The Practical Designer for Women's and Misses' Underwear/Woman's One-piece or Circular Drawers


Lesson No. 417

To make the one-piece or circular drawers cut out the front and back part of the drawers explained before and then mark the front out, as shown on the opposite page, which is as follows:

To begin, copy the front first from A, B, C, D to E and place the upper part of the back part to the upper part of the front part, which makes the connection of the waist between the front and back parts at D and F, and at the bottom between the front and back, which is between E and G, allow 12 inches space.

Then continue by copying the balance of the back part from F and H down towards J and I and from I to G. Then fill in the space at the waist brake by making an even circle curve from A towards K and H. The space of filling in from F and D to K shall be 2 inches and then make an equal round curve for the bottom from C towards L out to I. Note then that the front inside seam, which is from B to C, is to be connected with the back inside seam, which is from J to I. According to this instruction we will have the complete one-piece or circular drawers with all the necessary seams allowed.