The Writings of Carl Schurz/To Jacob H. Schiff, October 25th, 1898


Oct. 25 [1898].

I received your letter this morning and at the same time read it in the newspapers. Permit me to overlook the acerbity of some of your expressions, which I regret, and to say that the risk of incurring the displeasure of old friends which was clearly before my eyes when I took my position in this campaign, and which at my time of life I greatly dislike, may be proof to you of the sincerity of the conviction of duty which impelled me to do what I have done. Before the campaign closes I expect to have an opportunity for answering the objections made to my course and you may be assured that I shall do it without the slightest personal irritation. Perhaps at some future time you will see that in my present position I was right after all. In my public life I have not seldom seemed to stand alone, and deserted, but never long.