The Writings of Carl Schurz/To Thomas F. Bayard, February 3d, 1889


New York, Feb. 3, 1889.

I thank you very much for your very kind letter of the first instant, and am glad that my conversation with Count Arco has your approval. I rejoice with you at the favorable turn things have taken, and I am sure that when the whole history of the business becomes known, you will receive full justice at the hands of public opinion. If you could conduct this business to the end, the country might feel perfectly safe.

It would seem to me that, if the conference proposed by Prince Bismarck is to meet at Berlin, and is thus to be a new conference, the objection to the publication of the protocol, that it concerned a negotiation still pending, would lose much of its weight. I agree with you that the publication is very desirable, and I told Count Arco so.

To-day I wrote a letter to the Count in some respects supplementing my conversation with him. I should have sent you a translation of it had I had time to make it. But if you desire, I shall still do so.