The New York Times/1916/11/22/German Authorities Uncivil to U. S. Consul


D. I. Murphy Reports Discourtesy to Himself and Wife at Warnemuende.

AMSTERDAM, Nov. 21, (via London.)—Dominic I. Murphy, American Consul General at Sofia, Bulgaria, reached here today after a journey through Germany from Stockholm, whither he went recently with his wife to visit their daughter.

Despite the fact that Mr. Murphy had a special pass from the German Legation at The Hague, it is stated that the German authorities at Warnemunde treated the couple with incivility on their way to Stockholm and again on their return, notwithstanding the intervention of Dr. Maurice F. Egan, the American Minister to Denmark, and also of the German Minister to Stockholm, who had assured Mr. Murphy that the treatment accorded him and his wife would not be repeated.

Mr. Murphy will leave here for Sofia on Wednesday.