The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Glossary

An annotated version of this text is available.



  • abhomynable, 112
  • adommage, hurt, 237
  • aguyse, adorn, 3
  • almesse, alms, 60
  • ambassade, embassy, 87
  • amerous, lover, 280
  • Annuel (generally Annueler, cf. Chaucer, Cant. Tales, 12,940), priest who says masses on the anniversary of death, 315
  • aspyed, spied, 61
  • assoylled, absolved, 306
  • aswowned, in a swoon, 159
  • aualed, took off, 316
  • aubyer, bramble, 234

  • backe, bat, 70
  • balkes, ridges in fields, 202, 203
  • berd, beard, 116
  • bienfayttes, benefits, 254
  • boot, bote, bit, 14, 168
  • bouked, boiled, 303
  • brente, burnt, 254
  • breste, burst, 61
  • burgeys, citizen, 266

  • can, know, 179, 221, 280?
  • carryk, galley, 312
  • Caym, Cain, 73
  • caytyf, cunning, 21
  • chepe, sell, 252
  • commysed, committed, 63
  • condempned, condemned, 63, 254, 262
  • cope, canopy, 173
  • corryged, chastened, 25, 89
  • counterfayt, deceive, 272, 273
  • cratchyng, scratching, 310
  • crymynous, criminal, 63
  • curtois, courteous, 98
  • curteys, cunning (?), 315
  • Cyrurgeons, surgeons, 99, 157

  • dagged, jagged, 152
  • dees, dice, 241

  • departed, divided, 310
  • dommage, danger, 85
  • dommageable, dangerous, 77
  • doubtous, doubtful, 67, 120, 181, 188

  • empeched, prevented, 246, 247
  • ensample, example, 85
  • ensyewe, pursue, 30
  • entremete, meddle with, 24, 25, 129
  • entre, entrance, 253
  • erys, ears, 186, 220
  • esprysed, taken, 281, 283
  • euerychone, every one, 230
  • excusations, excuses, 198

  • facyle, easy, 97
  • fallace, fraud, 267
  • fayt, deed, 251
  • flough, flew, 132
  • flyes, fleece, 191
  • force, give no, care not, 176
  • formyce, ant, 55
  • fyerste, fierceness, 68

  • gallaunt, glutton (?), 266
  • glose, comment, 78
  • goglyed, goggle-eyed, 273
  • grete father, grandfather, 128
  • grynnes, traps, 29
  • guaryson, cure, 232
  • gwerdone, reward, 40

  • Ha a, ha! ah! pass.
  • habondaunce, abundance, 19
  • heed, by, by [God's] head, 184
  • herberowed, harboured, 29

  • Incontynent, immediately, 67, 75, 106, 116, 258
  • induceth, introduces, 3
  • iumelle, twin, 302

  • Janneye, Genoese, 312
  • Jene, Genoa, 312

  • kynde, nature, 98, 105, 125, 218, 224, 272

  • labourage, labour, 205
  • large, generous, 166
  • lawhe, laugh, 38
  • leneth, supports, 15
  • lese, lose, 236, 238
  • lesyng, lying, 187, 188, 205
  • lette, prevent, 122, 124, 125, 134, 141, 143, 199, 228, 308

  • longynge, belonging, 316
  • luste, desire, 40
  • lygnage, lineage, 207
  • lyuebode, inheritance, 172, 300

  • maculed, guilty, 261
  • marzhaunt, merchant, 275
  • meane, middle, 213
  • meke, to humble, 247
  • medycyn, a doctor, 66, 99
  • meue, move, 175
  • megny, men, company, 84, 90, 204
  • molle, mole, 38
  • moo, move, 184
  • mowe, may, 240, 267
  • mulet, mule, 128
  • mylan, kite, 8
  • myschaunt, mischievous, 55, 129
  • myster, miss (?), 94

  • natall, birthday feast, 116
  • notary, known, 64

  • orysons, prayers, 187, 188
  • oultrecuydaunce, overweening presumption, 52

  • pactions, agreements, 47
  • partage, partnership, 11
  • parysshēs, parishioners, 316
  • payllard, coward, 25, 54, 57, 68
  • pleted, pleaded, 261
  • poure, a poor man, 261
  • procuratour, proctor, 260
  • propyce, propitious, 208
  • provysed, provided, 8
  • prytemps, spring, 110
  • pulle, fruit of beech, 173
  • purveye, provide, 143
  • pyelarge, magpie, 204

  • Rabe, rabbi, 294, 251
  • releef, leavings, 149
  • reluced, shone, 277
  • remercye, thanks, 287
  • resplendysshynge, bright, 21
  • retcheth, recks, 6, 82
  • ruffule, swagger, 241

  • salewed, saluted, 117
  • semblable, like, 112, 208
  • sewrte, surety, 89
  • separed, separated, 233
  • slowful, ungrateful, 206, 299
  • slowfulness, ingratitude, 64, 206
  • slyked, cloven, 203
  • sonde, sound, bay, 303
  • sowne, sound, 33
  • slange, pool, 161
  • spaehawk, deerhawk (?), 8
  • sperehawk, sparrowhawk, 72
  • subget, subject, 30, 91, 244
  • subvertysed, subverted, 74
  • sygalle, grasshopper, 123

  • terryer, lair, 152, 154
  • theefly, like a thief, 81
  • thradde, trod, 61
  • thrested, thrusted, 61, 217
  • tryst, sad, 223
  • tumbours, drums, 95

  • vergoyne, shame, 52, 142, 189, 211
  • vergoynous, ashamed, 296
  • vnethe, scarely, 151, 183, 250
  • vncōnyng, silly, 13
  • vnyed, united, 109
  • vpperest, uppermost, 67
  • vpso down, upside down, 68, 157, 163
  • vtyle, useful, 15, 76
  • vytupered, blamed, 76

  • wodened, madness, 222
  • wood, mad, 120, 242, 154
  • wodewose, monster, 242, 243
  • wreton, written, 272

  • yate, gate, 117, 216, 253, 272, 279, 295
  • ye, yea, pass.
  • yeftes, gifts, 35, 36, 251
  • yeue, give, 152
  • yongthe, youth, 41

Ballantyne Press: Edinburgh and London.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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