The New International Encyclopædia/Piero di Cosimo

Edition of 1905. See also Piero di Cosimo on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2822143The New International Encyclopædia — Piero di Cosimo

PIERO DI COSIMO, dē̇ kō̇′sē̇-mō̇ (1462-1521). An Italian painter of the Florentine school. He was born in Florence and was a pupil of Cosimo Rosselli, from whom he derived his name and whom he assisted in painting the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. Afterwards the influence of Leonardo da Vinci becomes apparent in his works, of which “Perseus Delivering Andromeda” (Uffizi, Florence), “Holy Family” (Dresden), “Venus with Cupid and Mars” (Berlin), “Coronation of the Virgin” (Louvre), and “Death of Procris” (National Gallery, London) are the most remarkable. A special feature of his pictures is the fine landscape backgrounds. He was the first master of Andrea del Sarto. For his biography, consult Knapp (Halle, 1899).