The New International Encyclopædia/Knobelsdorff, Georg Wenzeslaus von

Edition of 1905. See also Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

791586The New International Encyclopædia — Knobelsdorff, Georg Wenzeslaus von

KNOBELSDORFF, knō'bĕls-dôrf, Georg Wenzeslaus von (1699-1753). A German architect, born at Kuckädel, near Krossen. He served in the army for some years, and then studied architecture, and traveled in Italy and France. He was appointed director of royal buildings in Prussia by Frederick II., who, when Crown Prince, had been his patron. His best known works are the Berlin Opera House, the Sans Souci Palace at Potsdam, and the extension of the palace at Charlottenburg, all in the classic style. He also laid out part of the town, and the park at Potsdam, and the Thiergarten in Berlin. For these his models were French.