The New International Encyclopædia/Dallas (Oregon)

Edition of 1905. See also Dallas, Oregon on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2151806The New International Encyclopædia — Dallas (Oregon)

DALLAS. A city and the county-seat of Polk County, Ore., 63 miles southwest of Portland; on La Creole Creek and on the Southern Pacific Railroad (Map: Oregon, B 5). It is situated in the fertile Willamette Valley, and has considerable trade, and manufactures flour, woolen goods, lumber, sashes and doors, organs, foundry-products, and tanned leather, the industrial interests being promoted by good water-power. Sandstone is quarried in the vicinity. Dallas was settled in 1849, and in 1891 was chartered as a city. Population, in 1890, 848; in 1900, 1271.