The New York Times/1916/11/22/Reports 8 Ships Sunk by U-Boat in Channel


But British Admiralty Denies German Statement That French Warship Was Destroyed.

BERLIN, Nov. 21, (via London.)—A German submarine sank, in the English Channel, Nov. 14, a French guard vessel and seven merchantmen, one of them a Norwegian, according to an official communication issued today. The communication says:

One of our submarines in the English Channel on the 14th sank a French guard vessel, apparently a torpedo-boat destroyer of the Arc or Sabre class, and besides six enemy merchantmen. The same U-boat sank the Norwegian steamer Ullvang, which was carrying war material for the French Government.

LONDON, Nov. 21.—This communication was issued by the British Admiralty tonight in connection with the Berlin report of the sinking of a French guard vessel:

“The British Admiralty states on authority of the French Ministry of Marine that no French war vessel was sunk on the 14th in the English Channel.”