The Travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch/Volume 1/Part 1/Book 1/Section 9

The Travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch (1836)
by Paul of Aleppo, translated by F. C. Belfour
Book I. Sect. IX
Paul of Aleppo3739073The Travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch — Book I. Sect. IX1836F. C. Belfour

Sect. IX.


Thence we descended to a suburb named Casim Pasha, and to Galata, and Top Khanah. Afterwards we went to Ters Khanah, where they build ships. At Top Khanah, we saw guns large enough for a man to creep in; and others, that were each of them equal to three camel-loads. Then we returned to look at the wonderful ships of England and of France, and came away home. On the eve of Sunday we performed the Ἑσπερινὸν (Vesper Service) in the Monastery at Galata: for the Constantinopolitan had sent to our Patriarch a Συστατιϰὸν, like the former, that he should go and perform mass, on the morrow, in the Church of the Monastery. And we went over with the attendants in a boat to Galata, to the aforesaid church; where they came to meet the Patriarch, according to custom; and a high mass was celebrated, according to the ritual of the season. After the ceremony, followed the banquet; and I took the opportunity to wander out alone, and visit the remaining churches of Galata.

The first is the Church of Our Lady Χρυσοπηγὴ, or, of the Golden Fountain. The fountain is within the church; and is a well of water, such as they represent in the pictures of Our Lady sitting in a هرن; and there flows from it water that cures the sick. This church is magnificent; and has a couple of large yellow brass candlesticks. We were informed that the Patriarch Karamah made the candlesticks of the church of Aleppo after their model. The whole is the work of the Venetians. Here is a noble painting.

From it we went to the third Church, dedicated to the Merciful Mother of God (Virgo Clemens), and to John the Θεολόγος or Divine; containing three large paintings (اقريطشيات), wherein is described the Apocalypse of St. John, with the Seven Signs. Under the building is the place where his disciples buried him.

From this we passed on to a very large Church, which was one of the most magnificent churches belonging to the Orthodox Religion in the Grecian Empire, and is at present in the hands of the Frank Jesuits. It is very ancient and lofty, and is painted all over, in mosaic, with the festivals of Our Lord, explained in Greek characters. The belfry is high, and of ancient structure.

We then proceeded to the fourth Church, near to the former, and dedicated to Our Lord the Messiah. In it is an Ἁγίασμα, or Holy Well.

We came now to the fifth Church, called after Saint Demetrius. Upon the wall, round the door, is painted Πᾶσα πνοὴ; that is, "Praise the Lord from the heavens, all ye creatures, beasts and firmament, cold and snow, &c."

The sixth Church we came to is dedicated to Our Lady, and is near the Walls. The seventh is Saint John the Baptist's, and contains an Ἁγίασμα. The eighth is the Church of Saint Nicholas. The ninth, of Saint John Chrysostom. All are built of wood, and roofed over; and are adorned with the Συμϐόλαια, and Πολυέλεος, in letters of gold, inside and out.

Then we viewed the Church of the Franks, which has been burnt; which equalled Saint Sophia, in height and size, and form and structure: and was adorned, inside and out, with mosaic paintings and gildings of the Dominical Feasts. Over the door, on the wall, is a painting, in mosaic, of the Assumption of Our Lady. All the inscriptions are in the Frank language. Within it, and with its materials, how many a small church might be built! But it is ruined and deserted, and altogether in the hands of the Franks.