The New Student's Reference Work/Dover (England)

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1771206The New Student's Reference Work — Dover (England)

Dover, a port of England 70 miles from London, on the southeast coast of Kent, on the Strait of Dover. It is 21 miles from the French coast, and is the English seaport nearest to France. It lies in a low valley or basin between high chalk-cliffs, and is guarded by Dover Castle, which is built on the heights east of the town. The town is said to have been founded by the Romans. Elaborate fortifications are also built on the height to the west. Dover is the chief port which connects England and France, and steamers run daily from it to Boulogne and Calais. The city has many relics of ancient times, among which are several old churches. It has a salubrious climate, and is frequented as a health resort. The total tonnage, entered and cleared in 1910, was 3,665,705 tons. Population, 35,000.