The Rock-cut Temples of India/The Caves of Ajunta/Southern End of the Series of Caves—Ajunta

2094969The Rock-cut Temples of India — Southern End of the Series of Caves—AjuntaJames Fergusson


THIS view is taken from the verandah of Cave No. 16, looking southward, and represents the opposite end of the series from that of the last illustration. The Chaitya Cave seen in the extreme left is No. 26. Those next it on its right are the unfinished Viharas Nos. 23 and 24; and in the centre of the view is that known as No. 21.

As will be observed, the Caves here are very much higher above the bottom of the ravine than those towards the other end, especially those in the centre. This arose apparently from their architects following the vein of rock, the texture of which seemed most suitable for their purpose.