The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Jardine, Sir John

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1586101The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Jardine, Sir JohnC. Hayavadana Rao

Jardine, Sir John, K.C.I.E. (1897). Hon. LL.D. (Aber), M.P.(L) Roxburghshire since 1906, retired Chief Justice. Bombay; 3rd s. of William Jardine, of Dumstable; b, in England, 1844; educ: Christ’s Coll, Cambridge; won Chanceller’s Gold Medal for English verse, 1864; entered I.C.S. in Bombay, 1864; served in various subordinate ranks and was Political Officer in Kathiavvar,1871; Fellow, Bombay University, 1872; for sometime Dean of Arts and Dean of Law; Secretary of the Commission for the trial of the Gaikwar of Baroda, 1875; Secretary for Treaty with Portugal, and Law Officer to the Government of India, 1874; Judicial Commissioner, Burma, 1878; President, Burma School Board, 1881; Chief Secretary to Government of Bomboy, 1885; Vice-Chancellor, Bombay, University, and Chief justice. High Court, Bombay, 1895; retired, 1897; contested the seat for Roxburghshire (L), 1900; m, Minnie, d of Dr. Hogg, 1880. Publications: Notes on Buddhist Law with translations of the Burmese Law; Preface to Dr. F. F. Hammer’s King Wagarn’s Code; edited the Customary Law of the Chin Tribe and of father Sanger Mano’s Burmese Empire one hundred years ago. Address, Applegarth, Godalming. Clubs; Reform; Scottish Liberal Edinburgh: Byculla, Bombay.