The New International Encyclopædia/Pierola, Nicholas de

Edition of 1905. See also Nicolás de Piérola on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2822144The New International Encyclopædia — Pierola, Nicholas de

PIEROLA, ā̇-rō′lȧ, Nicholas de (1839—). A Peruvian politician, born at Camaná. He was educated for the law and served as Minister of Finance during Balta's administration (1869-72). He was implicated in the revolts against Prado in 1874 and 1877, and when, in the war with Chile, Prado deserted his post, Pierola assumed the leadership of the Revolution, and was proclaimed supreme chief at Lima, in the closing days of 1879. In 1881 he was defeated and obliged to retire into the interior. Four years later he made an unsuccessful attempt to seize the Presidency, and was banished in consequence. In 1894 he headed another revolt, overthrew President Cáceres, was himself elected President in 1895, and held the office until the expiration of his term, September 10, 1899.