 4

Enter King Henry, Suffolke, Huntington, and two with lights.

K. Hen.My Lords of Suffolke and of Huntington,
Who skouts it now? or who stands Sentinells?
What men of worth? what Lords do walke the round?

Suff.May it please your Highnesse.

K. Hen.Peace, no more of that,
The King's asleepe, wake not his maiestie,

With termes nor titles, hee's at rest in bed,
Kings do not vse to watch themselues, they sleepe,
And let rebellion and conspiracie,
Reuel and hauocke in the common wealth,
Is London lookt vnto?

Hunt.It is my Lord,
Your noble Vncle Exceter is there,
Your brother Gloucester and my Lord of Warwicke,
Who with the maior and the Aldermen,
Do guard the gates, and keepe good rule within,
The Earle of Cambridge, and sir Thomas Gray,
Do walke the Round, Lord Scroope and Butler skout,
So though it please your maiestie to iest,
Were you in bed, well might you take your rest,

K. Hen.I thank ye Lords, but you do know of old,
That I haue bin a perfect night-walker,
London you say is safely lookt vnto,
Alas poore rebels, there your ayd must faile,
And the Lord Cobham sir Iohn Old-castle,
Hee's quiet in Kent, Acton ye are deceiu'd,
Reckon againe, you count without your host,
To morrow you shall giue account to vs,
Til when my friends, this long cold winters night,
How can we spend? King Harry is a sleepe,
And al his Lords, these garments tel vs so,
Al friends at footebal, fellowes all in field,
Harry, and Dicke, and George, bring vs a drumme,
Giue vs square dice, weele keepe this court of guard,
For al good fellowes companies that come.
Wheres that mad priest ye told me was in Armes,
To fight, as wel as pray, if neede required?

Suff.Hees in the Camp, and if he knew of this,
I vndertake he would not be long hence.

Har.Trippe Dicke, Trippe George. they trippe.

Hunt.I must haue the dice,
What do we play at? the play at dice.

Suff.Passage if ye please.

Hunt.Set round then, so, at all.

Har.George, you are out.
Giue me the dice, I passe for twentie pound,
Heres to our luckie passage into France.

Hunt.Harry you passe indeede for you sweepe all.

Suff.A signe king Harry shal sweep al in France. ent. sir Iohn

sir IohnEdge ye good fellowes, take a fresh gamster in.

Har.Master Parson? we play nothing but gold?

sir Iohn.And fellow, I tel thee that the priest hath gold, gold? sbloud ye are but beggerly souldiers to me, I thinke I haue more gold than all you three.

Hunt.It may be so, but we beleeue it not.

Har.Set priest set, I passe for all that gold.

sir IohnYe passe indeede.

HarryPriest, hast thou any more?

sir IohnZounds what a question's that?
I tell thee I haue more then all you three,
At these ten Angells.

Harry.I wonder how thou comst by all this gold,
How many benefices hast thou priest?

sir IohnYfaith but one, dost wonder how I come by gold? I wonder rather how poore souldiers should haue gold, for Ile tell thee good fellow, we haue euery day tythes, offerings, christnings, weddings, burialls: and you poore snakes come seldome to a bootie. Ile speake a prowd word, I haue but one parsonage, Wrootham, tis better than the Bishopprick of Rochester, theres nere a hill, heath, nor downe in all Kent, but tis in my parish, Barrham downe, Chobham downe, Gads hill, Wrootham hill, Blacke heath, Cockes heath, Birchen wood, all pay me tythe, gold quoth a? ye passe not for that.

Suff.Harry ye are out, now parson shake the dice.

sir Iohn.Set, set Ile couer ye at al: A plague on't I am out, the diuell, and dice, and a wench, who will trust them?

Suff.Saist thou so priest? set faire, at all for once.

Har.Out sir, pay all.

sir IohnSbloud pay me angel gold,
Ile none of your crackt French crownes nor pistolets,
Pay me faire angel gold, as I pay you.

Har.No crackt french crownes? I hope to see more crackt french crownes ere long.

sir IohnThou meanest of French mens crownes, when the King is in France.

Hunt.Set round, at all.

sir IhonPay all: this is some lucke.

Har.Giue me the dice, tis I must shread the priest:
At all sir Iohn.

sir IohnThe diuell and all is yours: at that: sdeath, what casting is this?

Suff.Well throwne Harry yfaith.

Har.Ile cast better yet.

sir IohnThen Ile be hangd. Sirra, hast thou not giuen thy soule to the diuell for casting?

Har.I passe for all.

sir IohnThou passest all that ere I playde withall:
Sirra, dost thou not cogge, nor foist, nor slurre?

Har.Set parson, set, the dice die in my hand:
When parson, when? what can ye finde no more?
Alreadie drie? wast you bragd of your store?

sir IohnAlls gone but that.

Hunt.What, halfe a broken angell?

sir IhonWhy sir, tis gold.

Har.Yea, and Ile couer it.

sir IhonThe diuell do ye good on't, I am blinde, yee haue blowne me vp.

Har.Nay tarry priest, ye shall not leaue vs yet,
Do not these peeces fit each other well?

sir IhonWhat if they do?

Har.Thereby beginnes a tale:
There was a thiefe, in face much like sir Iohn,
But t'was not hee, that thiefe was all in greene,
Met me last day on Blacke Heath, neere the parke,

With him a woman, I was al alone,
And weaponlesse, my boy had al my tooles,
And was before prouiding me a boate:
Short tale to make, sir Iohn, the thiefe I meane,
Tooke a iust hundreth pound in gold from me.
I storm'd at it, and swore to be reueng'de
If ere we met, he like a lusty theefe,
Brake with his teeth this Angel iust in two,
To be a token at our meeting next,
Prouided, I should charge no Officer
To apprehend him, but at weapons point
Recouer that, and what he had beside.
Well met sir Iohn, betake ye to your tooles
By torch light, for master parson you are he
That had my gold.

sir IohnZounds I won't in play, in faire square play of the keeper of Eltham parke, and that I will maintaine with this poore whinyard, be you two honest men to stand and looke vpon's, and let's alone, and take neither part.

Har.A greede, I charge ye do not boudge a foot, Sir Iohn haue at ye.

sir IohnSouldier ware your skonce.

Here as they are ready to strike, enter Butler and drawes his weapon and steps betwixt them.

But.Hold villaines hold, my Lords, what do ye meane,
To see a traitor draw against the King?

sir IohnThe King! Gods wil, I am in a proper pickle.

Har.Butler what newes? why dost thou trouble vs?

But.Please it your Highnesse, it is breake of day,
And as I skouted neere to Islington,
The gray ey'd morning gaue me glimmering,
Of armed men comming downe Hygate hill,
Who by their course are coasting hitherward.

Har.Let vs withdraw, my Lords, prepare our troopes,
To charge the rebels, if there be such cause,
For this lawd priest this diuellish hypocrite,

That is a thiefe, a gamster, and what not,
Let him be hang'd vp for example sake.

sir IohnNot so my gracious soueraigne, I confesse I am a frayle man, flesh and bloud as other are: but set my imperfecti∣ons aside, by this light ye haue not a taller man, nor a truer sub∣iect to the Crowne and State, than sir Iohn of VVrootham.

Har.Wil a true subiect robbe his King?

sir IohnAlas twas ignorance and want, my gracious liege.

Har.Twas want of grace: why, you should be as salt
To season others with good document,
Your liues as lampes to giue the people light,
As shepheards, not as wolues to spoile the flock,
Go hang hm Butler.

But.Didst thou not rob me?

sir IohnI must confesse I saw some of your gold, but my dread Lord, I am in no humor for death, therfore saue my life, God will that sinners liue; do not you cause me die, once in their liues the best may goe astray, and if the world say true, your selfe (my liege) haue bin a thiefe.

Har.I confesse I haue,
But I repent and haue reclaimd my selfe.

sir IohnSo will I do if you will giue me time.

Har.Wilt thou? my lords, will you be his suerties?

Hunt.That when he robs againe, he shall be hang'd.

sir IohnI aske no more.

Har.And we will grant thee that,
Liue and repent, and proue an honest man,
Which when I heare, and safe returne from France,
Ile giue thee liuing, till when take thy gold,
But spend it better then at cards or wine,
For better vertues fit that coate of thine.

sir Iohn Viuat Rex & currat lex, my liege, if ye haue cause of battell, ye shal see sir Iohn of Wrootham bestirre himselfe in your quarrel. exeunt.

After an alarum enter Harry, Suffolk, Huntington, sir Iohn, bringing forth Acton, Beuerly, and Murley prisoners.

Har.Bring in those traitors, whose aspiring minds,
Thought to haue triumpht in our ouerthrow,
But now ye see, base villaines, what successe
Attends ill actions wrongfully attempted.
Sir Roger Acton, thou retainst the name
Of knight, and shouldst be more discreetly temperd,
Than ioyne with peasants, gentry is diuine,
But thou hast made it more then popular.

Act.Pardon my Lord, my conscience vrg'd me to it,

Har.Thy conscience? then thy conscience is corrupt,
For in thy conscience thou art bound to vs,
And in thy conscience thou shouldst loue thy country,
Else what s the difference twixt a Christian,
And the vnciuil manners of the Turke?

Beuer.We meant no hurt vnto your maiesty,
But reformation of Religion.

Har.Reforme Religion? was it that ye sought?
I pray who gaue you that authority?
Belike then we do hold the scepter vp,
And sit within the throne but for a cipher,
Time was, good subiects would make knowne their griefe,
And pray amendment, not inforce the same,
Vnlesse their King were tyrant, which I hope
You cannot iustly say that Harry is,
What is that other?

Suff.A mault-man my Lord,
And dwelling in Dunstable as he saies.

Har.Sirra what made you leaue your barly broth,
To come in armour thus against your King?

Mur.Fie paltry, paltry to and fro, in and out vpon occasion, what a worlde's this? knight-hood (my liege) twas knight∣hood brought me hither, they told me I had wealth enough to make my wife a lady.

Har.And so you brought those horses which we saw,
Trapt all in costly furniture, and meant
To weare these spurs when you were knighted once.

Mur.In and out vpon occasion I did.

Har.In and out vppon occasion, therefore you shall be hang'd, and in the sted of wearing these spurres vpon your heeles, about your necke they shall bewray your folly to the world.

sir IohnIn and out vpon ocasion, that goes hard.

MurFic paltry paltry, to and fro, good my liege a pardon, I am sory for my fault.

Har.That comes too late: but tell me, went there none
Beside sir Roger Acton, vpon whom
You did depend to be your gouernour?

Mar.None none my Lord, but sir Iohn Old-castle.

Har.Beares he part in this conspiracie. enter Bishop

Act.We lookt my Lord that he would meet vs here.

Har.But did he promise you that he would come.

Act.Such letters we receiued forth of Kent.

Bish.Where is my Lord the King? health to your grace,
Examining my Lord some of these caitiue rebels,
It is a generall voyce amongst them all,
That they had neuer come vnto this place,
But to haue met their valiant general,
The good Lord Cobham as they title him,
Whereby, my Lord, your grace may now perceiue,
His treason is apparant, which before
He sought to colour by his flattery.

Har.Now by my roialtie I would haue sworne,
But for his conscience, which I beare withall,
There had not liude a more true hearted subiect.

Bish.It is but counterfeit, my gracious lords,
And therefore may it please your maiestie,
To set your hand vnto this precept here,
By which weel cause him forthwith to appeare,
And answer this by order of the law.

Har.Bishop, not only that, but take commission,
To search, attach, imprison, and condemne,
This most notorious traitor as you please.

Bish.It shall be done, my Lord, without delay:
So now I hold Lord Cobham in my hand,
That which shall finish thy disdained life.

Har.I thinke the yron age begins but now,
(Which learned poets haue so often taught)
Wherein there is no credit to be giuen,
To either wordes, or lookes, or solemne oathes,
For if there were, how often hath he sworne,
How gently tun'de the musicke of his tongue,
And with what amiable face beheld he me,
When all, God knowes, was but hypocrisie. enter Cobham.

Cob.Long life and prosperous raigne vnto my Lord.

Har.Ah villaine, canst thou wish prosperitie,
Whose heart includeth naught but treacherie?
I do arrest thee here my selfe, false knight,
Of treason capitall against the state.

Cob.Of treason mightie prince, your grace mistakes,
I hope it is but in the way of mirth.

Har.Thy necke shall feele it is in earnest shortly,
Darst thou intrude into our presence, knowing
How haynously thou hast offended vs?
But this is thy accustomed deceit,
Now thou perceiust thy purpose is in vaine,
With some excuse or other thou wilt come,
To cleere thy selfe of this rebellion.

Cob.Rebellion good my Lord, I know of none.

Har.If you deny it, here is euidence,
See you these men, you neuer councelled,
Nor offerd them assistance in their warres

Cob.Speake sirs, not one but all, I craue no fauour,
Haue euer I beene conuersant with you,
Or written letters to incourage you,
Or kindled but the least or smallest part,
Of this your late vnnaturall rebellion?
Speake for I dare the vttermost you can.

Mur,In and out vpon occasion I know you not.

Har.No, didst not say that sir Iohn Old-castle,
Was one with whom you purposde to haue met?

Mur.True, I did say so, but in what respect?
Because I heard it was reported so.

Har.Was there no other argument but that?

Act.To cleere my conscience ere I die my lord,
I must confesse, we haue no other ground
But only Rumor, to accuse this lord,
Which now I see was merely fabulous.

Har.The more pernitious you to taint him then,
Whome you knew not was faulty yea or no.

Cobh.Let this my Lord, which I present your grace
Speake for my loyalty, reade these articles,
And then giue sentence of my life or death.

Har.Earle Cambridge, Scroope, and Gray corrupted
With bribes from Charles of France, either to winne
My Crowne from me, or secretly contriue
My death by treason? Is this possible?

Cobh.There is the platforme, and their hands, my lord,
Each seuerally subscribed to the same.

Har.Oh neuer heard of base ingratitude!
Euen those I hugge within my bosome most,
Are readiest euermore to sting my heart.
Pardon me Cobham, I haue done thee wrong,
Heereafter I will liue to make amends.
Is then their time of meeting so neere hand?
Weele meete with them, but little for their ease,
If God permit: goe take these rebells hence,
Let them haue martiall law: but as for thee,
Friend to thy king and country, still be free.Exeunt.

Murl.Be it more or lesse, what a world is this?
Would I had continued still of the order of knaues,
And neuer sought knighthood, since it costes
So deere: sir Roger, I may thanke you for all.

ActonNow tis too late to haue it remedied,
I prithee Murley doe not vrge me with it.

Hunt.Will you away, and make no more to do?

Murl.Fy paltry paltry, to and fro, as occasion serues,
If you be so hasty take my place.

Hunt.No good sir knight, you shall begin in your hand.

Murl.I could be glad to giue my betters place. Exeunt.

Enter Bishop, lord Warden, Croamer the Shrieue, Lady Cob. and attendants.

Bishop.I tell ye Lady, its not possible
But you should know where he conueies himselfe,
And you haue hid him in some secret place.

LadyMy Lord, beleeue me, as I haue a soule,
I know not where my lord my husband is.

Bishop.Go to, go to ye are an heretike,
And will be forc'de by torture to confesse,
If faire meanes will not serue to make ye tell.

LadyMy husband is a noble gentleman,
And neede not hide himselfe for anie fact
That ere I heard of, therefore wrong him not.

Bishop.Your husband is a dangerous schismaticke,
Traitor to God, the King, and common wealth,
And therefore master Croamer shrieue of Kent,
I charge you take her to your custodie,
And ceaze the goods of Sir John Old-castle
To the Kings vse, let her go in no more,
To fetch so much as her apparell out,
There is your warrant from his maiestie.

L. War.Good my Lord Bishop pacifie your wrath
Against the Lady.

Bish.Then let her confesse
Where Old-castle her husband is conceald.

L. War.I dare engage mine honor and my life,
Poore gentlewoman, she is ignorant,
And innocent of all his practises,
If any euill by him be practised.

Bish.If my Lord Warden? nay then I charge you,

That all the cinque Ports whereof you are chiefe
Be laid forthwith, that he escape vs not,
Shew him his highnesse warrant M.Shrieue.

L. War.I am sorie for the noble gentleman, Enter Old-castle & Harp.

Bish.Peace, he comes here, now do your office.

Old-castleHarpoole what businesse haue we here in hand?
VVhat makes the Bishop and the Sheriffe here,
I feare my comming home is dangerous,
I would I had not made such haste to Cobham.

Harp.Be of good cheere my Lord, if they be foes weele scramble shrewdly with them, if they be friends they are welcome: one of them (my Lord, Warden) is your friend, but me thinkes my ladie weepes, I like not that.

Croo.Sir Iohn Old-castle Lord Cobham, in the Kings maiesties name, I arrest ye of high treason.

Oldca.Treason M.Croomes?

Harp.Treason M.Shrieue, sbloud what treason?

Oldca.Harpoole I charge thee stirre not, but be quiet still,
Do ye arrest me M.Shrieue for treason?

Bish.Yea of high treason, traitor, heretike.

Oldca.Defiance in his face that calls me so,
I am as true a loyall gentleman
Vnto his highnesse, as my prowdest enemie,
The King shall witnesse my late faithfull seruice,
For safety of his sacred maiestie.

Bish.VVhat thou art, the kings hand shall testifie,
Shewt him Lord Warden.

Old.Iesu defend me,
Is't possible your cunning could so temper
The princely disposition of his mind,
To signe the damage of a royall subiect?
Well, the best is, it beares an ancedate,
Procured by my absence, and your malice,
But I, since that, haue shewd my selfe as true,
As any churchman that dare challenge me,
Let me be brought before his maiestie,

If he acquite me not, then do your worst.

Bish.We are not bound to do kind offices
For any traitor, schismatike, nor heretike,
The kings hand is our warrant for our worke,
Who is departed on his way for France,
And at Southhampton doth repose this night.

HarpO that it were the blessed will of God, that thou and I were within twenty mile of it, on Salisbury plaine! I would lose my head if euer thou broughtst thy head hither againe. aside.

Oldca.My Lord Warden o'th cinque Ports, & my Lord of Rochester, ye are ioynt Commissioners, fauor me so much, On my expence to bring me to the king.

Bish.What, to Southhampton?

Oldca.Thither my god Lord,
And if he do not cleere me of al guilt,
And all suspition of conspiracie,
Pawning his princely warrant for my truth:
I aske no fauour, but extreamest torture.
Bring me, or send me to him, good my Lord,
Good my Lord Warden, M Shrieue, entreate.

Here the Lord Warden, and Cromer vncouer to the Bishop, and secretly whispers with him.

Come hither lady, nay, sweet wife forbeare,

To heape one sorrow on anothers necke,
Tis griefe enough falsly to be accusde,
And not permitted to acquite my selfe,
Do not thou with thy kind respectiue teares,
Torment thy husbands heart that bleedes for thee,
But be of comfort, God hath help in store,
For those that put assured trust in him.
Deere wife, if they commit me to the Tower,
Come vp to London to your sisters house:
That being neere me, you may comfort me.
One solace find I setled in my soule,
That I am free from treasons very thought,

Only my conscience for the Gospels sake,
Is cause of all the troubles I sustaine.

Lady.O my deere Lord, what shall betide of vs?
You to the Tower, and I turnd out of doores,
Our substance ceaz'd vnto his highnesse vse,
Euen to the garments longing to our backes.

Harp.Patience good madame, things at worst will mend,
And if they doe not, yet our liues may end.

Bish.Vrge it no more, for if an Angell spake,
I sweare by sweet saint Peters blessed keyes,
First goes he to the Tower, then to the stake.

Crom.But by your leaue, this warrant doth not stretch
To imprison her.

Bishop.No, turne her out of doores, L. Warden and Oldcastle whisper.
Euen as she is, and leade him to the Tower,
With guard enough for feare of rescuing.

LadyO God requite thee thou bloud-thirsty man.

Oldca.May it not be my Lord of Rochester?
Wherein haue I incurd your hate so farre,
That my appeale vnto the King's denide?

Bish.No hate of mine, but power of holy church,
Forbids all fauor to false heretikes.

Oldca.Your priuate malice more than publike power,
Strikes most at me, but with my life it ends.

Harp.O that I had the Bishop in that feare, aside
That once I had his Sumner by our selues.

Crom.My Lord yet graunt one sute vnto vs all,
That this same auncient seruing man may waite
Vpon my lord his master in the Tower.

Bish.This old iniquitie, this heretike?
That in contempt of our church discipline,
Compeld my Sumner to deuoure his processet
Old Ruffian past-grace, vp start schismatike,
Had not the King prayd vs to pardon ye,
Ye had fryed for it, ye grizild heretike.

Harp.Sbloud my lord Bishop}, ye do me wrong, I am

neither heretike nor puritane, but of the old church, ile sweare, drinke ale, kisse a wench, go to masse, eate fish all Lent, and fast fridaies with cakes and wine, fruite and spicerie, shriue me of my old sinnes afore Easter, and beginne new afore whitsontide.

Crom.A merie mad conceited knaue my lord.

Harp.That knaue was simply put vpon the Bishop.

Bish.VVel, God forgiue him and I pardon him.
Let him attend his master in the Tower,
For I in charity wish his soule no hurt.

OldcaGod blesse my soule from such cold charitie,

Bish.Tooth Tower with him, and when my leisure serues,
I will examine him of Articles,
Looke my lord Warden as you haue in charge,
The Shriue performe his office.

L. Ward.Yes my lord. Enter the Sumner with bookes.

Bish.VVhat bringst thou there? what? bookes of heresie.

Som.Yea my lord, heres not a latine booke,
No not so much as our ladies Psalter,
Heres the Bible, the testament the Psalmes in meter,
The sickemans salue, the treasure of gladnesse,
And al in English, not so much but the Almanack's English.

Bish.Away with them, to'th fire with them Clun,
Now fie vpon these vpstart heretikes,
Al English, burne them, burne them quickly Clun.

Harp.But doe not Sumner as voule answere it, for I haue there English bookes my lord, that ile not part with for your Bishoppricke, Beuis of Hampton, Owleglasse, the Frier and the Boy, Ellen of Rumming, Robin hood, and other such godly stories which if ye burne, by this flesh ile make ye drink their ashes in S. Margets ale. exeunt.

Enter the Bishop of Rochester with his men, in liuerie coates.

1.Ser.Is it your honors pleasure we shal stay,
Or come backe in the afternoone to fetch you.

Bish.Now you haue brought me heere into the Tower,
You may go backe vnto the Porters Lodge,
And send for drinke or such things as you want,
Where if I haue occasion to imploy you,
Ile send some officer to cal you to me.
Into the cittie go not, I commaund you,
Perhaps I may haue present neede to vse you.

2We will attend your worship here without.

Bish.Do so I pray you.

3Come, we may haue a quart of wine at the Rose at Barking, I warrant you, and come backe an hower before he be ready to go.

1We must hie vs then.

3Let's away. exeunt.

Bish.Ho, M.Lieftenant.

Lieften.Who calls there?

Bish.A friend of yours.

Lieften.My lord of Rochester, your honor's welcome.

Bish.Sir heres my warrant from the Counsell,
For conference with sir Iohn Old-castle,
Vpon some matter of great consequence.

Lieften.Ho, sir Iohn.

Harp.Who calls there?

Lieften.Harpoole, tel Sir Iohn, that my lord of Rochester comes from the counsell to conferre with him.

Harp.I will sir.

Lief.I thinke you may as safe without suspition,
As any man in England as I heare,
For it was you most labor'd his commitment.

Bish.I did sir, and nothing repent it I assure you.

Enter sir Iohn Old-castle.

M.Lieftenant I pray you giue vs leaue,

I must conferre here with sir Iohn a little.

Lief.With all my heart my lord.

Harp aside.My lord be rulde by me, take this occasion while tis offered, and on my life your lordship shal escape.

Old-ca.No more I say, peace lest he should suspect it.

Bish.Sir Iohn I am come vnto you from the lords of his highnesse most honorable counsell, to know if yet you do re∣cant your errors, conforming you vnto the holy church.

Old-ca.My lord of Rochester on good aduise,
I see my error, but yet vnderstand me,
I meane not error in the faith I hold,
But error in submitting to your pleasure,
Therefore your lordship without more to do.
Must be a meanes to help me to escape.

Bish.What meanes? thou heretike?
Darst thou but lift thy hand against my calling?

sir IohnNo not to hurt yon for a thousand pound,

Harp.Nothing but to borrow your vpper garments a little; not a word more, for if you do, you die: peace, for waking the children, there, put them on, dispatch, my lord, the window that goes out into the leads, is sure enough, I told you that before, there, make you ready, ile conuay him after, and bind him surely in the inner roome.

Old-ca.This is wel begun, God send vs happie speed,
Hard shift you see men make in time of need: Harpoole.

Harp.Heere my Lord, come come away.

Enter seruing men againe.

1I maruell that my lord should stay so long.

2He hath sent to seeke vs, I dare lay my life.

3We come in good time, see where he is comming.

Harp.I beseech you good my lord of Rochester, be fauorable to my lord and maister.

Old-ca.The inner roomes be very hot and close,
I do not like this ayre here in the Tower.

HarpHis case is hard my lord, you shall safely get out of the Tower, but I will downe vpon them, in which time get you away.

Old-ca.Fellow thou troublest me.

Harp.Heare me my Lord, hard vnder Islington wait you my comming, I will bring my Lady ready, with horses

to conuay you hence.

Old-ca.Fellow, go back againe vnto thy Lord and counsell him.

Harp.Nay my good lord of Rochester, ile bring you to S. Albons through the woods, I warrant you.

Old-ca.Villaine away.

Harp.Nay since I am past the Towers libertie, thou part'st not so. he drawes.

Bish.Clubbes clubs, clubs.

1Murther, murther murther.

2Downe with him. they fight.

3A villaine traitor.

Harp.You cowardly rogues. sir Iohn escapes.

Enter Lieftenant and his men.

Lieft.Who is so bold as dare to draw a sword,
So neare vnto the entrance of the Tower?

1This ruffian seruant to sir Iohn Old-castle was like to haue slaine my Lord.

Lieft.Lay hold on him.

Harp.Stand off if you loue your puddings.

Rochester calls within.

Roch within.Help help, help, M.Lieftenant help.

Lief.Who's that within? some treason in the Tower vpon my life, looke in, who's that which calls? enter Roch. bound.

Lief.Without your cloke my lord of Rochester?

Harp.There, now it workes, then let me speed, for now is the fittest time for me to scape away. exit

Lief.Why do you looke so ghastly and affrighted?

Roch.Old-castle that traitor and his man,
When you had left me to conferre with him,
Tooke, bound, and stript me, as you see,
And left me lying in his inner chamber,
And so departed, and I

And you! ne're say that the Lord Cobhams man
Did here set vpon you like to murther you.

1And so he did.

Roch.It was vpon his master then he did,
That in the brawle the traitor might escape.

Lief.Where is this Harpoole?

2Here he was euen now.

Lief.Where can you tell? they are both escap'd,
Since it so happens that he is escap'de,
I am glad you are a witnesse of the same,
It might haue else beene laid vnto my charge,
That I had beene consenting to the fact.

Roch.Come, search shal be made for him with expedition, the hauens laid that he shall not escape, and hue and crie continue thorough England, to find this damned dangerous heretike. exeunt.