The New Student's Reference Work/Montagu, Mary Wortley

1870054The New Student's Reference Work — Montagu, Mary Wortley

Montagu (mŏn′tȧ-gū), Mary Wortley, was born about 1689 in Nottinghamshire, England. When only eight years old her father introduced her to the famous Kit-Cat Club, of which she became a member. After her marriage her husband's public position brought her into court society in London, where she was celebrated for her wit and beauty, and numbered among her friends Addison, Pope and other literary men of the time. In 1716 her husband was English ambassador at Constantinople, and during her life there of two years she wrote the Letters that have made her famous, addressing them to her sister, to Pope and other friends. They are descriptions of eastern life and manners. She became convinced of the benefit of inoculation for smallpox while abroad, and introduced it into England, trying it first on her own son. She died on Aug. 21, 1762. See Life in the edition of her works by Wharnecliffe.