The Writings of Carl Schurz/To Edward M. Shepard, October 6th, 1894


Pocantico Hills, Oct. 6, 1894.

Many thanks for your letter received this morning. I am rejoiced to hear that you are determined to go ahead and that this rare opportunity will not be lost. You can now show the Democrats what their party ought to be in point of candidates as well as of principles. Would you not think it wise to put forth, together with your ticket, a platform embracing mainly these five points: honest government and pure elections, a sound currency, tariff reform, civil service reform and divorce of municipal affairs from party politics? A short and simple document of this kind, expressed in ringing language, might prove a great rallying cry for the party of the future.

I have received an interesting letter from Mr. Henry A. Richmond of Buffalo, informing me that there is a “very strong feeling against Hill and in favor of a third ticket in that city.” “The Democratic business men,” he says, “are all right; I do not find one in favor of Hill.” I judge from his letter that he has written also to you.