The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Tertius/Fable 1

The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Tertius (1889)
by Aesop, translated by William Caxton, edited by Joseph Jacobs
Fable 1: The Lyon & the Pastour or Herdman

Translated from French by William Caxton and first published in 1484. Perry Index 563.

Aesop3788991The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Tertius — Fable 1: The Lyon & the Pastour or Herdman1889William Caxton

¶ Here begyneth the thyrdde booke of the subtyle fables of Esope / wherof the fyrste maketh mencion / of the lyon / & of the pastour or herdman

THe myghty and puyssant oughte not to be slowfull of the benefetes done to them by the lytyl and smalle  And oughte not also to forgete them / but that they may be rewarded of them /   ¶ And this fable approueth esope & showeth vnto vs / of a lyon whiche ranne after a beest / and as he ranne / a thorne entred into his foote / whiche hurted and greued hym gretely / wherfore he mught no ferther goo / but as wel as he cowde he came to a shepeherd whiche kepte his sheep and beganne to flatere with his taylle shewynge to hym hys foote / whiche was sore hurted and wounded / The shepherd was in grete drede and casted before the lyon one of his sheep / But the lyon demaunded no mete of hym / For more he desyred to be medycyned and made hole of his foote /   ¶ And after whenne the shepherde sawe the wounde / he with a nydle subtylly drewe oute of his foote the thorne / and had oute of the wound alle the roten fleslhe / and enoynted hit with swete oynements /  ¶ And anone the lyon was hole / And for to haue rendryd graces and thankys to the shepherd or pastour the lyon kyssed his handes / And after he retorned ageyn in to the hyest of the woode / And within a lytel whyle after it happed that this lyon was taken and conueyed to the Cyte of Rome and was put amonge the other beestes for to deuoure the mysdoers / Now it befelle that the sayd shepherd commysed a crymynous dede / wherfore he was condempned to be deuoured by these bestes / And ryght so as he was call among them the lyon knewe hym / and beganne to behold on hym / and made to hym chere and lykked hym with his tongue / And preserued and kepte hym from alle the other bestes / Thenne knewe the shepherd that it was the lyon whiche he maade hole / And that he wold thenne haue recompensed hym of the good whiche he had done to hym / wherof alle the Romayns were all wonderly abasshed / And wold knowe the cause of hit  And the sheepherd sayd to them as aboue is sayd /  ¶ And whanne they knewe the cause / they gaf leue to the sheepherd / to goo home and sente ageyne the lyon in to the forest / And therfore this is notary and trewe that al maner of folke ought to rendre and gyue thankynges grace and mercye to theyr good doers / For slowfulnes is a synne / whiche is moche displaysaunt to god