The Raccolta (1857)/The Forty "Ave Maria" in honour of her Sacred Delivery

2945105The Raccolta — The Forty Ave Maria in honour of her Sacred DeliveryAmbrose St. JohnSacred Congregation of Indulgences and Holy Relics



The devotion commonly called the Forty Ave Maria was first devised and afterwards continually practised by St. Catherine of Bologna; its object being to dispose the faithful during Advent for the devout celebration of the Sacred Delivery of Mary on Christmas Day. To further this devotion, Pope Pius VII., by a Rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 14, 1815, granted—

i. The Indulgence of 100 days to the faithful, for each day that they practise this devotion fervently and with a contrite heart; and—

ii. The Plenary Indulgence to those who shall have practised it at least twenty times, provided that, being truly contrite, having Confessed and Communicated, they visit a church and pray there according to the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.

Order to he observed in this devotion, commencing Nov. 29, and ending Dec. 23.


In lowly reverence at thy feet we bow, great Mother of our God, most holy Mary, advocate of sinners; by the merits of thy Divine Son's Precious Blood, shed for us sinners, and by the intercession of thy well-beloved servant, holy Catherine, humbly praying thee to gain us by thy prayers true fervour of spirit in this our holy exercise, and the grace to walk in the way of all thy virtues, after the example of St. Catherine, to the honour and glory of Jesus Christ, thine only Son our Saviour. In thy tender pity look not on our sins, forget our monstrous ingratitude, finding for us a refuge in the depths of thy lovingkindness; and for that great love wherewith thou didst ever love thy faithful servant Catherine, obtain for us the remission of our sins, that so we may hope confidently to attain all that we desire for our spiritual wants. Amen.

For the first day.

With holy Catherine we purpose now to praise the great Mother of our God, in honour of her Sacred Delivery, saying to her these forty Angelical Salutations and forty Benedictions, thereby to obtain her powerful aid at the hour of our death, and a true contrition for our sins, that so we may pass from this land of our pilgrimage to eternal joys.

For the other days.

Still will we praise the great Mother of our God, in honour of her Sacred Delivery, with these forty Angelical Salutations and forty Benedictions, to obtain thereby her powerful aid at the hour of our death, and true contrition for our sins, that so we may pass &om this land of our pilgrimage to eternal joys.

For the last day.

To-day we shall end this exercise, praising yet once again the great Mother of our God, in honour of her Sacred Delivery, with these forty Angelical Salutations and forty Benedictions, thereby to obtain her powerful aid at the hour of our death, and true contrition for our sins, that so we may pass from this land of our pilgrimage to eternal joys.


Whilst saying the first ten Ave Maria and ten Benedictions, we will meditate on the ineffable mystery of the Incarnation of the Eternal Word, and the great dignity of the Virgin who was elected to be the Mother of the Highest.

Ave Maria ten times, and after each Ave say

Blessed be that hour, Mary, when thou didst become Mother of Jesus, Son of God.


Whilst saying the second ten Ave Maria and ten Benedictions, we will meditate on the humility of the King of heaven; who for His birthplace chose a poor stable, and on the joy of Mary when first she saw the only-begotten of the Father, the Fruit of her womb.

Ave Maria ten times, and after each,

Blessed be that hour, Mary, when thou didst bring forth Jesus, the Son of God.


Whilst saying the third ten Ave Maria and ten Benedictions, we will fix our minds in devout contemplation on the exact carefulness of Mary, fulfilling perfectly the offices of Martha and of Magdalene, whilst contemplating her Son as her Redeemer, and at the same time ministering to Him as her Child.

Ave Maria ten times, and after each,

Blessed be that hour, Mary, when thou didst give suck to Jesus, Son of God.


Whilst saying the fourth ten Ave Maria and ten Benedictions, we will devoutly ponder on the great reverence with which Mary embraced and pressed to her very heart, rather than to her bosom, kissed and adored her God and ours, made man for love of us; then with great awe and devout affection we will say Ave Maria.

Ave Maria ten times, and after each,

Blessed be that hour, Mary, when thou didst embrace Jesus, Son of God.

Then say,

Praise to our God, because in imitation of St. Catherine we have begun (first day)
continue (other days)

have ended (last day)
this holy exercise. We pray the Queen of Angels that for these our thousand Ave Maria and thousand Benedictions which we say
have said (last day)
, the Mother may obtain of the Infant which is born of her these two blessings only, viz. the first, in life, grace to repent us truly of our sins; the second, in death, certain salvation. Wherefore let every such one here present say heartily with St. Catherine:

Eja ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuoa misericordes oculos ad nos converte; et Jesum benedictum fructum ventris tuæ nobis post hoc exilium ostende, O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria.


Do thou, then, our Advocate, turn on us the eyes of thy tender mercy; and after this our exile show us Jesus, the blessed Fruit of thy womb, O merciful, O tender, O sweet Virgin Mary.

Then say the Litanies B.M.V., and then,

V. Dignare me laudare te, Virgo sacrata.

R. Da mihi virtutem contra hostes tuos.


Deus, qui de beatæ Mariæ Virginis utero Verbum tuum, angelo nuntiante, carnem suscipere voluisti: præsta supplicibus tuis, ut qui vere eam Genitricem Dei credimus, ejus apud te intercessionibus adjuvemur.

Conscientias nostras, quæsumus Domine, visitando purifica: ut veniens Jesus Christus Filius tuus Dominus noster cum omnibus sanctis, paratam sibi in nobis inveniat mansionem. Qui tecum vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculorum. R. Amen.


V. Make me worthy to praise thee, Virgin ever-blessed.

R. Give me strength to overcome all thine enemies.

Let us pray.

God, who by the message of an angel didst will that Thy Divine Word should take to Himself human flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary; grant unto us Thy suppliants that we, who believe her to be verily and indeed Mother of God, may be aided by her intercession with Thee.

Visit us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, and cleanse our hearts within us; that our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son may, when He comes with all His saints, find a dwelling-place prepared for Himself within us. Who with Thee liveth and reigneth for ever and ever. Amen.