The Selkirk Mountains/Extracts from Game Laws (B. C.)

3226925The Selkirk MountainsArthur Oliver Wheeler

(Amended to 1909 and 1910)

1. This Act may be cited as the "Game Protection Act, 1898."

4. No person shall at any time purchase or have in possession, with intent to export, or cause to be exported, or carried out of the limits of this Province, or shall at any time or in any manner export, or cause to be exported or carried out of the limits of this Province, any or any portion of the animals or birds mentioned in this Act, and this provision shall apply to railway, steamship and express companies.

2. It shall be lawful for the Provincial Secretary, under such conditions as he shall think fit, by writing under his hand, to issue permits for the exportation of any animals or birds, alive or dead, or any part thereof, for scientific, zoological, or Government purposes.

9. It shall be unlawful for any person at any time—

(a) To kill any game bird or animal protected by this Act between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise:

(b.) To buy or sell, or to offer to buy or sell, the heads of mountain sheep, elk. moose, or caribou, or the teeth of wapiti or elk.

(d) To expose for sale any deer, mountain sheep, goat, elk, moose, or caribou without its head on, or any game bird without its plumage.

14. It shall be unlawful for any person (other than officers and men of His Majesty's Army and Navy and of the permanent Corps of Militia for the time being on active service in the Province), who is not actually domiciled and has not been in actual residence for six months in this Province, to at any time hunt, take or kill any animal or bird in this Province without having first obtained a license in that behalf. Such licence shall be in the form set out in Schedule "A" to this Act; every, such licence may be signed and granted by the Provincial Game Warden or any Government Agent in this Province, and shall be in force for only that period for which the same has been issued: The fee to be paid for a general licence to shoot any animal or bird shall be one hundred dollars ($100), but such licence shall not give the holder the right to shoot more than two moose, one wapiti or elk, two mountain sheep rams of any one species or more than three in all; three goats, three caribou and three deer of any one species, or more than five in all, or more than two hundred and fifty ducks. Such licence to hold good from September 1st to July 16th.

The fee to be paid for a licence to hunt deer, bear and goats for any one month between the 1st day of September and the 15th day of December shall be twenty-five dollars.

The fee for a licence to hunt bear in the spring between the 1st day of January the 15th day of July shall be twenty-five dollars.

For shooting each mountain sheep, mountain goat, moose, wapiti or caribou during the close season a fine shall be imposed of not less than $250 or not more than $500.

For shooting any species of deer other than moose, wapiti or caribou during the close season, the fine shall be not less than $25 or more than $100 for each animal.

For shooting each mountain sheep, mountain goat, moose, wapiti or caribou in excess of the number allowed by this Act, a fine shall be imposed of not less than $250 and not more than $500.

For shooting ewe or lamb of the mountain sheep at any time, the fine for each animal shall be not less than $250 or more than $500.

4. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to use an automatic shot-gun in the pursuit of game in this Province. The penalty for offending against the provisions of this section shall be not less than fifty dollars or more than two hundred and fifty dollars for each offence. This section shall not come into force until proclaimed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.

34. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person, (other than officers and men of His Majesty's Army and Navy and of the permanent Corps of Militia for the time being on active service in the Province), who is not actually domiciled and has not been in actual residence for six months in this Province, at any time to angle (as the term is generally understood) for any fish in this Province, without first having obtained a licence in that behalf. Such licence shall be in the form set out in schedule D hereto, and the fee for such licence shall be five dollars.

"The fee to be paid for a general licence to hunt for or shoot any animal or bird, and to angle, shall be $100, but such licence shall not give the holder the right to kill more than two moose, two wapiti, two mountain rams of any one species, or more than three in all; three goats, three caribou and three deer of any one species, or more than five in all; or more than two hundred and fifty ducks. .Such licence shall only hold good between January 1st and December 31st of the year it is issued.

"The fee for a licence to hunt bear in the spring between the 1st day of January and the 15th day of July shall be twenty-five dollars.

"The fee to be paid for a season's license to shoot birds shall be fifty dollars. Such licence to hold good from September 1st until March 31st in the following year: Provided that the Provincial Game Warden may issue a special license to kill game birds to British subjects who are not residents of this Province, for a fee of five dollars a week.

"The fee to be paid for a licence to angle shall be five dollars, such licence to hold good for one year from the date of issue."