The Practical Designer for Women's and Misses' Underwear/Woman's Bloomers or Knickerbockers, Front Part


Lesson No. 411

In order to begin the front part of the bloomers use measurements specially designed for this purpose which are partly explained in the front pages and measurements for this are as follows:

Waist 25 inches
Hip 43 inches
Rise 12 inches
Outside Length  26 inches

To begin to draft watch the diagram on the opposite page and draw lines from A to R and A to C. Measure from A to B, 12 inches for rise measurement and from A to C, 26 inches outside length and draw a line across from B to I and C to T. Call the line from A to R waist line; from B to I hipline and from C to T knee line. Then continue drafting according to the hip measurement and measure from B to H half of hip measurement amounting to 10¾ inches. From H to I measure 1-6 of hip measurement amounting to 3⅝ inches and draw a line up from H to R. Measure from R to O ¼ of waist measurement amounting to 6¼ inches, according to 25 inches waist. From O to P allow 2 inches for seams and fullness. From P to Q raise up a ½ inch and from R to X lower with a ½ inch and connect a line from X to Q. Allow from B to U, 1½ inches for fullness and make a side hip curve from Q to U down to the knee line to C, as shown on the diagram.

Finish the front curve part by measuring the space from H to I and raise the same amount from H to J. Then connect a line from J to I and divide equally, making M and from M to N mark ½ inch and curve from J, N to I. In order to finish properly the inside seam take ½ inch from I to V and draw a straight line down from V to T and curve as shown on the diagram from I to T, which will complete the entire front part of the bloomers. See next lesson for the back part.