The Bibliographies of the Present Officers of Yale University, published at New Haven, 1893, contain, pages 147-152, a list of Professor Whitney's principal writings, compiled by him, and consisting of some 143 numbers. Mr. Whitney's list, as thus published, was very considerably enlarged by his pupil and assistant, Dr. Hanns Oertel, of Yale University. Dr. Oertel added the titles of articles and minor papers which Mr. Whitney had not seen fit to incorporate in his own list, and published the whole in a German dress in Bezzenberger's Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen, vol. 20, pp. 316-331. Dr. Oertel's list has been carefully revised by me, and recast in form, and supplemented by a few additions. Many more additions might still be made.[1]
All the numbers which were not included by Mr. Whitney in his list are here enclosed in square brackets. The number of pages of most of the articles is indicated by giving the number of the first page and of the last. If only a single page-number is given, this indicates that the paper is a brief one of a page or less.
It is hoped that the list, as thus presented, may prove to be of historical and scientific interest and also of practical service to scholars.
APA. = American Philological Association.
Trans. APA. = Transactions of the APA.—The "Trans. for" 1869 and 1870 form vol. 1. The "Trans. for" 1871 form vol. 2, and so on (1895 = vol. 26).
Proc. APA. = Proceedings of the APA.—These (like the PAOS.) were long issued doubly: first separately, soon after the meeting; and then afterwards, with the Transactions, to which they formed a separately paged supplement, or appendix.
The annual meeting is held in the summer. The Proceedings were sometimes issued before the succeeding New Year's Day and sometimes after. Hence I was sometimes uncertain whether a given Proceedings paper should be entered under the year of the meeting or under the following year.
AJP. = American Journal of Philology. Edited by Basil L. Gildersleeve, Professor of Greek in the Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. Vol. 1, 1880; etc.
O&LS. = Oriental and linguistic studies: First series and Second series (= Nos. 161 and 181, below, where the contents are given).
For the sake of some foreign scholars, it may be mentioned that The Nation, The Independent, and The Critic are weekly journals, so named, and published in New York City.1845.
["Remarks on the flora of this region.—Predominance of Northern types.—Effect of the Lakes in equalizing the temperature.—The character of the vegetation little influenced by the geological formations.—List of plants, with remarks on some of the more important trees and shrubs."]
[This elaborate and forcible document appears, from internal evidence and from the statements in JAOS., vol. 6, pp. 578 and 579 (Minutes of meetings of May, 1857 and Oct. 1857), to have been issued in the winter of 1857-58. It is the report of the Committee on the mode of increasing the efficiency of the Society, made "through the Corresponding Secretary" (W. D. W.). It is signed by Edward Robinson, Theodore D. Woolsey, Rufus Anderson, C. C. Felton, E. E. Salisbury, James Hadley, and W. D. Whitney; but I think there can be little doubt that all or nearly all of the actual work of preparing the report is to be credited to Mr. Whitney. — C. R. L.].
[20.] On the history of religions in China. PAOS. for May, pp. 7-8, not included in the Journal.
[21.] Upon the Vedic doctrine of a future life. PAOS. for November, p. 6, not included in the Journal. (Cf. No. 24.)1859.
24. On the Vedic doctrine of a future life. Bilbiotheca Sacra, vol. 16, pp. 404-420. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 164. Cf. No. 21.)
[25.] On the origin of the Hindu science of astronomy. PAOS. for May, p. 8, not included in the Journal.
[26.] Comparison of the elements of the lunar eclipse of Feb. 6, 1860, as calculated according to the data and methods of the Sūrya-Siddhanta, and as determined by modern science. PAOS. for October, pp. 4-5, not included in the Journal.
[27.] Strictures upon the views of M. Ernest Pienan respecting the origin and early history of languages. PAOS. for October, pp. 9-10, not included in the Journal.
[28.] Review of R. A. Wilson's New history of the conquest of Mexico. New Englander, vol. 17, pp. 546-549.
[29.] The Rosetta stone and its inscription. Ibidem, pp. 549-550.1860.
[30a.] Note on Ārya-bhatta and his writings (Laghu-Ārya-Siddhānta). JAOS., vol. 6, pp. 560-564.
[31.] On Müller's History of Vedic literature. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 7, p. viii. (Cf. No. 33.)1861.
34. On Lepsius's Standard Alphabet. JAOS., vol. 7, pp. 299-332. (Cf. No. 68.)
35. Review of Soule and Wheeler's Manual of English pronunciation and spelling. New Englander, vol. 19, pp. 913-929.
[36.] Remarks upon E. Webb's On the Scythian affinities of the Dravidian languages. JAOS., vol. 7, pp. 296-298.
[37.] Remarks on Rev. R. Caldwell's Comparative Dravidian grammar. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 7, pp. xiii-xiv.
[38.] On the ancient and modern dialects of the Persian language. Ibidem, p. xiv. (Brief announcement.)
[39.] On Lepsius's Standard Alphabet. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 7, p. xlix. (Brief announcement of No. 34.)1862.
[41.] Announcement concerning No. 40. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 7, pp. liii-liv.
[42.] The teachings of the Vedic Prātiçākhyas with respect to the theory of accent and the pronunciation of groups of consonants. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 7, p. lvii.
[43.] On the views of Biot and Weber respecting the origin of the Hindu and Chinese asterisms. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 7, pp. lix-lx. (Cf. No. 44.)1863.
[45.] The Tāittirīya Prātiçākhya. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 8, p. xii. (Brief announcement: cf. No. 137.)
[46.] On Müller's views respecting the relation of the Hindu and Chinese asterisms, and respecting other points in Hindu1861-1863.
[58.] On the origin of language. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 8, p. lv.
[58a.] Review of Charles L. Brace's The races of the Old World: a manual of ethnology. North American Review, vol. 98, pp. 273-276.1865.
60. On Müller's second series of lectures on the Science of Language. North American Review, vol. 100, pp. 565-581. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 164.)
61. Is the study of language a physical science? Ibidem, vol. 101, pp. 434-474.[62.] Necrology of the Hon. Charles W. Bradley. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 8, pp. lx-lxii.
[63.] On the definition and relations of vowel and consonant. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 8, pp. lxviii-lxix. (Abstract of the "notes" mentioned in No. 68.)
[64] Reply to the strictures of Professor Weber upon his essay respecting the asterismal system of the Hindus, Arabs, and Chinese. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 8, pp. lxxxiii-lxxxiv. (Abstract of No. 69.)
[65.] On Pictet's work: Indo-European Origins, or the Primitive Aryans. Ibidem, pp. lxxxv-lxxxvi.
[66.] Review of W. R. Alger's The poetry of the Orient. The Nation, vol. 1, October 26.
[67.] Review of Saadi's Gulistan, or Rose Garden . . . translated by Francis Gladwin. The Nation, November 23.
68. On Lepsius's Standard Alphabet: a letter of explanations from Professor Lepsius, with notes by W. D. Whitney. JAOS., vol. 8, pp. 335-373. (Cf. Nos. 34 and 63; also O&LS., No. 181, essay ix.)1866.
[70.] Critique of Alford's A plea for the Queen's English. North American Review, vol. 103, pp. 563-572. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 181.)
[71.] Review of J. Wilson's Phrasis: a treatise on the history and structure of the different languages of the world. The Nation, August 2.
[72.] On the beginnings of Indo-European speech. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 9, p. vi.
[73.] On the classification of languages. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 9, p. xi.1867.
75. The value of linguistic science to ethnology. New Englander, vol. 26, pp. 30-52.
76. Languages and dialects. North American Review, vol. 104, pp. 30-64.
77. On the testimony of language respecting the unity of the human race. Ibidem, vol. 105, pp. 214-241. (Cf. No. 47.)
78. Key and Oppert on Indo-European philology. Ibidem, pp. 521-554. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 164, essay vii.)
79. The aim and object of the Sheffield Scientific School. Annual Statement for 1867-68, pp. 9-21.
[80.] How shall we spell? The Nation, April 25, May 2, June 6. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 181.)
[81.] On the views of Professor Key and M. Oppert respecting Sanskritic and Indo-European philology. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 9, pp. xvii-xviii. (Cf. No. 78.)
[82.] On the translation of the Veda. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 9, pp. xxxiv-xxxvi. (Cf. No. 87.)
[83.] G. W. Moon's Strictures on Dean Alford's Essays on the Queen's English. New Englander, vol. 26, pp. 173-176.
[84.] Review of W. Simson's A history of the Gipsies. Ibidem, pp. 176-177.
[85.] Review of M. Schele de Vere's Studies in English. North American Review, vol. 104, pp. 631-635.
[86.] Review of R. Soule and W. A. Wheeler's First lessons in reading. Ibidem, pp. 655-658.1868.
88. On A. M. Bell's Visible speech. Ibidem, vol. 107, pp. 347-358. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 181.)
[88a.] Review of J. P. Lesley's Man's origin and destiny. Ibidem, vol. 107, pp. 368-370.
[89.] On Bell's Visible speech. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 9, pp. xxxix-xl. (Abstract of No. 88.) [This was at the meeting in Boston. It was the only communication presented.]
[90-99.] Reviews—in The (New York) Nation—of: F. Max Müller's Chips from a German workshop, I., II. (cf. No. 106); J. Legge's The life and teachings of Confucius and A. W. Loomis's Confucius and the Chinese classics; Von Martius's Beiträge zur Ethnographie und Sprachenkunde Amerikas, zumal Brasiliens; The first volume of the Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique of Paris; J. P. Brown's Ancient and modern Constantinople; F. Max Müller's On the stratification of languages; A. Weber's Indische Streifen; G. W. Moon's Bad English of Lindley Murray, and other writers on the English language; R. T. H. Griffith's Scenes from the Ramayan, etc.; John Beames's Outlines of Indian philology.
[100.] Histories of India. North American Review, vol. 106, pp. 340-345.
[101.] Obituary of Franz Bopp. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for June, 1868, vol. 8, pp. 47-49.
[102.] Review of F. Max Müller's On the stratification of language. Atlantic Monthly for December, pp. 761-762.1864-1868.
107. A Compendious German Grammar, with supplement of exercises. New York, 12°, xvi + 252 + 51 pp. [This description does not fit the very first edition, which is without the supplement.]
[108.] On Prof. Max Müller's Translation of the Rig-Veda. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 9, p. lxiv. (Cf. No. 133.)
[109-111.] Reviews—in the North American Review, vol. 108, pp. 290-296—of: C. S. Wake's Chapters on man; John Chalmers's The origin of the Chinese; G. Pauthier's Mémoires sur l'antiquité de l'histoire et de la civilisation Chinoises.
[112-113.] Reviews—Ibidem, vol. 108, pp. 655-661—of: Hunter's The annals of rural Bengal; Hunter's A comparative dictionary of the languages of India and High Asia.
[113a.] Review of John D. Baldwin's Pre-historic nations. Ihidem, vol. 109, pp. 594-596.
[114-118.] Reviews—in The Nation— of: Hunter's The annals of rural Bengal; Bholonauth Chunder's The travels of a Hindoo to various parts of Bengal and Upper India; F. Lorinser's Die Bhagavad-Gītā; S. Beal's Travels of Fah-hian and Sung-Yun, Buddhist Pilgrims from China to India; W. H. J. Bleek's On the origin of language (this last, reprinted, O&LS., No. 164).
[119.] Obituary of August Schleicher, The Nation, January 28.
[119a.] The Philological Convention. The Nation, August 9, 1869. [Notes and comments upon the first convention of the APA., which took place at Poughkeepsie, 1869. Cf. No. 122a.]1870.
122. On comparative grammars. North American Review, vol. 111, pp. 199-208.
[122a.] Notes on the Rochester meeting of the American Philological Association. The Nation, August 11. [Cf. No. 119a.]
[123.] Review of L. Jacolliot's La Bible dans l'Inde. The Nation.
[124.] On comparative grammars. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 9, pp. lxxxiii-lxxxiv. (Cf. No. 122.)
[125.] On the system of duplication in consonant groups, as taught by the ancient Hindu grammarians. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 9, pp. lxxxix-xc.
[126.] On Cox's Mythology of the Aryan nations. Ibidem, p. xcii. (Cf. No. 132.)
[127.] Address to the American Philological Association by W. D. Whitney, as its President. Proc. APA. for 1870, pp. 4-7, in Trans. for 1869-70.
[128.] The Sanskrit accent. Ibidem, pp. 8-9. (Cf. No. 130.)
[129.] The present state of the discussion of the origin of language. Ibidem, pp. 18-19. (Cf. No. 131.)1871.
131. On the present condition of the question as to the origin of language. Ibidem, pp. 84-94. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 164.)
132. On Cox's Mythology of the Aryan nations. North American Review, vol. 112, pp. 218-229. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 181.)
[132a.] Review of F. A. March's Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Reader. Ibidem, vol. 112, pp. 429-433.
133. On Müller's translation of the Rig- Veda. Ibidem, vol. 113, pp. 174-187. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 164.)
134. Language and Education. Ibidem, pp. 343-374. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 164.)136. Examination of Dr. Haug's views respecting Sanskrit accentuation. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. ix-xi. (Cf. No. 186.)
137. The Tāittirīya-Prātiçākhya, with its commentary, the Tribhāshyaratna: text, translation, and notes. JAOS., vol. 9, pp. 1-469. [Fills the entire volume of the Journal proper.] (Cf. No. 45.)
[137a.] Notice of the Reports of the Geological Survey of California. American Journal of Science, vol. 1, 3d series, pp. 300-301.
[138.] On Prof. R. Roth's recent contributions to the interpretation of the Avesta. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. xv-xvi.
[139.] On Rev. S. A. Rhea's Kurdish Grammar. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. xli-xlii.
[140.] On the collation of a new MS. of the Atharva-Veda Prātiçākhya. Ibidem, pp. xliii-xliv. (Cf. No. 228.)
[141.] Abstract of No. 150, which see. Proc. APA., pp. 17-18, in Trans. for 1871.
[142.] Review of Geological Survey of California: Ornithology. Vol. 1. Land Birds. The Nation, May 18, 1871.
[143.] Review of R. G. White's Words and their uses, past and present. New Englander, vol. 30, pp. 305-311.
[144-147.] Reviews—in The Nation—of: R. Roth's Contributions to the interpretation of the Avesta; F. Max Müller's Chips from a German workshop, vol. 3; F. Ebener and E. M. Greenway's Words: their history and derivation; J. F. Clarke's Ten great religions.1872.
149. Jacolliot's Bible in India. The Independent, May 2.
150. Strictures on the views of August Schleicher respecting the nature of language and kindred subjects. Trans. APA. for 1871, pp. 35-64. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 164.)[152.] Abstract of No. 165, which see. Proc. APA., p. 23, in Trans. for 1872.
[153.] Obituary of Th. Goldstücker. The Nation, April 4.
[154-157.] Reviews—in The Nation—of: J. Edkins's China's place in philology; J. C. Moffat's A comparative history of religions; F. Max Müller's Ueber die Resultate der Sprachwissenschaft; S. Johnson's Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion.
[158.] Obituary of James Hadley. The Nation, November 21.
[159.] Review of H. Wedgwood's A dictionary of English etymology. North American Review, vol. 115, pp. 423-428.
[160-162.] Reviews—in The (New York) Independent—of: Max Müller's On the philosophy of mythology (January 25); J. F. Clarke's Ten great religions (March 7); L. Jacolliot's The Bible in India (May 2).
[163.] Obituary of James Hadley. New Haven Daily Palladium, November 15. (Issued also, together with a list of Hadley's works, as an appendix to the reprint—from the New Englander of January, 1873—of President Porter's Funeral Discourse. Cf. No. 179.)1873.
- The Vedas. (= current No. 6 of this bibliography.)
- The Vedic doctrine of a future life. (No. 24.)
- Müller's History of Vedic literature. (No. 33.)
- The translation of the Veda. (No. 87.)
- Müller's Rig-Veda translation. (No. 133.)
- The Avesta. (No. 14.)
- Indo-European philology and ethnology. (No. 78.)
- Müller's Lectures on language. (Nos. 60 and 135.)
- Present state of the question as to the origin of language. (No. 131.)
- Bleek and the simious theory of language. (No. 118.)
- Schleicher and the physical theory of language. (No. 150.)
- Steinthal and the psychological theory of language. (No. 148.)
- Language and education. (No. 134.)
166. Notes to Colebrooke's Essay on the Vedas. Pp. 103-132 of vol. 1 of the second edition of Colebrooke's Essays, London, 8°.
167. Intercollegiate emulation. The Nation, No. 399, February 20.
168. On the U. S. Geological Survey of the Territories. American Journal of Science for Dec. 1873, vol. 6, pp. 463-466.
169. Hall's Recent exemplifications of false philology. The New York Times, February 26.
170. Hall's Modern English. Ibidem, December 6.
171. The Hayden Expedition (letters from Colorado). The New York Tribune, extra No. 14, December 30. [Translated by Emile Delerot into French in Le Tour du Monde, Nouveau Journal des Voyages publié sous la direction de M. Edouard Charton (Paris, Hachette), pp. 353-368.]
172. Text-books for the study of Sanskrit. The (Yale) College Courant, December 13. Reprinted, with corrections and additions, June 27, 1874.
173. La question de l'anusvāra Sanscrit. Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, vol. 2 (1875), pp. 194-190. [Dated April 10, 1873; issued 1875.] (Cf. No. 185.)
[174.] On the so-called vowel-increment, with special reference to the views of Mr. J. Peile. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. lxvii-lxviii.
[175.] On Johannes Schmidt's new theory of the relationship of Indo-European languages. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. lxxvii-lxxviii.
[176.] On Mori's proposal that the Japanese adopt English as a national language. The Nation, January 23.
[177.] Hall's Exemplifications of false philology. The Nation, May 15.
[178.] Review of J. Garrett's Classical dictionary of India. The (New York) Independent, April 10.
[179.] Edited: Essays, Philological and critical, selected from the papers of James Hadley, LL.D., Professor of Greek in1874.
- The British in India. (= current No. 19 of this bibliography.)
- China and the Chinese. (No. 23.)
- China and the West. (No. 32.)
- Müller's Chips from a German workshop. (No. 1O6.)
- Cox's Aryan mythology. (No. 132.)
- Alford's Queen's English. (No. 70.)
- How shall we spell? (No. 80.)
- The elements of English pronunciation. (See note.)
- The relation of vowel and consonant. (No. 68; and see note.)
- Bell's Visible speech. (No. 88.)
- On the accent in Sanskrit. (See note.)
- On the lunar zodiac of India, Arabia, and China. (See note.)
Note.—"The eighth, ninth, eleventh, and twelfth articles are entirely rewritten, though including more or less matter already published." See Whitney's Preface, p. viii.
183. On Peile's Greek and Latin etymology. Trans. Philol. Soc. of London for 1873-74, part iii., pp. 299-327.
184. On the Chinese sieu as constellations. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. lxxxii-lxxxv.
185. On recent discussions as to the phonetic character of the Sanskrit anusvāra. Ibidem, pp. lxxxvi-lxxxviii. (Cf. No. 173.)[186a.] Review of Isaac Taylor's Etruscan Researches. North American Review, vol. 119, pp. 244-247.
[187.] The proportional elements of English utterance. Proc. APA. pp. 14-17, in Trans. for 1874.
[188.] The relation of vowels and consonants, and certain inferences from it. Ibidem, pp. 26-28.
[189.] θύσει or θέσει? Ibidem, pp. 34-35. (Abstract of No. 195.)
[190.] Review of B. H. Hodgson's Essays on the languages, literature, and religion of Nepal and Tibet. The Nation, December 3.
[191.] Review of E. B. Cowell's edition of H. T. Colebrooke's Miscellaneous essays. The (New York) Independent, April 16.
[192.] Review of L. J. Trotter's History of India. Ibidem, November 26.
[193.] On the study of English grammar. Connecticut School Journal (New Haven), vol. 4, January.1875.
195. θύσει or θέσει—natural or conventional? Trans. APA. for 1874, pp. 95-116.
196. Are languages institutions? Contemporary Review (London), vol. 25, pp. 713-732.
197. Streitfragen der heutigen Sprachphilosophie. Deutsche[199.] Professor Whitney on Language. The (London) Academy, September, 1875.
[200.] Review of A. Schiefner's Bharatæ responsa Tibetice cum versione latina. Jenaer Literaturzeitung. June 11, 1875. [Festival-number, in celebration of Böhtlingk's sixtieth birthday and of the completion of the Sanskrit-Wörterbuch.]1876.
202. Ζεῦ = dyāùs, and other points relating to Sanskrit grammar, as presented in M. Müller's recent volume of "Chips." Ibidem, pp. cxxvi-cxxix.
203. On De Rougë's derivation of the Phenician alphabet from the Egyptian characters. PAOS. for November, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. cxxxi-cxxxii.
204. The study of English grammar. New England Journal of Education, March 18, April 15, May 13.
205. Müller's Rig-Veda and commentary. New Englander, vol. 35, pp. 772-791.
── Language. Article in Johnson's New Universal Cyclopædia, vol. 2, pp. 1633-1641. [This article seems to belong to 1876, but was entered also under 1886, and numbered there.]
[206.] Language and its study, with especial reference to the Indo-European family of languages. Seven lectures by W. D. W., . . .; edited, with introduction, notes, tables of declension and conjugation, Grimm's law with illustrations, and an index, by the Rev. R. Morris. London, 1876. [The first "seven lectures" of No. 74. See above, p. 76, note.]
[206a.] Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm: with an introduction and notes. [In the series, "Whitney's German Texts."] New York, 12°, ii + 138pp.[208.] The question of Indo-European and Semitic relationship. Proc. APA., pp. 26-28, in Trans. for 1876.
[208a.] Report of the Committee appointed in 1875 to consider the Reform of English Spelling [by its Chairman, W. D. W.: see Proc. APA., p. 23, in Trans. for 1875]. Proc. APA., pp. 35-36, in Trans. for 1876. (See p. 33, above.)
[209.] A botanico-philological problem. Ibidem, p. 43. (Cf. No. 216.)
[210.] A rejoinder [to Max Müller's In self-defence, Chips, vol. 4]. The (London) Academy, Jan. 1, 1876.
[211.] Reply to Müller's answer to No. 210. The (London) Examiner, March 4, 1876.
[212.] Reply to Müller's declaration in The (London) Academy of Feb. 12, 1876. The Nation, March 16, 1876.
[213.] Müller's Chips from a German workshop. The Nation, March 23, 1876, pp. 195 b-197 b.
[214.] The (London) Academy and Professor Whitney. The Nation, March 30, 1876.1877.
[215a.] A compendious German and English dictionary. With notation of correspondences and brief etymologies. By W. D. W., assisted by A. H. Edgren. New York, 8°, viii + 538 + iv + 362 pp.
[We quote from the Preface to the work: "In its preparation I have had the able and efficient assistance of Dr. Edgren, without which the undertaking would probably never have been executed."]
216. A botanico-philological problem. Trans. APA. for 1876, pp. 73-86.
217. On Cockneyisms. Proc. APA., pp. 26-28, in Trans. for 1877.
218. On the current explanation of the middle endings in the Indo-European verb. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. cxliii-cxlv.[220.] On the comparative frequency of occurrence of the alphabetic elements in Sanskrit. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. cl-clii.
[221.] On surd and sonant. Proc. APA., pp. 8-9, in Trans. for 1877. (Cf. No. 223.)
[222.] The principle of economy as a phonetic force. Ibidem, p. 14. (Cf. No. 224.)1878.
224. The principle of economy as a phonetic force. Ibidem, pp. 123-134.
225. On the derivative conjugations of the Sanskrit verb. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. clxviii-clxx.1879.
229. Logical consistency in views of language. AJP., vol. 1, pp. 327-343.
230. Müller's Sacred books of the East. The Independent, November 11.
231. Sayce on the science of language. The Nation, No. 774, April 29.233. On the transliteration of Sanskrit. Ibidem for October, vol. 11, pp. li-liv.
[234.] (Announcement of) Index-Verborum to the published text of the Atharva-Veda. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 11, p. xxvi.
[235.] Statistics of external vowel-combination in the Rig- and Atharva-Vedas, by W. D. Whitney and W. Haskell. Ibidem for October, pp. xxxvii-xxxix.
[236.] Logical consistency in views of language. Proc. APA., pp. 13-16, in Trans. for 1880. (Abstract of No. 229.)1881.
238. On the so-called science of religion. Princeton Review for May, 1881 (57th year), pp. 429-452.
239. On inconsistency in views of language. Trans. APA. for 1880, pp. 92-112.
240. What is articulation? AJP., vol. 2, pp. 345-350.
241. On Lepsius's Nubian grammar. Ibidem, pp. 362-372.
[242.] On Lepsius's views of African languages. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 11, pp. lxvii-lxix.
[243.] On the so-called henotheism of the Veda. Ibidem for October, pp. lxxix-lxxxii.
[244.] On mixture in language. Proc. APA., pp. 13-14, in Trans. for 1881. (Cf. No. 255.)
[245.] What is articulation? Ibidem, pp. 21-22. (Cf. No. 240.)
[246-251.] Reviews—in The Nation—of: E. H. Palmer's The Qur'an, translated; L. E. Poor's Sanskrit and its kindred literatures; T. Benfey's Vedica und Verwandtes and Vedica und Linguistica; F. Max Müller's Chips from a German workshop, vol. 5; E. B. Tylor's Anthropology; J. F. McCurdy's Aryo-Semitic speech.[253.] A. J. Ellis's "Dimidian" reform of English spelling. The (New York) Independent, January 27.
[254.] A. M. Bell's Sounds and their relations. The Critic, December 17.1882.
256. General considerations on the Indo-European case-system. Ibidem for 1882, pp. 88-100.
257. Eggeling's translation of the Çatapatha-Brāhmaṇa. AJP., vol. 8, pp. 391-410. (Cf. Nos. 263, 317, and 340.)
258. The cosmogonic hymn, Rig-Veda x. 129. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 11, pp. cix-cxi.
259. Further words as to surds and sonants, and the law of economy as a phonetic force. Proc. APA., pp. xii-xviii, in Trans. for 1882.
260. Le prétendu Hénothéisme du Véda. Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (Paris), vol. 6, pp. 129-143.
[261.] Abstract of No. 256. Proc. APA., pp. xlii-xliv, in Trans. for 1882.
[262.] Specimen of a list of verbs, intended as a supplement to his Sanskrit Grammar. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 11, pp. cxvii-cxix. (Cf. No. 286.)
[263.] Eggeling's translation of the Çatapatha-Brāhmaṇa. Ibidem for October, pp. cxxxiv-cxxxvi. (Cf. No. 257.)
[264.] Obituary of John Muir. The Nation, March 23.
[265.] Review of F. Max Müller's Buddhist texts from Japan. The Nation, April 16.
[266.] Obituary of A. C. Burnell. The Critic, November 18.1883
268. Isaac Taylor's The alphabet. Science, September 28.
269. The various readings of the Sāma-Veda. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 11, pp. clxxxiv-clxxxv.
[270.] Remarks upon M. Bloomfield's paper On certain[272.] On slighted vowels in English unaccented syllables. Ibidem, p. xxv.
[273.] The sovereign reason for spelling reform. The (New York) Evening Post, May 19.
[274.] Review of C. Abel's Slavic and Latin. The Critic, July 14.
[275.] Notice of volumes 17, 19, and 23 of the Sacred Books of the East. The Critic, July 28.1884.
277. The study of Hindu grammar and the study of Sanskrit. AJP., vol. 5, pp. 279-297. (Cf. Nos. 281 and 336 and 337.)
278. On E. Kuhn's Origin and language of the Transgangetic peoples. Ibidem, pp. 88-93.
279. On the classification of certain aorist-forms in Sanskrit. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 11, pp. ccxviii-ccxx.
280. On the etymology of the Sanskrit noun vrata. Ibidem, pp. ccxxix-ccxxxi.
[281.] The study of Sanskrit and the study of the Hindu grammarians. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 11, pp. cxcvii-cc. (Cf. No. 277.)
[282.] On primary and secondary suffixes of derivation and their exchanges. Proc. APA., pp. xviii-xix, in Trans. for 1884. (Cf. No. 285.)
[283.] Observations on vowel-utterance, by A. Schnyder; reported by W. D. Whitney. Ibidem, pp. xxxviii-xl.
[284.] Review of C. R. Lanman's A Sanskrit reader. The Independent, April 3.1885.
287. The siṣ- and sa-aorists (sixth and seventh aorist forms) in Sanskrit. AJP., vol. 6, pp. 275-284. (Cf. No. 299.)
288. Numerical results from indexes of Sanskrit tense- and conjugation-stems. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 13, pp. xxxii-xxxv.
289. On Professor Ludwig's views respecting total eclipses of the sun as noticed in the Rig-Veda. Ibidem for October, vol. 13, pp. lxi-lxvi.
290. Philology, pt. I.—Science of Language in general. Article in the Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th ed., vol. 18, pp. 765-780. (Cf. Nos. 48-56.)
[291.] Remarks upon H. C. Warren's paper On superstitious customs connected with sneezing. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 13, p. xx.
[292.] Remarks upon the origin of the Laws of Manu. Ibidem, pp. xxx-xxxii.
[293.] Remarks upon A. H. Edgren's paper On the verbs of the so-called tan-class in Sanskrit. Ibidem, p. xl.
[294.] Statement respecting a recent edition of the Atharva-Veda, published in India (Bombay, 1884). Ibidem for October, p. xlviii.
[295.] On the latest translation of the Upanishads. Ibidem, pp. lxvii-lxxiii. (Cf. No. 306.)
[296.] Ptemarks on T. D. Goodell's paper on Quantity in English verse. Proc. APA., pp. vii-viii, in Trans. for 1885.
[297.] Remarks on F. A. March's paper on The Neo-Grammarians. Ibidem, p. xxi.
[298.] The roots of the Sanskrit language. Ibidem, pp. xxvii-xxix. (Cf. No. 305.)
[299.] The siṣ- and sa-aorists, or the sixth and seventh forms of aorist in Sanskrit. Ibidem, pp. xxxvii-xxxviii. (Cf. No. 287.)[301.] Edited: Forty years' record of the Class of 1845, Williams College. New Haven. 8°, pp. xvii + 196. [Pp. iii-xvii, containing Introduction, general history, and statistics of the class, etc., are from Mr. Whitney's pen.]
[302.] A brief autobiographical sketch published as a part (pp. 175-182) of the foregoing number. [This sketch—although brief—is of importance, inasmuch as the information concerning matters of fact which it contains is absolutely authentic and trustworthy.]1886.
304. A practical French grammar, with exercises and illustrative sentences from French authors. New York, 12°, xiii + 442 pp.
305. The roots of the Sanskrit language. Trans. APA. for 1885, pp. 5-29. (Cf. No. 298.)
306. The Upanishads and their latest translation. AJP., vol 7, pp. 1-26. (Cf. Nos. 295; 303 and 315 and 322; 320 and 321.)
307. Language. Article in Johnson's New Universal Cyclopædia, vol. 2, pp. 1633-1641. [See the entry immediately after No. 205.] (Cf. Nos. 48-56.)
308-310. Alphabet. Vol. 1, pp. 348-351.—Africa, Languages of. Ibidem, p. 171.—Aryan Race and Language. Ibidem, pp. 799-802. Articles in Appleton's New American Cyclopedia, 2d ed. [These appear to belong rather to the year 1873.] (Cf. Nos. 48-56.)
[311.] Review of T. P. Hughes's A dictionary of Islam. The Critic, May 22.1887.
313. The Veda. The Century Magazine, vol. 33, pp. 912-922.
314. Notes on part IV. of Schröder's edition of the Māitrāyaṇī-Saṁhitā. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 13, pp. ccxxvi-ccxxviii.
[315.] (Announcement of) A translation of the Kaṭha Upanishad. Proc. APA., pp. xi-xii, in Trans. for 1886. (Cf. Nos. 322 and 306.)
[316.] On roots. Ibidem, pp. xx-xxi.1888.
[The preface to the first volume is dated May 1st, 1889. The supplementary note to preface is dated October 1st, 1891. The actual work began, of course, long before the prior date. The "superintendence" of the Lexicon naturally involved very far-reaching thought and planning (pp. 22, 31, above); but, in addition to this, the proofs of every one of the 21,138 columns were read by Mr. Whitney himself. See The Century Magazine, vol. 39, p. 315.]
[Mr. Whitney's list closes here.]
[329.] Announcement as to a second volume of the Roth-Whitney edition of the Atharva-Veda. Ibidem, pp. clxxi-clxxiii.
[330.] On the narrative use of imperfect and perfect in the Brāhmaṇas. Trans. APA. for 1892, pp. 5-34. (Cf. No. 324.)1893.
[333.] The native commentary to the Atharva-Veda, Festgruss an Roth (Stuttgart, Kohlhammer), pp. 89-96.
[334.] The Veda in Pāṇini. Giornale della Società Asiatica Italiana, vol. 7, pp. 243-254.
[335.] Simplified spelling. A symposium on the question "Is simplified spelling feasible as proposed by the English and American Philological Societies?" XI. The American Anthropologist, April.
[336.] On recent studies in Hindu grammar. AJP., vol. 14, pp. 171-197. (Cf. Nos. 337 and 277.)
[337.] On recent studies in Hindu grammar. PAOS. for April, = JAOS., vol. 16, pp. xii-xix. (Abstract of No. 336.)1894.
[339.] On a recent attempt, by Jacobi and Tilak, to determine on astronomical evidence the date of the earliest Vedic period as 4000 b. c. PAOS. for March, = JAOS., vol. 16, pp. lxxxii-xciv.
[340.] On the third volume of Eggeling's translation of the Çatapatha-Brāhmaṇa, with remarks on "soma = the moon." Ibidem, pp. xcv-ci. (Cf. Nos. 257, 263, and 317.)[Professor Whitney left a manuscript of some 2459 pages containing a translation of the Atharva-Veda, books i.-xix.. complete, but not completely revised. This translation has from beginning to end a running text-critical commentary of great importance and value, and also exegetical and other notes. It was the intention of Professor Whitney that the work should be brought out in the Harvard Oriental Series, published by Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; and that intention the Editor of the Series, Professor Lanman, is now endeavoring to carry out. The work will, it is presumed, constitute volumes 4 and 5 of the Series.
No account, at once so systematic and extensive and complete, of the critical status of any Vedic text, has ever been undertaken before; and the material is here presented in just such lucid and orderly and well-digested form as the previous works of its lamented author would lead us to expect.]
edit- ↑ Such additions might include, for example, notices of the "preliminary matter" in the Proceedings of the Oriental Society, which, for years, was written by him; of his editorial work upon those and similar publications; and of the printed reports made by him as Librarian of the Oriental Society.