- Apple Sauce, 148
- Apples, Baked, 46
- Artichokes, French, 60
- Artichokes, Jerusalem, 60
- Asparagus, 61
- "Baking," Definition of, 9
- Baking-Powder Biscuit, 134
- "Basting," Definition of, 9
- Beans, Baked, 75
- Beans, Shell, 61
- Beans, String, 62
- "Beating," Definition of, 9
- Beef Casserole, 41
- Beets, Boiled, 62
- Beets, Pickled, 62
- BEVERAGES, HOT, 122-124
- Biscuit, Baking-Powder, 134
- Blanc Mange, 99
- Blueberry Muffins, 137
- Boiled Dinner, 43
- Boiled Dressing, 84
- Boiled Frosting, 113
- "Boiling," Definition of, 9
- Boiling of Liquids, 8
- Bouillon, 15
- Bread Crumbs, 13
- Bread Pudding, 93
- "Broiling," Definition of, 9
- Brussels Sprouts, 62
- Buckwheat Cakes, 143
- Butter, Measurement of, 7
- Buttered Bread Crumbs, 13
- Buttering Baking-Dishes, 12
- Cabbage, 63
- CAKES, COOKIES, ETC., 103-114
- Caramel Frosting, 114
- Caramel Ice Cream, 117
- Caramel Sauce, 121
- Carrots, 63
- Cauliflower, 63
- Celery, 63
- CEREALS, 125-129
- Cereals, Boiled, 125
- Cereals, Fried, 126
- Cheese Crackers, 20
- Chicken, Broiled, 53
- Chicken, Creamed, 58
- Chicken Fricassee, 56
- Chicken, Fried, 54
- Chicken Pie, 57
- Chicken, Roast, 51
- Chocolate, 124
- Chocolate Corn-Starch Pudding, 99
- Chocolate Frosting, 113
- Chocolate Ice Cream, 117
- Chops, Broiled, 36
- Cocoa, 123
- Cocoanut Pie, 90
- Codfish Balls, 31
- Codfish, Creamed, 30
- Coffee, 122
- Coffee Jelly, 97
- Consommé, 15
- Cookies, 109
- Corn, 64
- Corn Bread, 138
- Corn Cakes, 143
- Corn Fritters, 77
- Corn-Meal, 125, 126
- Corn Muffins, 138
- Corn-Starch Pudding, 99
- Corned Beef, Boiled, 43
- Corned-Beef Hash, 44
- Cottage Pudding, 91
- Crackers, Cheese, 20
- Crackers, Toasted, 20
- Cranberry Sauce, 147
- Cream of Vegetable Soup, 17
- Cream Toast, 141
- "Creaming," Definition of, 9
- Creole Soup, 19
- Croutons, 20
- Cucumbers, 64
- Cup Cakes, 106
- Custard, Baked, 92
- Custard Pie, 90
- Custard Sauce, 100
- Custard Souffle, 95
- Custard Tapioca, 94
- "Cutting and Folding," Definition of, 10
- Double-Boiler, Use of, 12
- Doughnuts, 111
- "Dredging," Definition of, 10
- Dried Beef, Creamed, 47
- Duck, Creamed, 58
- Duck, Roast, 51
- Easy Cake, 103
- Egg-Yolks and Whites, Method of Separating, 13
- Eggplant, Fried, 74
- EGGS, 130-133
- Eggs, Baked, 130
- Eggs, Boiled, 130
- Eggs, Fried, 131
- Eggs, Poached, 131
- Eggs, Scrambled, 132
- Fat, Care and Use of, 12-13
- FISH, 21-33
- Fish, Baked, 23
- Fish, Boiled, 26
- Fish Broiled in Frying-Pan, 22
- Fish Broiled in Oven, 21
- Fish, Creamed, 27
- Flour, Measurement of, 7
- French Dressing, 82
- French Fried Potatoes, 70
- French Ice Cream, 116
- French or Fried Bread, 140
- Frostings for Cakes, 113-114
- Fruit Ice Cream, 117
- Fruit Sauces, 147-149
- Fruit, Stewed Dried, 145
- Fruit, Stewed Fresh, 144
- FRUITS, 144-149
- "Frying," Definition of, 10
- Frying in "Deep Fat," 13
- Fudge Sauce, 121
- Gelatine Puddings, 97, 98
- German Fried Potatoes, 70
- Gingerbread, 108
- Goose, Roast, 51
- Gravy for Baked Fish, 25
- Gravy for Fried Chicken, 55
- Gravy for Roast Meat, 35
- Gravy for Roast Poultry, 52
- Greens, 64
- Griddle-Cakes, 142, 143
- Ham, Baked, 39
- Ham, Broiled, 39
- Hard Sauce, 100
- Hash, Corned-Beef, 44
- Heat, Regulation of, 7-8
- Hollandaise Sauce, 32
- Hominy, 125, 126
- Horseradish Sauce, 50
- "Hot Oven," Definition of, 8
- Ice Cream and Ices, Directions for Freezing, 120
- Icings for Cakes, 113-114
- Irish Stew, 40
- Lemon Butter Sauce, 33
- Lemon Jelly, 97
- Lemon Pie, 89
- Lemon Sauce, 101
- Liver and Bacon, Broiled, 46
- "Lukewarm," Definition of, 10
- Macaroni, Baked, 128
- Macaroni, Baked with Cheese, 128
- Macaroni, Boiled, 127
- Mayonnaise, 83
- Measuring, Directions for, 6-7
- Meat Croquettes, 48
- Meat, Roast, 34
- MEATS, 34-50
- Meringue for Pies or Puddings, 90
- Milk Toast, 141
- "Mincing," Definition of, 10
- "Mixing," Definition of, 10
- "Moderate Oven," Definition of, 8
- Muffins, Blueberry, 137
- Muffins, Corn, 138
- Muffins, Oatmeal, 136
- Muffins, Plain, 136
- Muffins, Rice, 136
- Oatmeal Muffins, 136
- Oats, Prepared, 125, 126
- Omelet, 133
- Onions, 64
- Orange Jelly, 97
- Oyster Plant, 65
- Oyster Stew, 18
- Oyster Stuffing, 59
- Oysters, Fried, 28
- Oysters, Scalloped, 29
- "Parboiling," Definition of, 10
- Parsnips, 65
- PASTRY, 85-90
- Pastry, Plain, for Pies, 85
- Peas, 65
- Peppers, Stuffed, 76
- Pies, 85-90
- Pies, Dried or Canned Fruit, 87
- Pies, Fresh Fruit or Berry, 87
- Plain Ice Cream, 115
- Plain Muffins, 136
- Plain Stuffing, 58
- Popovers, 139
- Potato Cakes, 73
- Potato Souffle, 73
- Potato Stuffing, 59
- Potatoes, Baked, 69
- Potatoes, Boiled, 66
- Potatoes, Fried, 70
- Potatoes, Hashed Brown, 71
- Potatoes, Mashed, 68
- Potatoes, Scalloped, 72
- Potatoes, Stuffed, 69
- POULTRY, 51-59
- Poultry, Roast, 51
- Pound Cake, 104
- PUDDINGS, 91-102
- Pumpkin Pie, 88
- Recipe, Handling the, 5-6
- Rhubarb Sauce, 149
- Rice, 125, 126
- Rice Croquettes, 129
- Rice Muffins, 136
- Rice Pudding, 96
- "Roasting," Definition of, 10
- Salad Dressings, 82-84
- Salad, Tomato-Jelly, 81
- Salads, Fruit, 80
- Salads, Green, 79
- Salads, Meat and Fish, 80
- Salads, Vegetable, 79
- Saratoga Chips, 70
- Sauces for Fish, 32-33
- Sauces for Ice Cream, 121
- Sauces for Meats, 50
- Sauces for Puddings, 100-102
- Sausage, Broiled or Baked, 45
- "Searing," Definition of, 11
- Sherbet, 119
- "Shredding," Definition of, 11
- "Simmer," Definition of, 11
- "Singe," Definition of, 11
- "Slow Oven," Definition of, 8
- Snow Pudding, 98
- Soup Accessories, 20
- Soup Stock, 14
- SOUPS, 14-20
- Spaghetti, 128
- Spinach—see Greens, 66
- Spinach à la Béchamel, 78
- Sponge Cake, 105
- Squash Pie, 88
- Squash, Summer, 66
- Squash, Winter, 66
- Steaks, Broiled, 36
- "Steaming," Definition of, 11
- "Steeping," Definition of, 11
- "Stewing," Definition of, 11
- "Stirring," Definition of, 11
- Stoves and Fuel, 7
- Strawberry Sauce, 101
- Strawberry Shortcake, 107
- Stuffing for Baked Fish, 24
- Stuffings for Poultry, 58
- Supplies, Staple, List of, 4
- Tapioca Custard, 94
- Tea, 122
- "Threading," Definition of, 12
- Toad-in-the-Hole, 49
- Tomato-Jelly Salad, 81
- Tomato Sauce, 50
- Tomatoes, 66
- Turkey, Creamed, 58
- Turkey, Roast, 51
- Turnips, 67
- Utensils for Cooking, List of, 4
- Utensils for Preparing and Mixing, List of, 4
- Vanilla Sauce, 102
- Veal Cutlets, 37
- Veal Loaf, 38
- Vegetable Soup, 16, 17
- Vegetables, Creamed, 67
- Vegetables, Seasoning of, 67
- Water Ice, 118
- Wheat Cakes, 142
- Wheat, Prepared, 125, 126
- WHITE SAUCES, 150-151