The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Talbot, Lieut.-Colonel Adelbert Cecil

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1608224The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Talbot, Lieut.-Colonel Adelbert CecilC. Hayavadana Rao

Talbot, Lieut.-Colonel Adelbert Cecil, K.C.I.E., (1895); C.I.E., 1885, Indian Army; b. 1845; s. of Hon’ble and Rev. W. W. C. Talbot, and g.s. of 2nd Earl Talbot; educ: Eton and Woolwich; entered the Royal Artilery; Lieut.-Colonel in Indian Staff Corps; in the political department, India; Consul-General, Bushire; Deputy Secretary, Government of India (Foreign Department), 1885; Resident in Kashmir, 1896-1900; accompanied the 2nd son of H.H. the Amir of Afghanistan to England,. 1895; m. Agnes Mary (died, 1894 ); d. of Rev. W. Clarke, 1870. Address: Highborn, Effingham, Surrey. Club: United Service.