The Whitney Memorial Meeting
edited by Charles Rockwell Lanman
Appendix IV.: List of some Biographical, Necrological, and other Publications concerning Professor Whitney

Boston: Ginn and Company, pages 151–153

1193783The Whitney Memorial Meeting — Appendix IV.: List of some Biographical, Necrological, and other Publications concerning Professor WhitneyCharles Rockwell Lanman



1. By Gustav Kruell, of East Orange, New Jersey. A portrait of Professor Whitney, engraved upon wood, for C. R. Lanman, after a large panel photograph by L. Alman & Co., of 172 Fifth Avenue, New York. The block is 5¾ by 4¼ inches.
[One hundred and fifteen Japanese paper proofs were printed and signed by the artist. Of these, a part were sold and a part privately distributed. Copies were sent to the Libraries of the American Oriental Society (New Haven), the Royal Asiatic Society (London), the Bombay Branch thereof, the India Office (London), the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta), the Société Asiatique (Paris), and the German Oriental Society (Halle).]

2. By W. D. Whitney. Brief autobiographical sketch. [Important. See Nos. 301 and 302, above.]

3. By W. D. Whitney. Bibliography of W. D. W. (See No. 332.)

4a. [By Professor Charles R. Lanman, of Harvard University.] William Dwight Whitney. The Nation (New York), for June 14, 1894. (Reprinted in 8° form for private circulation.)

4b. By V[ictor] H[enry]. Translation of No. 4a into French, Revue de linguistique et de philologie comparée (Paris), vol. 27, pp. 350-357, Oct. 15, 1894. (See p. 87, above.)
4c. By Pandit Lala Chandra Vidya Bhaskara, of Jodhpur, Marvar, Rajputana, India. Viliyam-Ḍvāiṭ-Viṭani-viduṣo jīvana-carita-kāvyam.
[This is a Sanskrit poem narrating the life and achievements of Mr. Whitney, and made from Mr. Lanman's notice numbered 4a. It is in beautiful manuscript, and makes about 33 pages in folio. A copy was sent for the Library of the American Oriental Society, another for Mrs. Whitney, and another for C. R. Lanman.]

5. By C. R. Lanman. William Dwight Whitney. A slightly modified form of the Memorial Address in this volume (above, pp. 7-28), in the Atlantic Monthly (Boston) for March, 1895, pp. 398-406. (Reprinted for private circulation.)

6. By Professor Thomas Day Seymour of Yale University. William Dwight Whitney. American Journal of Philology (Baltimore), vol. 15 (1894), pp. 271-298. (Reprinted for private circulation.)
[This sketch is of especial value by reason of its accuracy and its fulness in matters of fact.]

7. By President Timothy Dwight, of Yale University. Report of the President of Yale University for the year ending Dec. 31, 1894, pp. 3-8.

8. ── ──. Professors William Dwight Whitney and James Dwight Dana. Commemorative address before the graduates of Yale University, June 23, 1895, by President Dwight. New Haven, 1895. 8°, pp. 24.

9. By Professor Thomas R. Lounsbury, of Yale University. William Dwight Whitney. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston), vol. 30, pp. 579-589.

10. By Auguste Barth, Membre de l'Institut. Notice sur W. Whitney. Journal Asiatique, series 9, vol. 4, pp. 177-183.

11. By Professor Francesco d'Ovidio, University of Naples. Commemorazione di G. Whitney. Rendiconti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, cl. di scienze morali ecc., series 5, vol. 4 (1895), pp. 128-134.
12. By G. A. G[rierson], Bengal Civil Service. Prof. W. Dwight Whitney. Indian Antiquary (Bombay), vol. 23 (1894), pp. 263-264.

13. By Professor A. V. Williams Jackson, of Columbia College. William Dwight Whitney and his influence on American philological scholarship. Indogermanische Forschungen, vol. 5, Anzeiger, pp. 275-277.

14. By Professor A. A. Macdonell, University of Oxford. Notice in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1894, pp. 610-615.

15. By Dr. Hanns Oertel, of Yale University. A sketch (in the German language) of Whitney's life, followed by an ample bibliography (see above, p. 121) of his writings. Bezzenberger's Beiträge zur Kunde der Indogermanischen Sprachen, vol. 20, pp. 308-331.

16. By Professor Domenico Pezzi, University of Turin. Commemorazione di Guglielmo Dwight Whitney. Atti delta Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, vol. 30, June 30, 1895.

17. By Dr. Reinhold Rost, sometime Librarian of the India Office, London. Professor W. D. Whitney. The Athenæum (London), June 23, 1894, p. 805.

18. By [Professor] A. H. S[ayce], University of Oxford. Professor Whitney. The Academy (London), June 16, 1894, pp. 499-500.

19. By Professor Albrecht Weber, University of Berlin. Gedenkworte für W. D. Whitney. Actes du X° congrès international des orientalistes, tenu en 1894 à Genève. Section I. (Inde.) Leiden, 1895.

20. By ──. Beilage zur allgemeinen Zeitung (Munich), June, 1894, No. 132, p. 7.