The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero)/Poetry/Volume 7
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Poetical Works
First Edition . . February, 1904.
Second Edition . . October, 1905.

Ada Byron
(Countess of Lovelace)
The Works
Poetry. Vol. VII.


PAGE | ||
Preface to Vol. VII. of the Poems | v | |
Jeux d'Esprit and Minor Poems, 1798–1824. | ||
Epigram on an Old Lady who had some Curious Notions respecting the Soul. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 28 | 1 | |
Epitaph on John Adams, of Southwell. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 106 | 1 | |
A Version of Ossian's Address to the Sun. First published, Atlantic Monthly, December, 1898 | 2 | |
Lines to Mr. Hodgson. Written on board the Lisbon Packet. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 230-232 | 4 | |
[To Dives. A Fragment.] First published, Lord Byron's Works, 1833, xvii. 241 | 7 | |
Farewell Petition to J. C. H., Esqre. First published, Murray's Magazine, 1887, vol. i. pp. 290, 291 | 7 | |
Translation of the Nurse's Dole in the Medea of Euripides. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 227 | 10 | |
My Epitaph. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 240 | 10 | |
Substitute for an Epitaph. First published, Lord Byron's Works, 1832, ix. 4 | 11 | |
Epitaph for Joseph Blacket, late Poet and Shoemaker. First published, Lord Byron's Works, 1832, ix. 10 | 11 | |
On Moore's Last Operatic Farce, or Farcical Opera. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 295 (note) | 12 | |
[R. C. Dallas.] First published, Life, Writings, Opinions, etc., 1825, ii. 192 | 12 | |
An Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill. First published, Morning Chronicle, March 2, 1812 | 13 | |
To the Honble. Mrs. George Lamb. First published, The Two Duchesses, by Vere Foster, 1898, p. 374 | 15 | |
[La Revanche.] MS. M. | 15 | |
To Thomas Moore. Written the Evening before his Visit to Mr. Leigh Hunt in Horsemonger Lane Gaol, May 19, 1813. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 401 | 16 | |
On Lord Thurlow's Poems. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 396 | 17 | |
To Lord Thurlow. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 397 | 19 | |
The Devil's Drive. First published (stanzas 1–5, 8, 10–12, 17, 18), Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 471–474; and (stanzas 6, 7, 9, 13–16, 19–27) from a MS. in the possession of the Earl of Ilchester | 21 | |
Windsor Poetics. First published, Poetical Works, Paris, 1819, vi. 125 | 35 | |
[Another Version.] On a Royal Visit to the Vaults. From an autograph MS. in the possession of the Hon. Mrs. Norbury, now for the first time printed | 36 | |
Ich Dien. From an autograph MS. in the possession of Mr. A. H. Hallam Murray, now for the first time printed | 36 | |
Condolatory Address, To Sarah Countess of Jersey. First published, The Champion, July 31, 1814 | 37 | |
Fragment of an Epistle to Thomas Moore. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 561, 562 (note) | 39 | |
Answer to ——'s Professions of Affection. MS. | 40 | |
On Napoleon's Escape from Elba. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 611 | 41 | |
Endorsement to the Deed of Separation, in the April of 1816. First published, Poetical Works, 1831, vi. 454 | 41 | |
[To George Anson Byron (?).] First published, Nicnac, March 25, 1823 | 41 | |
Song for the Luddites. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 58 | 42 | |
To Thomas Moore ("What are you doing now?"). First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 58, 59 | 43 | |
To Mr. Murray ("To hook the Reader," etc.). First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 91 | 44 | |
Versicles. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 87 | 45 | |
Quem Deus vult perdere prius dementat. First published, Letters, 1900, iv. 93 | 45 | |
To Thomas Moore ("My boat is on the shore"). First published, The Traveller, January 8, 1821 | 46 | |
Epistle from Mr. Murray to Dr. Polidori. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 139–141 | 47 | |
Epistle to Mr. Murray. First published (stanzas 1, 2, 4, 7–9), Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 156, 157; and (stanzas 3, 5, 6, 10, 11) Letters, 1900, iv. 191–193 | 51 | |
On the Birth of John William Rizzo Hoppner. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 134 | 54 | |
[E Nihilo Nihil; or, An Epigram Bewitched.] MS. M. | 55 | |
To Mr. Murray. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 171 | 56 | |
Ballad. To the Tune of "Sally in our Alley." MS. M. | 58 | |
Another Simple Ballat. MS. M. | 61 | |
Epigram. From the French of Rulhiéres. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 235 | 62 | |
Epilogue. First published, Paradies, etc., collected ... by Walter Hamilton, 1888, p. 105 | 63 | |
On my Wedding-Day. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 294 | 64 | |
Epitaph for William Pitt. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 295 | 64 | |
Epigram ("In digging up your bones, Tom Paine"). First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 295 | 65 | |
Epitaph ("Posterity will ne'er survey"). First published, Lord Byron's Works, 1833, xvii. 246 | 65 | |
Epigram ("The world is a bundle of hay"). First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 494 | 65 | |
My Boy Hobbie O. First published, Murray's Magazine, March, 1887, vol. i. pp. 292, 293 | 66 | |
Lines, Addressed by Lord Byron to Mr. Hobhouse on his Election for Westminster. First published, Miscellaneous Poems, 1824 | 69 | |
A Volume of Nonsense. First published, Letters, 1900, v. 83 | 70 | |
Stanzas. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 377 | 70 | |
To Penelope. First published, Medwin's Conversations, 1824, p. 106 | 71 | |
The Charity Ball. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 540 | 71 | |
Epigram, On the Braziers' Address, etc. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 442 | 72 | |
On my Thirty-third Birthday. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 414 | 73 | |
Martial, Lib. I. Epig. I. First published, Lord Byron's Works, 1833, xvii. 245 | 74 | |
Bowles and Campbell. First published, The Liberal, 1823, No. II. p. 398 | 74 | |
Elegy. First published, Medwin's Conversations, 1824, p. 121 | 75 | |
John Keats. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 506 | 76 | |
From the French ("Ægle, beauty and poet," etc.). First published, The Liberal, 1823, No. II. p. 396 | 76 | |
To Mr. Murray ("For Orford," etc.). First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 517 | 76 | |
[Napoleon's Snuff-box.] First published, Conversations of Lord Byron, 1824, p. 235 | 77 | |
The New Vicar of Bray. First published, Works (Galignani), 1831, p. 116 | 78 | |
Lucietta. A Fragment. MS. M. | 81 | |
Epigrams. First published, The Liberal, No. I. October 18, 1822, p. 164 | 81 | |
The Conquest. First published, Lord Byron's Works, 1833, xvii. 246 | 82 | |
Impromptu ("Beneath Blessington's eyes"). First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 635 | 82 | |
Journal in Cephalonia. First published, Letters, 1901, vi. 238 | 83 | |
Song to the Suliotes. MS. M. | 83 | |
[Love and Death.] First published, Murray's Magazine, February, 1887, vol. i. pp. 145, 146 | 84 | |
Last Words on Greece. First published, Murray's Magazine, February, 1887, vol. i. p. 146 | 85 | |
On this Day I complete my Thirty-sixth Year. First published, Morning Chronicle, October 29, 1824 | 86 | |
A Bibliography of the Successive Editions and Translations of Lord Byron's Poetical Works | 89 | |
Notes— | ||
Note (1).—On Genuine and Spurious Issues of English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers | 305 | |
Note (2).—Correspondence between the First Edition as numbered and the Present Issue as numbered | 307 | |
Note (3).—The Annotated Copies of the Fourth Edition of 1811 | 310 | |
Appendix to Bibliography | 314 | |
Contents of Bibliography | 317 | |
Summary of Bibliography | 319 | |
Index | 349 | |
Index to First Lines | 449 |


1. | The Countess of Lovelace, from the Portrait by Mrs. Carpenter | Frontispiece |
2. | Mrs. Pigott's House, Southwell | To face p. xx |
3. | Mrs. Birdmere's House, Southwell | „ „ 2 |
4. | Sir George Sinclair, Bart., after the Portrait by Sir Henry Raeburn | „ „ 16 |
5. | Annesley Hall | „ „ 38 |
6. | Diadem Hill (Annesley Park), where Lord Byron parted from Mary Chaworth | „ „ 304 |
7. | The Brig o' Balgownie | „ „ 318 |
8. | The Prison called Tasso's Cell, in the Hospital of Sant' Anna, at Ferrara | „ „ 348 |
9. | The Armenian Convent at Venice, from a Photograph by Mr. Rupert Oswald Smith | „ „ 448 |