The Whole Prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France & Denmark/Chapter 25

3802716The Whole Prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France & Denmark — A short Prediction, or observation of Mr. Lillie's found after his decease, with somewhat relating to LondonThomas of Erceldoune

A ſhort Prediction, or obſervation of Mr. Lillie's found after his deceaſe, with ſomewhat relating to London.

THE condunation, ſays he, of ſo many planets in the ſign Leo, in the year 1682, gives very rational grounds, to predict the appearance of another Comet, very ſtrange apperitions in the air, or ſome prodigious meteors either preceding that conjunction, or ſubſeqnent within a short time after; and we alſo are fearful, that ſome more than ordinary fire or fires may afflict or do conſiderable damage to many cities of Europe: God keep this judgement from the city of London, and bleſs her inhabitants with much health and proſperity, and deliver her from another plague or peſtilential diſtemper, &c.