The Writings of Carl Schurz/From B. Gratz Brown, November 26th, 1870


St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1870.

My dear General: Mr. Preetorius showed me a letter to-day in which, after expressing some dissatisfaction with my “Serenade Speech,” you intimated a desire that I would make another, addressed more especially to our Republican friends, in order to strengthen your position at Washington. This I will do most cheerfully, or anything else in my power to place you in your proper strength and attitude before the Senate. You, of course, can realize the reasons that drew forth those remarks, can understand and appreciate their full significance; but I should be very sorry to have you think that I would desire in any manner to embarrass you in the premises. So far from that, I, more perhaps than any one else, realize that in this great victory in Missouri you were the true hero, and that for our success we were more indebted to your prudence, sagacity and indomitable canvass than to all other causes combined. You led the way with skill and rare tact. And now if I can do anything to help you in the mortal duel you have in the Senate, I shall be only too glad to fulfil your wish.

Our victory was that of the right, of true Republican principles [and] of nothing else, and if we in achieving it elevated the Democracy to our own platform and standpoint of equal freedom, it was so much the greater victory, and I felt disposed to compliment them [sic] on their elevation. I do not know what '72 may have in store for us, but assuredly I have no intention of abandoning any of the principles of my lifetime for '72 or any other glittering prize. Rest assured, my dear friend, that I value your coöperation and fellowship too much and appreciate your commanding talent too highly to permit anything to intervene between us that may look like an interruption of that harmony, even to yourself. I, at least, shall be frank and square with you and put you to no disclaimers on my account. Our fight was an open one: we know its issues; and have no reason to hide the light under a bushel. It was for State reform, revenue reform and civil service reform, and we had the right to make those issues as Republicans. If anybody denies it, let them try it on with you in the Senate of the United States and you will touch a responsive chord in the heart of the American people that will wake the sleepers from their apathy. Trusting you may defeat this iniquity which has been visited upon Missouri by the Executive, I remain, Yours truly.