Adamites, denial of their identification with Hussites, 117
Albert, Archduke of Austria, joins Sigismund before Prague, 52; witnesses coronation of Sigismund, 60; joins Sigismund in Moravia, 101; retires before united Hussite forces, 184; advances on Bohemia, 207–208; at peace conference at Pressburg, 227, 230, 232; manifesto against papal authority ascribed to, 249–250; his advice to Sigismund 358; arrives at Jihlava 360
Aleš, Lord of Riesenburg, regent of Bohemia, 315–316, 318; his anger against Táborites, 325; at Kačin hill, 328; at Lipany, 333; receives letter from Council of Basel, 339; re-elected regent, 341; envoy to Brno, 352; at Jihlava, 360
Ambrose, of Králové Hradec, joins Praguers, 44; assists Hussites in recapture of Králové Hradec, 47–48; attempts conversion of Martin Loquis, 116; in discussion at Prague, 316
Andrew of Kerský, organises defence of Prague, 328; commands Táborites at Lipany, 334; his flight to Kolin, 335; takes part in diet at Prague, 341
Basel, Council of, demanded of Pope by Christian world, 248–250; Cesarini refuses to dissolve, 273–275; its conciliatory attitude to Bohemian envoys, 288–289; disputation at, 293–300; forms compact with Hussites which ended wars, 311–313; rejoices over battle of Lipany, 337–338
Beaufort, Henry of, Cardinal of Winchester, presides at Council of Tachov, 211; quarrels with German princes, 212; retreats before Hussites, 213; appoints representatives at Žebrák, 218; commands another crusade, 234
Benes of Kolowrat, Lord, joins Prokop the Great, 210
Bohemia, opposes Sigismund on account of Hus, 1; political and religious condition of, at commencement of Hussite wars, 71–82; internal condition after battle of Ústi, 196–202
Bohemians, their antagonism to Church of Rome, 1, 4; awakening of democratic spirit among, 1–3; resent interference of Council of Constance, 6; their protest against simony and immorality of clergy, 15; their intense hatred of term heretic, 15, 51, 56 n., 300; German crusade against, 97–101; defeat Germans at Ústi, 190–195; put to flight German crusaders, 209–214; raid Germany, 237–243; rout Germans at Domážlice, 268–270; acknowledge Sigismund as king, 362
Bohuslav of Schwamberg, defends Táborite stronghold of Križenec, 149; succeeds Vicemilic as Táborite commander, 183; fatally wounded in Austrian campaign, 184
Bořek of Miletinek, Utraquist general, arrests Loquis, 115; delivers Loquis to Ambrose, 116; defends Valečov brothers against Čeněk of Wartenberg, 147–148; conquered by Žižka at Králové Hradec, 155–156; chosen captain at meeting at Kolin, 165; negotiates with Poland, 287; forms confederacy against Táborites, 325; at Kačin hill, 328; commands league at Lipany, 333; envoy to Brno, 352
Bradatý, Utraquist knight, leads Bohemian peasants to reinforcement of army of Prague, 46–47; assists Praguers in attack on Vyšehrad, 63, 64; killed in battle of Ústi, 194
Branda, Cardinal, raises crusade against Bohemian “heretics,” 97–100; attempts to raise second crusade, 140; recalled by papal see, 181–182; replaced by Cardinal Orsini, 188
Břenek, Lord, of Skála, killed at skirmish of Sudoměř, 22
Brieg, capitulates to Bohemian invaders, 222
Čapek of San, 318; leads Orphans against Plzeň, 319; raises troop of Orphans, 330–331; conquered at Lipany, 334–335; takes part in diet at Prague, 341
Carlier, Giles, Dean of Cambrai, addresses Council of Basel on second article of Prague, 297; accompanies envoys from Basel, 303; delegate to Regensburg, 344
Časlav, assembly of Bohemian parties at, 92–96; visited by Žižka, 105; diet summoned by Korybut at, 131
Catherine, Duchess of Saxony, raises an army against Bohemians, 190
Čěnek of Wartenberg, Lord, concludes armistice with Prague, 19; appointed regent by Sigismund, 36; his character described, 36–37; becomes enemy of Sigismund, 40, 41; publishes manifesto against Sigismund, 41; his abhorrence of religious anarchism, 43; abandons national cause, 43; returns to Utraquism, 91; appointed regent of Bohemia, 94; his feud with Valečov brothers, 147–148; defeated at Horiče, 149; rejoins Utraquists, 187; dies in 1425, 187
Cesarini, Cardinal Julian, entrusted by Pope with negotiations for crusade against Bohemia, 250; his character, 250 n.; calls Germans to arms, 263–265; leads crusaders against Bohemians, 265–268; his flight from Domážlice, 268–270; his negotiations to effect reconciliation between Romanists and Utraquists, 272–275; his letter to Pope on agreement of Cheb, 284–285; prepares for reception of envoys at Basel, 290–293; his prudent guidance of Council of Basel, 293–303, 312
Chalice, emblem of Utraquists, 5
Cheb, negotiations for Council of Basel held at, 261–262; delegates of Council deliberate at, 280–284
Conrad of Breslau, Bishop, opposes Bohemian invaders in Silesia, 221–222; attends peace conference of Pressburg, 227
Conrad of Vechta, Archbishop of Prague, accepts articles of Prague and renounces allegiance to Sigismund, 86–88; consults Žižka on fate of Loquis, 116; attends meeting at Kolin, 165
Domážlice (Tauss), Žižka’s letter to citizens of, 29–30; rout of German crusaders at, 268–270; effect of victory at, 271
Eugenius IV, Pope, 261; commands dissolution of assembly at Basel, 273–275; letter from Cesarini to, on agreement of Cheb, 284–285; dislikes Council of Basel, 340; sends pacific letter to Prague, 359
Frederick, Elector of Brandenburg receives margravate of Brandenburg from Sigismund, 38; advises conciliatory policy, 38–39; his estrangement from Sigismund, 40–41; unsuccessfully attempts to invade Bohemia, 140–141; plans invasion of Bohemia, 203–209; sends pacific letter to citizens of Prague, 204; quarrels with Cardinal Beaufort, 211–212; retreats before Hussites, 213; conciliatory attitude towards Bohemia, 215–216, 240–243; manifesto against papal authority ascribed to, 249–250; leads crusade against Bohemians, 264, 267; his flight from Domážlice, 268–270; attends conference at Cheb, 280–282; his reluctance to afford safe conduct of Bohemian envoys to Basel, 288
Frederick of Kolowrat, 165
Frederick, Elector of Saxony, 189; his forces defeated at Ústi, 190–195; succumbs to Bohemian raid, 237–240
Frederick of Straánic, leads Táborites against Plzeň, 318
Frederick of Strašnice, envoy to Ladislas, 253
George of Dvůr, delegate of Council of Basel, 286
George of Rečič, delegate of Council of Basel, 286
Germans, attack Bohemian frontier-towns, 89–90, 98; raise crusade against Bohemian heretics, 97–101; defeated by united Bohemian forces at Ústi, 190–195; plan another invasion of Bohemia, 203–209; dissensions among their crusades, 208; their flight from third crusade, 210–214; succumb to Bohemian raid, 237–240; invaded by Bohemians in winter of 1429–1430, 240–243; failure of their crusade led by Cesarini, 263–270
Germans in Bohemia, murder Utraquists at Kutna Hora, 18; driven out of Prague, 42–43; defeated at battle of Vitkov hill, 53–54; quarrel with Bohemian allies of Sigismund, 57–59; their national hatred of Bohemian Slavs, 73, 89
Habart of Adlar, envoy of Sigismund, 326
Hanus, Lord, of Kolowrat, attacks Žižka, 21–22; attends peace conference of Pressburg, 227; takes part in campaign against Germans, 267
Hašek of Valdštýn, chosen mediator in disputes at Prague, 124; appointed captain of Prague, 125; his fervour for Utraquism, 125; disputes with Zělivo, 126–127; his precautions against riots following execution of Zělivo, 127–128; attends meeting at Kolin, 165
Henry Toke, Canon of Magdeburg, addresses conference at Cheb, 282, 283; represents Council of Basel at Prague, 305, 313; delegate to Regensburg, 344
Henry of Wartenberg, at Kačin hill, 328
Hradčany castle, Žižka attacks royalist party near, 17; surrenders to Sigismund, 43, 44; capitulates to nationalists, 91
Hus, John, letter to King of Poland on victory of Tannenberg, 2; effect of his execution on people of Prague, 3
Hussite movement, caused by three motives, 1–3; anti-dynastic and revolutionary character of, 12–13; its puritanic character, 14, 28; system of warfare in, 24–29; battle of Vitkov hill turning-point in, 54; first discords between Utraquists and Táborites in, 60–61, 73–77; German crusade against Bohemians in, 97–101; first battle in civil war at Hořice, 148; importance of deposition of Korybut in, 202; peace negotiations between Hussites and Sigismund in, 226–234; spread of Hussite doctrines throughout Europe, 245–246, 281; compact with Council of Basel ending, 311; final victory over Táborites at Lipany in, 333–336
Hvězda, John, of Vicemilic, elected leader of Prague by John of Zělivo, 121; chosen as mediator in disputes at Prague, 124; loses position as captain of Prague, 125; subdued by Korybut, 138; becomes first commander of Táborites, 182; killed by an arrow-shot, 183
Hynek, Lord, of Kolštýn, offers Bohemian crown to Ladislas of Poland, 79–82; plans liberation of Korybut, 216–217
Hynek, Lord, of Poděbrad, joins Žižka, 167
Jacob Ulk, inveighs against representatives of Council of Basel, 305; his influence on Praguers, 328
Jacobellus of Střibro, his influence on citizens of Prague, 61; represents university at Hussite conference, 77; opposes John of Zělivo, 124; directs ecclesiastical matters in Prague, 124; condemns rioting of Zělivo, 125; attends disputation at Konopišt, 150
Jakoubec of Bilina, Lord, fails in attempt to save life of Lord Wolkenstein, 193
Jerome Šrol, incites citizens of Prague against Korybut, 200
John of Cernin, envoy to Brno, 352
John of Chvojnov, 117
John of Hardegg, Count of Retz, his brave defence of Retz, 184
John, Bishop of Litomyšle, his estates seized by Utraquist nobles, 5; attends peace conference of Pressburg, 227
John of Maulbronn, delegate to Council of Basel, 280, 282; negotiates between Sigismund and Prokop, 283–284; attends assembly at Basel, 293; accompanies envoys from Basel, 303
John Naź, Bishop of Coire, addresses Council of Basel, 339
John, Bishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), leader of Moravian Catholics, 154
John of Palomar, Archdeacon of Barcelona, welcomes Bohemians at Basel, 291; speaks on fourth article of Prague, 297; accompanies envoys from Basel, 303; at diet of Prague, 306, 307; at Council of Basel, 310, 312, 313; addresses assembly at Prague, 316; negotiates against Táborites, 325; opposes Lupač at Basel, 339; offends Rokycan at Regensburg, 344–345; principal orator at Regensburg, 345; and at Brno, 353
John Pardus, leads Táborites against Plzeň, 318; pillages Bavaria, 321–322; imprisoned by his troops, 322
John Potštýn, Lord of Zampach, 157
John of Přibram, defends Utraquism at Prague, 57, 61; appointed religious arbitrator at assembly of Časlav, 95–96; attends disputation at Konopišt, 150; censured by Nicholas of Pelhřimov, 180; imprisoned by citizens of Prague, 202; attacks Wycliffe’s views, 236 and n.; in discussions at Prague, 316
John of Reinstein (“Kardinal”), accompanies embassy to Ladislas of Poland, 81; directs ecclesiastical matters at Prague, 124; attends disputation at Konopišt, 150
John of Rokycan, afterwards Utraquist Archbishop of Prague, attends disputation at Konopišt, 150; appeals to Žižka on behalf of Prague, 172; denounces ritualists, 199; incites citizens of Prague against Korybut, 200; attacks Táborite doctrines at Prague, 258; speaks in favour of peace, 275, 277, 282; elected administrator of Utraquist Church, 278; envoy to Cheb, 281; to Council of Basel, 286; his speeches in Basel, 292, 295, 296, 298–299, 303; defends first article of Prague, 293–294; addresses diet at Prague, 305–307; 309, 316; his power over Bohemians, 338; reads his articles at diet of Prague, 343–344; opposes Palomar at Regensburg, 344–345; upholds doctrines before Sigismund, 345–346; concludes truce with Táborites, 348, 349; envoy to Brno, 352; addresses assembly at Brno, 353; given archbishopric of Prague, 355, 359; at Jihlava, 361; receives Sigismund as king in Prague, 362
John Rozvoda of Stakov, betrays Korybut’s supposed plot against Utraquists, 199–200; receives high offices in Prague, 201–202
John Sadlo of Kostelec, rebukes John of Zělivo, 120; unjustly accused by Táborites and beheaded, 122
John Tovačovský, commands Praguers in Moravia, 219
John Velvar, delegate of Council of Basel, 286; his protest to Sigismund, 357; acts as spokesman at Jihlava, 361, 362
John of Zělivo (Seclau), denounces Sigismund in sermon at Prague, 9; leads attack on the town-hall, 10; is struck by stone, 10; policy of, 12; leads citizens of Prague in crusade against Roman Church, 43; addresses inhabitants of Kutna Hora, 90–91; leads attack on churches on the Hradčany, 91; appointed religious arbitrator at assembly of Časlav, 94–95; his influence on inhabitants of Prague, 118–119, 120; rebuked by Sadlo, 120; elects John Hvězda of Vicemilic captain of Prague, 121; compasses death of Sadlo, 122; condemned by Jacobellus of Střibro, 125; treacherously murdered at town-hall, 126–127; riots following death of, 127–129
Kalteisen, Henry, addresses Council of Basel on third article of Prague, 297
Korybutovič, Prince Sigismund, 88; sends indignant letter to Duke of
Troppau, 96–97; appointed representative of Prince Vitold in Bohemia, 130; accepts articles of Prague, 131; received as regent in Bohemia, 131, 135; his relations with Žižka, 132–134; fails to capture Karlštýn castle, 135–138; subdues Táborite revolt, 138; recalled to Poland, 141–142; sincerity of his attitude towards Utraquism, 146–147; returns to Bohemia, 170; assumes command of army on death of Žižka, 177; his successful campaign in Austria, 184; his pacific influence on Prague, 187–188; defeats Germans at Ústi, 190–195; accused of treachery to Bohemians, 197–202; imprisoned by citizens of Prague, 200; results of his deposition, 202; liberated and escorted from Bohemia, 216–217; returns to Bohemia, 234–235; upholds Hussites in Cracow, 253–255; aids Bohemians against Germans, 267; mediates between Ladislas and Bohemians, 287
Kostka, Wm., Lord of Postupic, attends embassy to Sigismund, 253; chief speaker at Cheb, 262; delegate of Council at Basel, 286; negotiates with Poland, 287; at Basel, 302; forms confederacy against Táborites 325; at Kačin hill, 328; envoy to Brno, 352
Králové Hradec (Königgrätz), occupied by Sigismund, 41; recaptured by Hussites, 48; sends envoy to persuade Sigismund to accept articles of Prague, 62–63; Bořek of Miletinek defeated by Žižka at, 155–156
Krasa, John, sentenced to death by Sigismund, 39, 39 n.–40 n.
Krusina, Lord, of Lichtenberg, leads Orebites against Wartenberg, 44; recaptures Králové Hradec from royalists, 47–48; aids Praguers in attack on Vyšehrad, 63, 64, 67; appointed regent of Bohemia, 94; attends meeting at Kolin, 165; his bravery at battle of Ústi, 193
Kuneš of Bělovic, leader of Orphans, attacks Vožic, 182
Kutna Hora (Kuttenberg), inhuman persecution of Hussites by miners at, 17–18; enthusiastic reception of Sigismund at, 41; submits to Žižka, 90–91; recaptured by Sigismund, 104–107; set on fire by Sigismund, 109; again falls to Žižka, 109–110; diet at, to sanction agreement of Cheb, 285–286
Ladislas, King of Poland, refuses Bohemian crown, 60, 79–82; demands release of Bohemian envoys from Duke of Troppau, 97; marries wife of Utraquist tendencies, 129–130; fails in plan to attack Bohemia with Vitold and Sigismund, 143–145; his perfidy to Bohemians, 164, 170; rebukes Germans for cowardice at Ober-Glogau, 222–223; imprisons Korybut, 234; attempts mediation between Romanists and Hussites, 251–254; sends representatives to Cheb, 261–262; renews amicable relations with Bohemia, 287–288
Malešov, scene of Žižka’s victory over Praguers, 168
Martin V, Pope, decrees crusade against Hussites and Wycliffites, 40; confounds Adamites with Hussites, 117; his letter to Vitold concerning Bohemian heretics, 130; fails in attempt to invade Bohemia, 145; consents to Council of Basel under fear of deposition, 248–252
Martin Berruer, Dean of Tours, informs Council of Basel of result of mission to Prague, 310, 338; represents Council of Basel, 313; delegate to Regensburg, 344
Martin Houška (surnamed Loquis), at the conference at Prague, 75; his fanaticism and hatred of Sacrament of Communion, 115; imprisoned by Lord Ulrich of Jindřichův Hradec, 115; his examination and execution, 116
Martin Lupáč, envoy to Council of Basel, 310, 318, 338; expounds claims of Bohemians at Basel, 339; returns to Prague, 340; envoy to Brno, 352; elected suffragan bishop, 355
Martin of Volyn, disciple of Hus, 113
Materna of Ronov, defends castle of Vožic, 182
Matthew Louda of Chlumčany, delegate of Council at Basel, 286; his pacific conduct in Germany, 290, 304; addresses Council of Basel, 293, 310; envoy to Brno, 352
Menhard, Lord, of Jindřichův Hradec, attempts mediation between Sigismund and Utraquists, 226–227; between Utraquists and Council of Basel, 308; his efforts to establish order in Bohemia, 315; defeats Táborites, 324; negotiates against Táborites, 325; at Lipany, 333; confers with Sigismund, 346–347; envoy to Brno, 352; acts as adviser to Sigismund, 354, 356–357; at Jihlava, 360
Neisse, defended by Silesians against Bohemians, 222
Nicholas of Hus, advocate of Utraquism, 8; gives military training to Hussite army, 9, 27; appointed Táborite captain by Žižka, 34; defends Tábor against royalists, 49; assists at attack on Vyšehrad, 63; refuses to attend Hussite conference at Prague, 74; protests against introduction of foreigner to Bohemian throne, 78; dies as result of accident, 81
Nicholas of Padařov, represents Táborites at diet of Prague, 341
Nicholas, Bishop of Pelhřimov, acts as Táborite spokesman at Hussite conference at Prague, 75–77; pacific views of, 115; attends disputation at Konopišt, 150; censures John of Přibram, 180; upholds views of Wycliffe, 236; envoy to Cheb, 281; delegate of Council of Basel, 286; defends second article of Prague, 294; again addresses Council, 299; at diet of Prague, 306
Orebites, their outrages against adherents of Roman Church, 43; aid Praguers against Sigismund, 43; attack the Vyšehrad on behalf of Praguers, 63
Orphans, Táborite party formed after death of Žižka, 177–178, 182; at theological conference of Prague, 257–261; quarrel with Prokop, 276–277; fight for Ladislas, 314–315; anarchical conduct of, 324; confederacy formed against, 325; decisive victory over, at Lipany, 333–336
Orsini, Cardinal Giordano, becomes papal legate in Germany, 188; plans new crusade against Bohemia, 188–189
Otho, Duke of Brunswick, 208
Peter, Bishop of Augsburg, 302
Peter Payne (surnamed Engliš), directs ecclesiastical matters in Prague, 124; attends disputation at Konopišt, 150; and at Žebrak, 218; at peace conference of Pressburg, 227; upholds views of Wycliffe, 236; envoy to Ladislas, 253; envoy to Cheb, 281; delegate of Council at Basel, 286; defends fourth article of Prague, 295; at diet of Prague, 306; acts as mediator in Prague, 348, 349
Peter Zmrzlik of Svojšin, originates plan for reconciliation of Hussite parties, 74
Philibert, Bishop of Coutance, 302; represents Council of Basel at Prague, 304–307, 309, 313, 316; delegate to Regensburg, 344; at reconciliation in Jihlava, 361
Philipp, Táborite preacher, expels priests from Utraquist churches in Prague, 119
Pipa of Ozora, routed by Žižka at Pořič, 46; institutes massacres in Moravia, 102; advises retreat from Kutna Hora, 108; defeated by Žižka, 109
Pius II, Pope, 311
Plzeň (Pilsen), advanced on by Táborites, 19; surrendered to Sigismund by Žižka, 21; capitulates to Žižka, 84–85; attacked by Žižka, 167; besieged by Táborites, 318
Poland, its sympathy with Hussite movement, 2; hostile attitude towards Sigismund, 39; its temporary friendship with Bohemia, 286–288, 314
Prague, demonstration by inhabitants on death of Hus, 3; riots in, 9–10; renewal of riots on death of Venceslas, 13; Carthusian monastery destroyed in, 14; Táborites advance upon, 16–17; captured by Žižka, 17; concludes armistice with Sophia, 19; sends envoys to Sigismund at Brno, 35–36; publishes manifesto against Germans, 42–43; its envoys received with hostility by Sigismund, 44; citizens begin fortifications, 44–45; appeals to Táborites for help, 45; its dissensions with Táborites, 49, 60–61; repulse of enemy at, 49–55; offers Bohemian crown to Ladislas of Poland, 60; its citizens victoriously besiege fortress of Vyšehrad, 61–70; triumphal entry of Žižka into, 103; internal religious troubles in 1421 and 1422, 112–129; recognises Korybut as regent, 131, 135; Žižka’s letter to citizens of, 133–134; citizens of, depose and imprison Korybut, 199–201; divides on recognition of Sigismund as king, 235; Hussite theological controversy at, 236–237, 257–261; diets at, 275–278, 279–280, 304–307, 316, 341, 349; captured by Bohemian league, 328–329; receives Sigismund as king, 362
Prague, Articles of, meeting of Utraquists and Romanists for discussion of, 55–57; accepted by Archbishop of Prague, 86–88; accepted by Korybut, 131
Prague, University of, its teaching opposed to Táborite innovations, 45; its famous articles to effect conciliation in Hussite wars, 55–57; failure of its conciliatory attempt, 57; defends Roman ritual against Táborite teaching, 114; attacked by disciples of Zělivo, 128–129; its divines at disputation of Konopišt, 150–154; theological conference at, 257–261
Přibrik of Klenov, Hussite general, captures Střibro, 202–203; defends Střibro against German crusaders, 209; his anarchical conduct, 325; abandons Táborites, 326
Prokop, Táborite preacher, expels Utraquist priests from churches of Prague, 119
Prokop “the Great,” commander of Táborites, his early life and character, 185–187; defeats Germans at Ústi, 190, 195; attacks Victorin of Poděbrad, 196–197; marches on Plzeň, 210; invades Silesia, 219–225; at peace conference at Pressburg, 226–234; his views on the Sacrament, 236–237; his successful winter campaign in Germany, 240–243; writes defence of his faith, 244–248; refuses to accept Romanist decrees, 253–254; marches against German crusaders, 266; accused by Orphans, 276–277; attends diet at Prague, 279; demands safe conduct to Cheb, 281; informs Sigismund of result of conference at Cheb, 283–284; delegate of Council of Basel, 286; addresses assembly at Basel, 294; Cesarini’s admiration of, 298; addresses diet at Prague, 309, 316; attempts to establish order in Bohemia, 315; before Plzeň, 319–326; imprisoned by Táborites at Plzeň, 322; captures Prague, 328–329; his letter to Prokop the Lesser, 329–330; assumes command at Lipany, 334; falls in battle, 335
Prokop of Kladrub, attends religious conference at Žebrak, 218
Prokop of Plzeň, his unjustifiable attack on Táborites at Prague, 75–76; imprisoned by citizens of Prague, 202; envoy to Council of Basel, 310
Prokupek (Prokop the Lesser), commands Orphans, 219; attacks forces of Sigismund at Tyrnau, 255–256; attends diet at Prague, 279; receives letter from Prokop the Great, 329–330; at Lipany, 334; falls in battle, 335
Ptácěk of Pirkštýn, envoy to Brno, 352
Puta of Častolovice, 165, 166; defeated by Žižka, 166; fights against Bohemians on behalf of Silesians, 221–222; attends peace conference of Pressburg, 227
Rosenberg family, their antagonism to Venceslas, 11
Sacrament, in the two kinds (see Utraquism), 4; Hussite dispute concerning Real Presence in, 236–237
St. Mary Magdalene, celebration by Hussites on feast of, 8
Sigismund. King, opposed by Bohemian nobles, 1, 6; hostile attitude towards Hussites, 6–7; described Zělivo as dragon of Revelation, 9, 13; position in regard to Bohemian throne on death of Venceslas, 13; conditional invitation to throne, 14–15; his evasive answer, 15; refuses reconciliation with Bohemia, 19; arrives in Brno to claim Bohemian throne, 35; hostile attitude towards envoys from Prague, 35–36; proceeds to Breslau, 37; summons imperial diet, 38–39; rouses hostility of Polish envoys, 39; supports papal bull against Hussites and Wycliffites, 40; his estrangement from Frederick of Brandenburg, 40; commences campaign against Bohemians, 40–41; his success at Králové Hradec, 41; denounced strongly by Čeněk of Wartenberg, 42; receives surrender of Hradčany and Vyšehrad castles, 43–44; declares hostility to envoys of Prague, 44; retires on Stara Boleslav, 46; his cruelties on march to Prague, 47; his hopeful position before Prague, 48; his defeat at Vitkov, 52–55; his courage called in question, 54–55, 59; his camp breaks up for various causes, 57–59; crowned as King of Bohemia, 59–60; refuses to accept articles of Prague and insults envoy of Králové Hradec, 62–63; his forces defeated at Vyšehrad, 63–70; plot against throne of, 77–83; makes ineffectual attempt to attack Žižka, 83–84; his deposition announced at assembly of Časlav, 93; reduces Moravia to submission, 101–102; enters Bohemia, 103; his victorious campaign at Kutna Hora, 104–108; sets fire to Kutna Hora, 109; retreats to Německý Brod, 109–111; defeated by Žižka at Německý Brod, 110–111; unsuccessfully attempts invasion of Bohemia, 139–141; forms alliance with Vitold and Ladislas to attack Bohemia, 143–145; Bohemians renew negotiations with, 164–166; story of his attempt at reconciliation with Žižka, 169; accuses Germans of heretical sympathies, 181; retreats before united Hussite forces, 184; his relations with Germany, 215; Hussites attempt pacific negotiations with, at Pressburg, 225–234; sends representatives to Prague, 257; and to Cheb, 261–262; his attitude of bravado after defeat at Domážlice, 272, 273; Prokop’s letter to, about negotiations at Cheb, 283–284; negotiates with Táborites, 326; effect of battle of Lipany on, 337; arrives at Basel, 340; receives representatives of Bohemia and Council of Basel, 345; secretly negotiates with Táborites, 350; attends diet at Brno, 353; conciliatory negotiations with Bohemians, 354–362; arrives at Jihlava, 360; received as king in Prague, 362
Simon Olesnicky, Bishop of Cracow, 141
Simon of Tišnov, attends religious conference at Žebrak, 218
Sophia, Queen, favours Hussite cause, 3–4, 14; becomes regent, 14; concludes armistice with Praguers, 19; meets Sigismund at Brno, 35
Stallbogner, Hans, on dissensions of German crusaders, 208
Stara Boleslav (Alt Bunzlau), Sigismund retires to, 46
Stojkovic, John, Bishop of Ragusa, welcomes Bohemians in Basel, 291; addresses Council of Basel, 297, 299
Střibro, captured by Hussites under Přibrik of Klenov, 202–203; held by Přibrek of Klenov against German crusaders, 209
Svidrigal, Grand Duke, succeeds Vitold, 286
Svojše of Zahradka, betrays Korybut’s supposed plot against Utraquists, 199–200; receives high offices in Prague, 201–202
Tábor, meeting-place of Hussites at Ústi, 7; name given derisively to mine-shaft at Kutna Hora by miners, 18; new stronghold of, transferred to Hradište, 20, 31–32; reception of Žižka at, 31–33
Táborites, their meeting at U Křižku on death of Sigismund, 15–16; advance on Prague, 16–17; march to Plzeň, 19; found new city, 20, 31–32; their four leaders, 33–34; aid Praguers against Sigismund, 45; their dissension with citizens of Prague, 49, 60–61; their teachings, 61; vacate Prague for S. Bohemia, 61; their disputes with Utraquists, 73–77; accusations brought against at Hussite conference at Prague, 75–77; send Koranda as envoy to Praguers, 112–114; fanatics among, 118; their statements at disputation at Konopišt, 150–154; effect of Žižka’s death on, 177; divide into two parties, 177–178, 182; their futile conferences at Ždíc, Kouřim and Prague, 178–181; reply to Rokycan’s attack at Prague conference, 257–261; anarchical conduct of, 324; confederacy formed against, 325; decisive victory at Lipany over, 333–336
Tannenberg, victory of Poles at, 2
Thomas Ebendorf of Haselbach, delegate to Regensburg, 344
Ulrich, Lord of Hradec Jindřichův (Neuhaus), attempts reconciliation between Hussite parties, 74–77; arrest Martin Loquis, 115
Ulrich, Lord, of Rosenberg, sanctions manifesto against Sigismund, 42; repulsed by Hussites at Tábor, 46; murders Utraquists at Tábor, 63; defeated by Žižka, 70; appointed regent of Bohemia, 94; attends peace conference of Pressburg, 227; attempts to establish order in Bohemia, 315; negotiates against Táborites, 325; at Kačin hill, 328; reinforces Bohemian league, 331, 332; confers with Sigismund, 346–347; envoy to Brno, 253
Ulrich, Lord, of Usti, killed by Žižka, 33
Uršovec, John of, envoy to Cheb, 281
Utraquists, their origin, 4–5; their priests expelled from Prague, 7; send conditional invitation to Sigismund, 14–15; their first disputes with Táborites, 60–64, 73–77; expulsion of their priests by followers of John of Zělivo, 118–119
Vacha of Rican, his bravery at battle of Ústi, 193
Vávak of Hradec, 120
Venceslas, King, expresses anger at execution of Hus, 3–4; his treacherous conduct towards Hussites, 7; abandons Church reform, 7, 8; begs aid against heretics from Sigismund, 13; his death, 13
Venceslas Koranda, parish priest of Plzeň, preaches at U Křižku, 15–16; advises march on Plzeň, 19; joins Žižka on journey to Tábor, 21; chosen as Táborite envoy to Prague, 112; preaches against use of vestments in St. Mary-of-the-Snow, Prague, 113
Venceslas of Troppau, attempts to stem advance of Bohemian invaders, 220
Victorin of Poděbrad, aids Praguers in attack on Vyšehrad, 63, 64; his bravery at battle of Ústi, 193; unites with Korybut, 196
Vitkov hill, its strategic importance, 49; its successful defence by Žižka, 52–54; bravery of Táborite women at attack of, 53
Vitold, Prince of Lithuania, his ambition and lack of religious scrupulosity, 60, 79–80, 130; accepts Bohemian crown, 82; proclaimed King of Bohemia, 96; appoints Korybut his representative in Bohemia, 130; his outrageous letter to Bohemians, 142–143; forms alliance with Sigismund to attack Bohemia, 143–145; dies in 1431, 286
Vyšehrad castle, surrendered to Sigismund by Čeněk of Wartenberg, 43–44; besieged and captured by citizens of Prague, 61–70
William, Duke of Bavaria, attends peace conference at Pressburg, 227; protector of Council of Basel, 300–301, 302, 313
Wolkenstein, Lord of, killed in retreat from Ústi, 193
Women of Bohemia, their emancipation, 2–3; their utility in Hussite army, 21, 28; their assistance at Sudoměř, 23; strengthen fortifications of Prague, 45; expel nuns from Prague 49; their bravery at attack of Vitkov hill, 53; their cruelty at massacre of Chomoutov, 86; intervene on behalf of Utraquist priests at town-hall of Prague, 119–120
Zbyněk of Buchov, appointed Táborite captain by Žižka, 34
Zbynev, Bishop of Cracow, insults Bohemian envoys, 255
Žebrak, religious conference at, 218
Žižka, John, of Trocnov, takes part in battle at Tannenberg, 211; leads citizens of Prague against town-hall, 10; early history of, 110–11; captures Prague, 7; marches on Plzeň, 19; his cold reception at Plzeň, 20; marches to Tábor, 21; is attacked by royalists en route, 21–22; his successful skirmish at Sudoměř, 22–23; his system of warfare, 22–29; his character vindicated, 28–31; his letter to citizens of Domážlice, 29–30; enters stronghold of Tábor, 31; organises armed force at Tábor, 32; defeats Nicholas Divuček at Ožic, 33; fortifies Tábor, 33; marches on Prague, 45–46; routs royalists at Pořič, 46; displays military genius before Prague, 49; cosmopolitan nature of his army, 49–51; his successful defence of Vitkov hill turning-point of war, 52–54; vacates Prague for S. Bohemia, 61; defeats Ulrich of Rosenberg and occupies Prachatice, 70; attends conference at Prague for reconciliation between Táborites and Utraquists, 74–77; captures royalist fortress of Krasikov, 83; concludes treaty with Plzeň, 84–85; instigates massacre at Chomoutov, 85–86; secures entire surrender of Kutna Hora, 90–91; appointed regent of Bohemia, 94; becomes totally blind, 98; enters Prague in triumph, 103; defeated by Sigismund at Kutna Hora, 104–107; his respite at Kolin, 107–108; recaptures Kutna Hora, 109–110; defeats Sigismund at Německý Brod, 110; is dubbed knight, 110; condemns Loquis to death, 117; his inexorable treatment of fanatics, 118; attempts to establish order in Prague, 123–125; his relations with Korybut, 132–134; his letter to Praguers, 133–134; defeats Wartenberg at Hořice, first battle of civil war, 148–149; his tactics in battle, 148–149; invades Moravia, 154–155; defeats Bořek of Miletinek at Králové Hradec, 155–156; publishes his regulations for war, 156, 367–371; incurs hatred of Taborites, 157, and n.; his unsuccessful campaign in and retreat from Hungary, 157–164; defeats royalists at Skalice, 166; attacks Plzeň, 167; defeats Praguers at Malešov, 168; story of Sigismund’s attempt at reconciliation with, 169; subdues cities on the Elbe, 169; marches on Prague, 170–171; receives deputation from Prague, 172; marches to Moravia, 173; dies of plague, 173–174; his remains taken to Králově Hradec and transferred to Caslav, 175–176
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