The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Tertius/Fable 16

The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Tertius (1889)
by Aesop, translated by William Caxton, edited by Joseph Jacobs
Fable 16: The Handes, the Feet and the mans Bely
Aesop3795510The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Tertius — Fable 16: The Handes, the Feet and the mans Bely1889William Caxton

¶ The xvj fable maketh mencion of the handes / of the feet / and of the mans bely

HOw shalle one do ony good to another / the whiche can doo no good to his owne self / as thow mayst see by this fable / Of the feet and of the handes / whiche somtyme had grete[errata 1] stryf with the bely / sayenge / Al that we can or may wynne with grete labour thow etest it all / and yet thou doost no good / wherfore thou shalt no more haue nothynge of vs / and we shalle lete the deye for honger / And thenne when the bely was empty and sore hongry / she beganne to crye and sayd Alas I deye for honger / gyue me somwhat to ete / and the feet and handes sayd / thou getest no thynge of vs / and by cause that the bely myght haue no mete / the conduyts thorugh whiche the metes passeth became smal and narowe / And within fewe dayes after the feete and handes for the feblenes whiche they felte wold thenne haue guuen mete to the bely / but it was to late / for the conduits were ioyned to gyder  And therfore the lymmes myght doo no good to other / that is to wete the bely / And he that gouerneth not wel his bely withe grete payne he may hold the other lymmes in theyr srengthe and vertue / wherfore a seruaunt ought to serue wel his mayster / to thende that his mayster hold and kepe hym honestly / and to receyue and haue good reward of hym / when his mayster shalle see his feythfulnesse


  1. Original: grede was amended to grete: detail