The New International Encyclopædia/Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, Nataly von

Edition of 1905. See also Nataly von Eschstruth on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

791588The New International Encyclopædia — Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, Nataly von

KNOBELSDORFF-BRENKENHOFF, brĕṉk'en-hṓf, Nataly von (1860— ). A German novelist, known under her maiden name, Nataly von Eschstruth, born at Hofgeismar, Hesse-Cassel, the daughter of an officer, and educated at Berlin. She married an officer, afterwards Captain Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, and later settled at Schwerin. Among her novels may be mentioned: Wolfsburg (1885); Gänseliesel, eine Hofgeschichte (1886; 5th ed. 1891); Polnisch Blut (1887; 4th ed. 1894); Hofluft (1889; 5th ed. 1894); Sternschnuppen (1890); Von Gottes Gnaden (1895); Jung gefreit (1897); Der Majoratsherr (1898); Aus vollem Leben (1900); Sonnenfunken (1901); Der verlorene Sohn (1902). Of some little dramas, Karl Augusts Brautfahrt and Die Sturmnixe (3d ed. 1888) were performed. In 1887 appeared a volume of her poems under the title Wegekraut, and in 1899 an illustrated edition of her collected works in 25 Volumes began to be published.